After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 140 Are you going to join the group here?

Chapter 140 Are you going to join the group here?
Shu Yao wanted to refuse at first, but when she saw the man's eyes like broken stars in his previous life, her heart softened.

The strength also relaxed, and the hands were pressed on the sides.

Really young.

The man looked at Shu Yao under him, and the churning desire in his heart disturbed all his thoughts.

He lifted a strand of black hair from the woman's fair collarbone, which was a little longer than before.

"Go to sleep." Qin Jiuxiao propped up a hand and covered Shu Yao's eyes.

Shu Yao was startled, but still closed her eyes obediently.

A woman's eyelashes are very long and dense, like a small brush passing over her palm.

"Don't you have to guide the competition of your artists?"

Shu Yao thought about the meaning of these words, and bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

The man withdrew his body, rolled over and got off the bed, his movements were neat and clean, as if nothing had happened just now.

He walked to the door and pressed the light off button.


Wake up the next day.

Shu Yao still couldn't let go of Mr. Cheng's recruitment letter, she liked it no matter what.

Especially Cheng Lao seemed to have seen through Shu Yao, the two characters he specially circled and drew happened to be Shu Yao's favorite.

Shu Yao has never tried such a role, and it is even more of a challenge for Shu Yao.

In her previous life, she gave up all her development for Fu Jingzhen, quit the entertainment circle when she was popular, and never came back.

He only hastily shot some low-end endorsement promotions in order to earn some money.

Shu Yao likes acting very much, as if after entering the play, what she experiences is the life of other people or characters.

She glanced at the address above, which happened to be near Aisa's building.

After teaching Wen Wan, Shu Yao planned to try out plays.

But after all, Shen Huaiyuan is her boss, and she is not completely free now.

She photographed the recruitment request to Shen Huaiyuan and set off for the studio.

This is a studio borrowed from Aisa, and Aisa is in charge of all the people who go to and from the office, and Shu Yao's presence is not an exception.


Now that Shu Yao is famous, she has completely uncovered the identity of the Hand of God, even if she is not Aisa's friend.

Just relying on the name of God's Hand, the people present in the company will give Shu Yao three points of courtesy.

Shu Yao came in a hurry, by then Wen Wan had already practiced by herself.

"Sister Yao!" Ah Li rushed up, almost jumping on Shu Yao's body.

Shu Yao patted Ah Li and looked at Wen Wan, thinking that Wen Wan had practiced for a while and was dripping with sweat.

The clothes behind her were oozing a deep color.


Wen Wan's eyes lit up, like a little girl, without the inexplicable sadness at first sight.

She is cheerful and bright, like a blooming white chrysanthemum, elegant and pure.

"See how I'm doing?" Wen Wan waved his hands excitedly.

When Shu Yao was not around, Wen Wan never dared to neglect, she cherished this hard-won opportunity more than anyone else.

Compared with real rebirth, Wen Wan wants to meet Shu Yao, the person who is willing to pull her out of the quagmire.

She is lucky enough.

Shu Yao walked slowly to the front of the stage, signaling Wen Wan to start.

Ari was helping to adjust the runway, everything was ready, and Wen Wan walked out from behind the stage.

Shu Yao watched quietly, her eyes were faintly brightened.

Although hard work is valuable, there are always some people who have a little bit of talent, plus the original hard work.

This trumps everything.

Shu Yao kept nodding her head. She dared to say that Wen Wan was the most talented and hardworking student she had ever met.

Many people can't accept Shu Yao's training, always feel that Shu Yao is too rigid and high-profile.

But Shu Yao just used the method of her previous mentor and put it on them, but they thought it was demanding.

Wen Wan knelt down in front of the stage, impatiently asking, "How is it?"

Shu Yao kept her face tense.

Wen Wan panicked, she was afraid that she would lose Shu Yao's trust.

"Come here." Shu Yao hooked her hands.

Wen Wan moved forward a little, Shu Yao raised her hand to gently lift Wen Wan's chin.

Seeing Wen Wan's face flushed instantly.

Shu Yao chuckled, "Very good, very good."

"You, you—" A picture flashed through Wen Wan's mind, and her fair face turned red instantly.

Then Shu Yao corrected some small mistakes, and Wen Wan walked more and more proficiently.

What's more, Wen Wan has a good foundation, a tall figure, and a face with very oriental characteristics, which is slightly skinny.

Her facial features are very three-dimensional, especially the waist line is also very obvious, even more so than Shu Yao herself.

Wen Wan is simply a born hanger.

Ari on the side looked amazed, she was the one who had been by Shu Yao's side all the time, and she was Shu Yao's assistant.

As Shu Yao's assistant, Ali knows almost everything about Shu Yao.

In Ari's hand, she was holding the detailed information about the crew that Shu Yao had passed on to her.

"Sister Yao, do you think you are really suitable for this role?"

"I think you're really showing off a lot now!"

Ah Li was very surprised that Shu Yao would choose such a role this time, and it was still an inconspicuous supporting role.

This is worth Shu Yao's delay in country S, and leaving Yecheng's long-established career alone.

Even if it is black and red in Yecheng, it is much more influential than the entertainment circle in country S.

"Actor, isn't it just for acting?" Shu Yao laughed and shook her head.

But in fact, every role played has more or less the real shadow of Shu Yao in it.

Wen Wan was a little surprised when he heard that, "You want to join the team here?"

Compared with here, it is obvious that Shuyao in Yecheng will have a lot of advantages, and it is according to Shen Huaiyuan.

Master Jiu will definitely protect Shu Yao.

But in country S, Shu Yao was alone, fighting alone.


Wen Wan was flustered for a moment.

Because Wen Wan used to be Tang Meng's wife, she knew some of Tang Meng's strength.

Although the Tang family is not as powerful as the Luosi family in country S, it is still very powerful with more or less intertwined connections. It is equivalent to a local snake.

For Wen Wan's sake, Shu Yao must have offended Tang Meng.

"Shu Yao, I..."

Wen Wan was a little worried, she was not afraid, she was already in deep trouble, and now this is a gift.

Now I have a bright future, and I seem to love my partner by my side.

All of these were almost obtained from Shu Yao.

But if it hurts Shu Yao for everything Wen Wan already has, Wen Wan would be 1 unwilling.

Shu Yao quickly saw through Wen Wan's worry, she shook her head.

"You're just too sensitive. This is all my decision and has nothing to do with you."

Wen Wan pursed her lips, her eyes faltered, "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have offended the Tang family."

In country S, at least Shu Yao doesn't have so many future troubles.

"Yes." Shu Yao thought for a while and said naturally.

Wen Wan was taken aback, his eyes showing a little confusion.

Thinking of that person, Shu Yao seemed to feel that those problems were not problems at all, because it had to be done.

This is something that Shu Yao will never give in.

"The little princess of the Tang family likes Master Jiu."

"And I also like Master Jiu, no matter what, I will definitely fight for it."

Wen Wan opened her mouth, unconsciously raised her hand to cover her mouth, she was too shocked to speak.

A girl's family is so open and upright, she admits it aboveboard.

In Yecheng, it seems that people will always look down on you, thinking that you have lowered your value, and the first to admit that you like it is the loser.

And Shu Yao is generous and generous, without any shyness.

But when it comes to fighting, Shu Yao thought of Qin Jiuxiao in her previous life.

"I can't..."

For a moment, Shu Yao fell into the memory of her previous life, the ghost who betrayed the Qin family.

(End of this chapter)

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