After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 141 Except for the heroine, choose as you please

Chapter 141 Except for the heroine, choose as you please

"No, and I won't..."

If the ghost hadn't taken advantage of Qin Jiuxiao's feelings for Shu Yao, the Qin family wouldn't have lost most of their country.

Qin Jiuxiao would not go to a death appointment and lose his legs.

"Will not allow anyone to take him away from me."

When Shu Yao said this, the gentle temperament around her disappeared, replaced by coldness.

The aura that seemed impossible to be defeated by anyone immediately caused obvious changes to the people around him.

Although Wen Wan didn't know what it was, she clearly felt the threat to Shu Yao.

Before night, Wen grabbed Shu Yao's wrist, "I understand."

The warmth on her wrist made Shu Yao gradually escape from the memories of her previous life.

Shu Yao patted the back of Wen Wan's hand, "It's you, don't feel guilty."

In this life, Shu Yao has no regrets at every step she takes.

"Sister Yao, I have already forwarded it to the higher-ups and received an echo."

"The next thing you need to do is to complete the audition, and report to Young Master Shen after signing the contract."


The boss is my best friend's boyfriend, and things are so easy.


The crew's interview was in the afternoon, and after training in the morning, Wen Wan and Shu Yao changed their outfits and went to the interview location.

A very simple reception room.

The interviewees were all waiting outside, like a large-scale art examination site.

However, there are still some people who will go through the back door and enter the market earlier.

What is even more surprising is that Ahri observed for a while and found that many people came to interview for other roles.

almost none.

As far as Ari knows, there is no female, male and female roles in the queue.

Those who are familiar with the rules will know that there is a high probability that the hero and heroine will be selected by default.

Ari looked at the endless team, and couldn't help muttering, "It wouldn't be like this if we were in Yecheng."

Where would this happen in Yecheng? It seemed like everything was cleared up and started from scratch.

"Ah Li..." Shu Yao was both helpless and funny.

Ahri's rare restlessness hinted that something was really going to happen.

"Oh no, people have three urgencies, Sister Yao, I'll be back as soon as I go."

Ari felt uneasy, and wanted to go to the bathroom and wash up.

After finishing speaking, Ari hurried to the bathroom, fortunately there are signs and it is not difficult to find.

The washroom is luxurious, bright and spacious, very clean.

Ari came out in a hurry, and automatically sensed the water coming out of the sink. The sound of the water rustled and stopped quickly.

"Everyone is gone."

"Where, maybe it hasn't—"

"The sound of the water has stopped, what are you afraid of?"

"Oh, Young Master Tang~ Why are you in such a hurry, sooner or later you will belong to me."

Hearing the ambiguous voice in the cubicle, Ali was frozen.

It's not that I don't know that such a thing will happen, but it usually happens in the men's toilet.

And it was the first time Ari heard the live version.

Ari shook her hands hastily, wanting to flee the scene, but she didn't want to be involved.

"Young Master Tang, let's talk about it first, if you are entrusted with it, you can—"


The other man's voice was already a little impatient.

"It's not just a matter of a role, except for the heroine, it's up to you to choose."

After getting this sentence, the delicate female voice let out a sweet hum.

Ari frowned, and tiptoed out of the bathroom.

It's okay if you don't listen to it, but Ahri feels bad when you hear it. This deal is so obvious.

Apparently the man in the toilet has some authority over this TV series.

Ari returned to the team worriedly, only to find that Shu Yao was gone, and she was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, Shu Yao has already gone in for an audition.

Now Ahri drooped her shoulders even more, like a flower that has been babbling, feeling hopeless.


In Country S, Shu Yao's rich experience and acting skills are not recognized.

With this experience and acting skills, where in Yecheng did she accept the heroine's script, so she has to come here to be angry.

Most of all, it's not fair.


The reception room.

In order to save time, three people were let in at a time, but they performed one by one.

For the rest, those who didn't have their turn sat quietly on the chairs in the reception room for the time being.

There is only an open space in front of the stage in the reception room.

In front of the open space, the chief producer, assistant director and screenwriter were sitting opposite each other.

The screenwriter turned the page first.

"The third female you auditioned for is a depressed patient."

"At the same time, this woman is also suffering from bipolar disorder, a divorced woman with a child."

"In order to cooperate, I will assist in the performance this time. I hope you will cooperate."

The reception room was quiet, everyone was listening to the audition.

It was a scene in which the female third had a manic-depressive episode, crazily beating things at home, and even cutting her own wrists.

Just at this time, the former first love of the third girl came back with her child and saw this scene.

The former first love rushed to pull away the third female who was trying to harm herself, but was injured unexpectedly, and the child stepped forward to wake her up.

Shu Yao is the third.

She watched the performances of the people in front of her one by one.

During the whole process, the three of them didn't have any expression fluctuations, only swishing sounds from their hands.

Finally, it was Shu Yao's turn.

"Shu Yao, right?"

"The third one, let's start."

The chief producer knocked on the table and motioned for the assistant to come forward.

At this time.

Shu Yao has gradually entered the state, she picked up the props prepared earlier by the crew.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, his eyes struggled darkly, and he was shocked when he saw the three people in front of the stage.

This look is too terrifying, like a precursor to going crazy.

And the next second!
The docile and cold woman who was sitting there just now looked like a lunatic.

She crazily overturned everything in front of her. The frantic movements had no rhythm at all, but they were very real.

At this time, the assistant stepped forward and hugged Shu Yao.

Shu Yao's frantic struggle was not affected in the slightest by the appearance of the assistant.

Until, the immature child said softly, "Mom..."

Shu Yao let go of all her strength and limp in the assistant's arms, a pale and weak smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

She stretched her hand forward.

A mother has the deepest love for her child.

After Shu Yao finished her performance, she stood up and straightened her messy black hair.

She bowed deeply.

"Very good." The chief producer couldn't help but speak.

He looked at Shu Yao, still muttering words.

Shu Yao.

He remembered a name he had never heard of in country S.

The assistant director was also amazed, but he didn't know what he thought of, and he wrote something with the pen in his hand.

The screenwriter nodded repeatedly and exchanged glances with the chief producer.

"Okay, let's all go out."

A group of three people left the living room, but the two were surprised by Shu Yao's acting skills and couldn't help but look back frequently.

Shu Yao pressed her heart, she was too involved in the drama just now, she has not yet escaped from the role.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

She put herself into the most painful moment.

"What a coincidence—"

"Isn't this Miss Shu?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, with that sticky vigor.

Almost without looking back, Shu Yao can guess who it is, but she still has the courage to face all this.

Shu Yao turned around, looked at the tall man behind him, and then at the soft woman beside him.

As if she couldn't even straighten her waist, she leaned against the man limply.

Shu Yao raised her lips, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tang Meng."

(End of this chapter)

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