Chapter 139

"Be careful of overdoing it." Although Mr. Cheng didn't object, he didn't fully agree either.

the end.

Cheng Lao thought of something, and conjured a thin envelope from his hand like a magic trick.

"Speaking of which, there are rumors in Yecheng that Shu Yao bribed me to appoint the protagonist."

"It's a pity that I won't go back for the time being, and I can't come out to solve this matter. Let Shu Yao wake up and read this letter. If she wants to, she can come. I won't force the old man if she doesn't want to."

He put the thin envelope on the round table.

That's all, Cheng Lao was afraid that leaving for too long would make people suspicious, so he got up and left Qin Jiuxiao.

He straightened his clothes and walked straight away.

Walking not far away, I bumped into a familiar figure who was talking to someone in the dark.

It was Qin Wenyu.

Cheng Lao walked to the dark place calmly, staring at Qin Wenyu with his eagle eyes.

Until Qin Wenyu's figure left completely.

Cheng Lao casually took a glass of red wine from the hand of the passing waiter, and went back to the second floor in silence.


"Wake up."

A low and hoarse voice woke Shu Yao from her sleep, she rubbed her eyes and opened them in a daze.

Turning over, Shu Yao felt sore all over, especially her arms.

Suddenly remembering that he was still attending the family banquet of Patriarch Ross just now, he suddenly sat up from the bed.

Looking around, I found that I was home.

"Drink some water." Qin Jiuxiao held back the smile on his lips.

Shu Yao took a sip of the water, and the warm water entered her throat, which relieved her thirst slightly.

"Why did you come back without calling me?" Shu Yao was a little embarrassed.

Worried that there was no place to put the water glass in her hand, she struggled to put it beside the bed, but the man took it.

Qin Jiuxiao naturally took the water glass and put it in the water glass, calm and stable.

Against the backdrop of the warm light, the man's stern side face seemed extraordinarily soft, and the tenderness was clearly visible in his eyes.

Shu Yao was in a daze for a while.

Qin Jiuxiao has always been concise and to the point, he knows what Shu Yao is worried about.

"I've taken care of it all."

Shu Yao relaxed and fell back onto the soft pillow.

She didn't expect that she just wanted to take a nap and fell asleep so deeply, maybe it was because of Qin Jiuxiao's presence.

Shu Yao slept peacefully and carefree.

It seemed that she subconsciously knew that as long as Qin Jiuxiao was by her side, she didn't have to worry about anything.

Qin Jiuxiao handed out the thin envelope, "This is what my adoptive father asked me to hand over to you."

Adoptive father?

It's Cheng Lao.

Yecheng was full of ups and downs, and at that time, Mr. Cheng went abroad for vacation and did not show himself, so he was also in country S.

The entertainment under Lai Li's subsidiary spread the flames and said that the original heroine of "Song of Blood" was Shu Murou.

Later, the heroine was changed because Shu Yao bribed Mr. Cheng, and Shu Murou's fans made a fuss when they found out.

Although Shu Yao didn't care about the things in Ye city anymore.

But Ari told her that Shu Murou's fans were crazy, and told her to finish the show and return to China for emergency treatment.

Shu Yao hesitated for a moment, but still opened the envelope.

Inside the envelope was a leaflet-like content, but Cheng Lao drew circles on it.

Focus on finalizing two roles.

But it's not the heroine, but the third female supporting role, the first female supporting role, and the combined roles of the two supporting roles are estimated to be more than half of the female lead.

And this is not a pass, but a very simple crew recruitment, a new crew.

Qin Jiuxiao silently took in all the contents of the recruitment.

Not a heroine.

He moved his lips, but finally said nothing.

"I want to go, what do you think?" Shu Yaozai looked at it carefully, looking very excited.

In particular, the setting of the third female supporting role in this drama is very interesting, playing the role of a depressed patient who is transformed and reborn.

It was sick and crazy at the beginning, and then gradually redeemed by the male supporting role step by step.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that it is an unpleasant character anyway.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, he didn't expect Shu Yao to ask his opinion.

But Qin Jiuxiao is not a professional, and has never set foot in the entertainment circle, from a professional point of view.

Qin Jiuxiao thinks that his thoughts or suggestions can be summed up in two words, nonsense.

He has always disliked doing useless things and saying useless words.

Simply, he said honestly, "As long as you like it."

"You..." Shu Yao opened her mouth, momentarily at a loss for words.

If there is no previous life.

Shu Yao can probably run forward in her career with a clear heart.

However, Shu Yao knew that the Qin family didn't like women who were mixed in the entertainment industry, especially in the previous life.

In her previous life, Shu Yao had seen how powerful Mr. Qin was. At that time, Qin Jiuxiao helped Mrs. Fu, but was investigated by Mr. Qin.

The reason is that Shu Yao, a woman in the entertainment circle, has a bad reputation, but still likes other men.

Qin Jiuxiao was beaten by Mr. Qin and sat in a wheelchair to work.

Shu Yao was wondering if she shouldn't—

"You need to be yourself and teach me the rest."

"Shu Yao."

It was the first time that Shu Yao was called so formally by a man, and Shu Yao stared blankly into the man's eyes.

Qin Jiuxiao's smile was very shallow, as gentle as water, she was about to drown in the man's eyes.

"If you're not happy with me, if you can't be yourself, why stay with me?"

The man's words and sounds completely defeated Shu Yao's defense.

She stared at Qin Jiuxiao fixedly, her throat seemed to be choked, and she couldn't speak a word.

In just a few words, all the sufferings of Shu Yao's previous life were told.

In her previous life, Shu Yao had low self-esteem around Fu Jingzhen, and felt that it was a great gift for him to like her.

For Fu Jingzhen, she gave up her development in country S.

For Fu Jingzhen, she gave up her development and quit the entertainment industry when she was popular.

For Fu Jingzhen, she dressed conservatively and strictly.

But in this life, with a different person, there is no wrong payment at all.

Qin Jiuxiao was telling her step by step that to love someone, love yourself first.

"Master Jiu..." Shu Yao plunged into the man's arms, as if she had become a clingy ghost in her memory.

Qin Jiuxiao was in a daze, and didn't think there was something wrong with what he said, nor did he find it strange.

It should be so.

He believes that this should be the case for his wife, who believes in his whole life.

Qin Jiuxiao came to his senses, "No, it's not right for you to call it that."


"Call me brother."

The man was very serious when he spoke, as if what he said was normal.

But hearing Shu Yao's ears, her face turned red all of a sudden, like boiled shrimp.

It seems that they have been shouting like that these days, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that now the two are too close, the atmosphere is too ambiguous, and the eyes are too lingering.

Shu Yao always felt that something was wrong.

But the man was faintly unhappy, and he quickly made her surrender.

"Nine, Brother Nine." Shu Yao hesitated and called out.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded, as if he had passed the examination and approval, he gently lifted Shu Yao's jaw.

A light kiss fell on her lips.

"Very good." The man said softly, ambiguous and seductive.

Shu Yao unconsciously curled up with her hand on the bed, shy.

Gritting her teeth, she found that the man seemed to be smiling.

"You did it on purpose!" Shu Yao discovered the clue.

Qin Jiuxiao let out a short laugh from his throat, low, dull and depressed.

He laughed out loud and flaunted, "Tit for each other."

Shu Yao was about to speak, but the person in front of her suddenly leaned forward and directly pressed Shu Yao under her body.

(End of this chapter)

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