Chapter 143 Dark Box Operation
On acting.

Shu Murou was far behind.

Shu Yao pressed Shu Murou's trembling shoulders, and exchanged glances with Fu Jingzhen.

"Look how you're used to him." Shu Yao let go of her hand and sneered.

I simply don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

Shu Yao gave Ari a look, and Ari quickly followed Shu Yao's pace.

With bright eyes, she kept chasing Shu Yao away.

Until the shadows of the two behind him were completely invisible, Ari jumped forward and immediately grabbed Shu Yao.

"Sister Yao, aren't you afraid of this!" Ari was very excited.

Although Ari was afraid of the consequences and couldn't afford it, she did this every time, but it was obviously much better than being trampled on in person.

In the past, Shu Murou was always showing off in front of Shu Yao, and Ah Li's teeth itch with hatred.

It's just because of Fu Jingzhen being Shu Murou's backstage, Shu Yao is obviously better than her acting skills——

It's a pity that Shu Yao was very popular at that time, and she directly announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry for Fu Jingzhen.

For this reason, Shu Yao also paid a large sum of liquidated damages.

Thinking about Shu Yao now, Ari always felt that the body was still the same, and the core inside must have changed.

Shu Yao smiled indifferently.

"What's so scary, the worst thing is to lose this opportunity."

If you can't even get the minimum fairness, let it operate in the dark.

The show doesn't have any plot value either.

Speaking of which, Shu Yao raised her watch and glanced at the time, thinking that she is fine now, taking advantage of the opportunity that she has not joined the group and has no work.

She wanted to spend more time with Qin Jiuxiao.

Thinking of this, Shu Yao asked Ah Li to keep up with Wen Wan's related business, and instead took a taxi home directly.

back home.

There was no one around, it was very quiet, making Shu Yao doubt for a moment, the man left by himself.

When he got closer, he looked carefully and saw the figure of a man on the edge of the balcony.

Because she didn't know what size the man was, Shu Yao randomly bought the largest size when choosing pajamas.

In front of her, men are always tall and tall.

However, buying the largest size pajamas is still an exaggeration, it is too big for a man, and it is blown by the wind.

It made the man inexplicably thin and fragile, as if he would fall apart when the wind blows.

Shocked by this ridiculous idea, Shu Yao quickly walked behind the man.

"Why so early?" Qin Jiuxiao noticed something.

He just turned around, and the woman threw herself into his arms.

The man's hand was a little stiff and he didn't know where to put it. After a while, he put it on Shu Yao's head.

Shu Yao moved her lips, she didn't want to talk about these things to Qin Jiuxiao in such a petty way.

However, the closeness these days has removed all of Shu Yao's defenses, and she unconsciously wants to share it with those around her.


Shu Yao remembered something, her eyes dimmed.

These trivial things in life, men's daily affairs, are just temporarily unknown in country S.

It must be boring to hear her say these things.

Shu Yao's muffled voice came from the man's arms, "You told me to say it."

She was talking, and Qin Jiuxiao listened quietly.

If Ling Heng was there, he might feel that this scene was a bit like seeing a ghost.

After all, Qin Jiuxiao is an extremely rational and strict person, and he will never waste time on this.

Even when reporting on weekdays, Qin Jiuxiao would bluntly hope that the other party would say the key points.

If you can't say it, report back and do it again.


After listening, Qin Jiuxiao pondered for a moment, his face slightly gloomy.

But Shu Yao didn't look up, and naturally she couldn't see his expression, she just felt that the hand touching her stopped.

Qin Jiuxiao found that Shu Yao wanted to look up at him, so he pressed down to prevent Shu Yao from looking at him.

He said, "As long as you think, what Fu Jingzhen can do, I can do too."

Shu Yao was startled, and was at a loss for words for a moment before she realized it.

What's the matter with this guy?
It's obviously Qin Jiuye, why is he so good at grasping the key points——

It's so funny, why is it all about being jealous.

"No, you are different from him."

Shu Yao grabbed the man's hand and placed it on her heart.

They are not the same.

"I like you not because of what you can do for me."

For Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao is rebirth, hope, future and present.

The ice in Qin Jiuxiao's eyes gradually melted, he could understand, and the information on the dark web at hand was corroborated.

His little girl has grown up and no longer needs to rely on anyone's light.


Country S, reception room.

Since Shu Yao left just now, Fu Jingzhen seemed a little out of his mind.

He was playing with the pen in his hand, his eyes darkened, as if he was thinking about something.


"You like your sister better, so why do you still stay with me?"

Fu Jingzhen, who was still sitting there in a daze, was pushed and shoved heavily, and he finally came to his senses.

The person in front of her was already crying, and Shu Murou's eyes were red and swollen from crying in the past few days, which couldn't go away at all.

And when I think about it, all the reasons seem to be for Fu Jingzhen.

A flash of panic flashed in Fu Jingzhen's eyes, and he quickly calmed down again.

"Mu Rou, stop making trouble." Fu Jingzhen was a little upset.

These days, it is not only the pressure from the parents, but also the pressure from the elder brother.

His position in the Fu family gradually became unstable.

Even so, Fu Jingzhen also condoned Shu Murou's little tricks.

She likes acting, and wants to take off the title of 'Xiao Shuyao' and become a real self.

This Fu Jingzhen knows, and he also appreciates this kind of independent personality.

However, recently Shu Murou has gone a little too far.


Shu Murou opened her mouth, her eyes were red, and she choked up.

She stopped talking, lowered her head, pressed her hands in front of her knees, and her hands were tense and trembling slightly.

Fu Jingzhen glimpsed that after all, he was the one who had paid so much to be together.

Fu Jingzhen stretched out his hand, pressed on the back of Shu Murou's hand, and rubbed it away little by little.

"Jing Zhen, do you, don't you like me as much as before?" Shu Murou's voice was very low.

The weak mosquito screamed, as if he was very inferior, without any confidence.

Fu Jingzhen couldn't bear this kind of attitude of putting himself in such a low position.

Especially Shu Murou always gets angry in front of her parents, but Shu Yao can't stand that.

In comparison, Fu Jingzhen felt that Shu Murou was more lovable and worthy of being loved.

"The script you agreed on before was not given to you, but this time the script—"

"If you act well and develop well, you will have a better future than the previous "Song of Blood"."

He tapped the script in his hand.

This is the best resource that Fu Jingzhen can find for Shu Murou.

Before "The Long Song of Blood" was led by Cheng Lao, Fu Jingzhen couldn't get in the way, since Cheng Lao chose Shu Yao.

He has no ability to change.

This time, it was Fu Jingzhen's apology to Shu Murou.

It doesn't matter how important it is, but Fu Jingzhen still has the ability to produce a good book for others to play with.

At this time.

Someone knocked on the door of the reception room, and Fu Jingzhen signaled them to come in.

When Shu Murou saw someone coming, she made a lot of movements and wanted to stand up.

Fu Jingzhen sat her down and motioned her not to do this.

"Young Master Fu."

The assistant director handed over the results selected by Tianhai to Fu Jingzhen.

The assistant director flattered and sent it off, "Look carefully, if you have any questions, you can elaborate."

(End of this chapter)

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