Chapter 144 Unexpected Discovery

The shortlist was neatly and detailedly listed on the list handed over, and a few more were circled emphatically.

Seeing that Fu Jingzhen didn't understand very well.

The assistant director sat down next to Fu Jingzhen, looking flattering.

"Young Master Fu, everything circled here is fixed."

As soon as Shu Murou heard it, she leaned over and took a look, and saw the familiar name almost immediately.

Shu Yao.

She actually stood out in the audition of tens of thousands of people, and was immediately circled and marked with an asterisk.

The moment Shu Murou saw it, she subconsciously squeezed the plastic cup in her hand.

The creaking of the plastic cup quickly caught Fu Jingzhen's attention, and he also noticed it.

Fu Jingzhen was surprised that Shu Yao would choose such a role.

After all, Fu Jingzhen didn't see any characteristics of this character except misery.

A daughter of a rich family who was abandoned, unruly and willful, and finally lived with the child after being abandoned.

Breaking through, being forced to suffer from depression and bipolar disorder, the only hope is the children around me.

Because she used to be the daughter of a wealthy family, she has been a housewife for many years after marriage, and she knows nothing and has no experience.

After the divorce, he took part-time jobs to support his children, and was suppressed everywhere, becoming unkempt and sloppy.


And the ending is not as expected.

"My sister doesn't want a heroine this time?" Shu Murou was also very surprised, and said by the way.

Fu Jingzhen looked sideways at Shu Murou, with some searching eyes.

As soon as the words came out, Shu Murou regretted it, and she felt guilty for no reason when she looked at Fu Jingzhen.

Shu Murou defended again, "I'm just wondering how my sister would choose such a role."

Such a role is worse than any role Shu Yao has ever played in the past.

There are few scenes, it is not pleasant, and the whole person is in a state of madness.

Such a role, Shu Yao actually thinks highly of it, it seems that Yecheng is going to be out of control.

Shu Yao's current plan is probably to prepare to develop in country S.

"Mu Rou, if you really mind, I can find a way..."

Unexpectedly, Fu Jingzhen spoke.

Shu Murou didn't expect Fu Jingzhen to be willing to say this for her own sake, and she felt a little overwhelmed with joy for a while.

But calm down quickly.

Shu Murou looked at the third female in the supporting role, which was the role Shu Yao had chosen by herself.

very nice.

For so many years, Shu Murou has played a supporting role for Shu Yao since her debut, although she also had the status of a heroine.

But in the past, they were afraid of sisters' rivalry and bad reputation. Shu Yao and Shu Murou rarely appeared in a drama.

Not to mention, Shu Yao will play a supporting role for Shu Murou.

Shu Murou's eyes showed a little smugness, she took Fu Jingzhen's hand and shook her head.

"How come, maybe this is my chance to reconcile with my sister."

"I don't know where I offended my sister. My sister hates me so much now..."

Speaking of which, Shu Murou pursed her mouth and drooped her eyes, feeling very sad.

When the assistant director saw it, he immediately understood, and said, "Oh, who offended our Miss Shu?"

Shu Murou is Fu Jingzhen's fiancée, a treasure held in the palm of her hand.

And the assistant director also heard that this Shu Murou is also the best friend of the daughter of the Tang family.

Pleased her, that's right.

"Oh." Fu Jingzhen smiled coldly.

This flattery is too obvious.

Fu Jingzhen just didn't want the two of them to make waves at the same time.

In Fu Jingzhen's eyes, the assistant director wanted to stir up trouble even though he didn't wink.

The assistant director immediately shut up.

Shu Murou smiled at the assistant director, signaling him not to mind, and then leaned towards Fu Jingzhen.

The assistant director quietly glanced at where Shu Murou was looking, and probably knew who it was.

The assistant director exchanged glances with Shu Murou, indicating that he understands what to do.

"What will you do when you quarrel with Shu Yao again?" Fu Jingzhen's tone was indifferent, without any emotion.

Gradually, Fu Jingzhen was tired of dealing with this situation.

Especially with the appearance of Shu Yao and the current situation, Fu Jingzhen felt more and more that there was something wrong with him.

It's just that Fu Jingzhen didn't want to admit it, his self-esteem didn't allow him to admit that his love was wrong.

Obviously, Shu Murou should be the one that I managed to win over.


Shu Murou felt a little embarrassed for a moment, obviously she had restrained herself in front of Fu Jingzhen.

Fu Jingzhen was clearly favoring Shu Yao.


We have been together for so many years, no matter how wronged I am, there is no way to recover.

"After that, I'll just say nothing."

Shu Murou's voice was a little hoarse when she spoke, and she stood up abruptly.

Fu Jingzhen lowered his eyes in thought, and compromised helplessly. He didn't move, but raised his hand to grab Shu Murou who was about to leave.

"Okay, why are you angry? Aren't I afraid that you will be bullied again?"

"sit down."

Now is definitely not a good time.

Shu Murou sat down reluctantly, staring at Fu Jingzhen's handsome profile.

It was as if he wanted to engrave this person's appearance into his bones.

From the first time I met Fu Jingzhen, to the first time I saw this future brother-in-law.

She decided it was.

Absolutely, absolutely will not let the person go back to Shu Yao, Shu Murou secretly swears in her heart.

"Knock knock knock --!"

At this time, the door of the reception room was knocked again.

The people who came in were unrestrained and at ease, and even leaned close to Fu Jingzhen, and he put one hand on Fu Jingzhen's shoulder.

Pressing his hand on the table, the visitor took away the list in front of Fu Jingzhen.

"Come on, take a look, you like that character." It was none other than Tang Meng who had met before.

Tang Meng passed the list to the woman next to him, and sat in the middle carelessly.

He lit a cigarette and breathed out comfortably, "Young Master Fu, don't look outside."

"..." Fu Jingzhen was indifferent, with a superior attitude, and just gave him a cold look.

If his father hadn't told Tang Meng not to turn against Fu Jingzhen, Tang Meng would have turned his back on him long ago.

Obviously they are all the same, but Fu Jingzhen always puts on the airs of a nobleman, tsk tsk tsk, that's all.

The assistant director looked at the two and shrunk his neck silently.

"Then what should I do? You don't allow me to touch Shu Yao."

"Then I want the second girl."

Shen Yue at the side flipped through the list boredly, and slammed the list back to Tang Meng.

Hearing the familiar name, Shu Murou became interested. She looked at Tang Meng's position, and it happened that Tang Meng also looked over.

When Tang Meng saw Shu Murou, there was a smile in his eyes.

But brothers and wives can't be bullied, that's fine.

Speaking of which, this Shu Murou really looks a bit like Shu Yao, and she lives up to the title of 'Little Shu Yao'.

Shu Murou nodded slightly and signaled to Tang Meng.

"Hello, Young Master Tang."

Tang Meng waved his hand and pressed Shen Yue who was fluttering beside him, "How is Miss Shu?"

The man's casual tone made Shen Yue a little angry, she pushed the man away and walked out of the conference room.

Fu Jingzhen also couldn't understand Tang Meng's vulgar gesture and got up to leave.

"Hey, it's not—" the assistant director immediately asked to keep people.

Seeing this, Shu Murou glanced at Fu Jingzhen, "I'll do it."

She patted Fu Jingzhen.

"You get busy."

Fu Jingzhen nodded slightly, and left without thinking too much.

The three people in the reception room were left behind. When the door was closed, Shu Murou turned the chair and faced Tang Meng.

Her innocent round eyes flickered slightly, and she smiled, "Young Master Tang, I heard you are interested in my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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