Chapter 134

Shu Yao was startled when she heard that, as if she didn't understand Tang Lingxi's words.

Shu Yao turned her face and glanced at the silent Qin Jiuxiao, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Master Jiu?" Tang Meng's face changed.

Could it be that Master Jiu really has a connection with this woman, then wouldn't Master Jiu have to be blamed for offending this woman before?

Tang Meng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly grabbed Tang Lingxi's wrist, holding it firmly.

His father told him to take a fancy to Tang Lingxi.

"It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, my sister is impatient."

Tang Meng looked at Shu Yao, his eyes unconsciously fell on the ups and downs of his chest, and then avoided his sight.

"Don't blame Miss Shu."

Tang Lingxi's eyes were red with anger, but he couldn't get rid of Tang Meng, "Brother! Is that the way to go?"

No matter how Tang Lingxi struggled, Tang Menglian dragged him away, and his voice gradually disappeared behind him.

Qin Wenyu also recovered from the quarrel.

He nodded slightly to the unknown man sitting behind Shu Yao, "Thank you."

The man nodded slightly.

Qin Wenyu's figure quickly disappeared behind the curtain, followed by Aisa.


After lifting the curtain, Qin Wenyu nodded slightly to the man in the first seat.

"It's you." Patriarch Rose was a little surprised.

In the past, it was Qin Jiuxiao who came here.

Qin Wenyu felt a little embarrassed. The Qin family has always been strong and king, but he is not bad either.

But everyone can only see the value of Qin Jiuxiao, and ignore him.

"Patriarch." Qin Wenyu saluted slightly, looking very decent, and handed over a document.

On the surface, the Qin family didn't have any contact with country S, and they didn't leave any roots when they left.

In fact, Elder Qin has been leading the cooperation between the Qin family and the Ross family, intending to continue to expand the power at hand.

Patriarch Ross took the document and briefly read it a few times.

"I'll take a look. You go back and tell Mr. Qin, and I'll give you an answer later."

"Aisa, you stay."

Qin Wenyu's expression froze, and he always felt that Patriarch Luo Si looked down on him.

He is like a little guy who comes and goes when he is called.

With a slight bow, Qin Wenyu still left, making too much movement when he walked, and even bumped Aisa who had just stepped forward.

"I'm sorry." Qin Wenyu's voice was stiff, and it was obvious that he was about to lose control.

The emerald eyes of Aisa quickly flashed a touch of injury.

Because from Qin Wenyu's eyes, Aisa didn't see any emotion, and they really didn't seem to know each other.

There was not much time for Aisa to sort out her emotions, so she came to the head of the house.

The owner of Rose is a very handsome man, as noble as those foreign nobles in the last century, noble and elegant.

But he is of mixed race, and he is very white, so white that it makes people feel a little sick.

Aisa was actually very afraid of the elder Patriarch, "Patriarch."

Patriarch Rose lowered his eyes slightly, looking like Aisa, with love and many emotions in his eyes.

He waved his hand, signaling Isa to sit down.

"Aisa, I like your gift today." Patriarch Ross said.

Aisa was very pleasantly surprised, raised his head abruptly, and suddenly forgot the awe of the Patriarch, with undisguised joy on his face.

Patriarch Ross smiled slightly, calmly.

"I heard that she is your friend?" Patriarch Rose asked, tilting his head.

Aisa said truthfully, "Yes, Shu Yao is my friend."

Judging by their tone, they should be very familiar with each other.

Patriarch Rose was a little tentative, and didn't mean to force too much.

"Can she come and play me music often in the future? Any conditions are acceptable."

Hearing this, Aisa was very surprised, and her green eyes were filled with astonishment.

The Patriarch of Rose could have given instructions or orders, but the Patriarch only used an inquiring tone.

And it is very surprising that Patriarch Los is willing to get close to an outsider. Patriarch has always been very repulsive to outsiders.

Anyone, as long as they are not members of the Ross family, the head of the family is very disgusted and repelled.

And being a member of the Ross family does not necessarily mean someone with blood, but someone who is recognized.

Aisa hesitated, and asked tentatively, "Then can Aisa ask why?"

"She reminds me of an old friend." Patriarch Rose didn't hide it.

Aisa was stunned, "Old man? Is that the one you used to tell me when you were young?"

Patriarch Ross looked at Aisa very lovingly.


Aisa opened her mouth slightly, and raised her hand to cover her mouth.


Aisa came out from behind the curtain with a heavy heart.

But she heard some noise around her, she turned around and before she could see clearly, she just saw a shadow passing by in a hurry.

"Hey you—!" Aisa stared wide-eyed without apologizing for bumping into someone.

But he saw a familiar person in the VIP seat not far away, Fu Jingzhen.

"You don't know, Shu Yao has liked you for so many years, don't you know?" A man's voice came from inside.

Embarrassed and embarrassed, Fu Jingzhen said stiffly, "She never told me."

Fu's mother hurriedly grabbed the furious father, glanced at Fu Jingzhen and signaled him to leave quickly.

However, Fu Jingzhen was very stubborn and refused to give in at all.

"Didn't I tell you? Hmph, I think you are obsessed with ghosts." Father Fu sneered.

I have long felt that this son is ashamed. If he hadn't made some achievements, wouldn't he be poked in the back at his age.None of the three sons under his knees is worry-free. He still thinks that Fu Jingzhen is telling the truth. Now it seems that there are flaws everywhere, and they are all lies.

Fu Jingzhen asked unwillingly, "What's wrong with me liking someone?"

Seeing that Fu Jingzhen did not repent, and even acquiesced, he began to refute.

Father Fu raised his finger angrily and pointed at him, his body trembling a little.

"There's nothing wrong with liking someone, your fault is that you shouldn't let them down, and then you like another person."

Originally, Fu's good reputation gave birth to someone like Fu Jingzhen——

Father Fu didn't look down on Shu Murou's identity, nor did he look down on Shu Murou not being a young lady.

What he really looked down upon was Shu Murou being the third party!
Especially Fu Jingzhen is Shu Murou's half-sister, such a shameless woman.

How could she be the mistress of the Fu family? It would make people laugh if she said it, but now she would be suppressed.

What about next year?
In the coming year, it was like Shu Murou uncovered the past of the old rotten millet in the Shu family.

Nowadays, the wind and rain in Yecheng are all about the true and false daughter of the Shu family.

"I don't think you don't know, you have never understood him at all." Father Fu trembled angrily.

Fu Jingzhen could no longer say anything to refute, because it was exactly as Fu's father said.

Shu Yao did say on his birthday that she would play a song for him.

He just felt bored, and the gift from Shu Murou didn't suit him as much as he wanted.

in case……

No if.

Fu Jingzhen took a step back, shook his head forcefully and said, "I'm not wrong."

He turned around to chase after Shu Murou.

Fu's mother was very worried, and he was the youngest son, so she felt very distressed.

If he chased him out now, Fu's father would definitely be very upset, and the relationship between father and son would deteriorate. Fu's mother stepped forward to hold Fu Jingzhen back.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jingzhen lost his mind and subconsciously swung Fu's mother away.

"Ouch!" Fu's mother fell to the ground.

The servants on the side rushed forward to pull him up, and Father Fu suddenly turned his head to stare at Fu Jingzhen.

Seeing that he dared to talk back to him because of a woman who was so disobedient, Father Fu felt even more chilled in his heart.

"Damn things!"

"If you dare to chase after me, I will immediately remove your position and let your elder brother come up."

(End of this chapter)

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