Chapter 145 Private Racecourse
Tang Mengqing coughed a few times.

The assistant director immediately stood up knowingly, tidied up the documents on the desktop, and left the reception room in a hurry.

As a result, only Tang Meng and Shu Murou were left in the reception room.

The assistant director who left the reception room breathed a sigh of relief, straightened up immediately, and walked out with a proud appearance.

He sorted out the documents at hand, and thought it was probably finalized, so he could speed up the progress.

He turned around and went to the conference room. Not long after he left there, the screenwriter and chief producer should still be there.

This time when he came to the conference room, the assistant director pushed the door straight and walked in.

Some of the staff who came out nodded their heads in greeting, and the assistant director deliberately walked in proudly.

He put the document on the desktop, "There are no comments from above, just send a message if it needs to be finalized."

The sooner you enter, the sooner the crew can start work, and the benefits can be reaped as soon as possible.


The assistant director remembered that those people in the reception room just now seemed to be targeting one person.

Shu Yao.

The assistant director also had a little impression of the person whose name was mentioned repeatedly, and his acting skills were really good.

But well.

The assistant director said again, "But I think the higher ups are not very satisfied with this person."

The assistant director flipped a page and knocked on Shu Yao's name.

This look.

The chief producer didn't care. She already knew about the assistant director. After working together for so many years, she watched the assistant director become a human being.

It was a last resort to work together this time, if it wasn't for the chief director's sake, she would not have done it.

"I've already sent a message to that lady, it's finalized." The chief producer said coldly.

Hearing this, the assistant director exploded.

He actually dared to cut first and play later, if he let people in and made a fuss, it would be the assistant director himself who would be thankless.

The assistant director shook his fat fingers and said angrily, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not interested, I'm just doing what a producer should do." The chief producer is not afraid at all.

The deputy director was so angry that he was speechless, the chief producer did have a lot of say in the crew.

And if there is an embarrassing quarrel with the chief producer, the assistant director will definitely have a hard time talking to the chief director.

After all, Shu Yao did have acting skills and was convincing.

Now, the assistant director can only think of other ways.


that night.

Shu Yao's cell phone flicked lightly, and the message was received.

It is the information to confirm the casting, the official information sent by the crew, indicating confirmation.

It also includes a new meeting, the signing of some related contracts, etc., which are very detailed.

But Shu Yao couldn't care less about it.

She's trying on the saddle, which Isa had grabbed.

It is said that there is a newly opened private horse farm, and Aisa is particularly eager to try it.

Aisa didn't want to play alone, so she recruited Shu Yao.

At this time, Shu Yao was changing the equipment on her body, and the staff on the side also helped.

"You brought him here again." Aisa looked at Qin Jiuxiao behind Shu Yao, pouted.

Shu Yao was helpless, she turned her head and glanced at Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao looked indifferent, as if he was deaf to Aisa's hostility, he just pulled his mask.

A little stuffy.

Qin Jiuxiao went straight to rest under the pavilion.

Aisa watched with his hands on his hips, and said angrily, "Good guy, you came here uninvited, and you took a rest by yourself!"


"I know, I know, why don't you say a few words?"

Aisa rolled her eyes, if it wasn't for the face that Shu Yao likes so much.

"It's done, let's choose horses first." Aisa saw that Shu Yao's equipment was ready, and immediately dragged Shu Yao away.

She was as excited as a little girl who just got a new toy.

It would be surprising if Aisa's subordinates saw it. Obviously, Aisa is very shrewd and capable on weekdays.

Rarely is it so vivid and bright as in front of Shu Yao.

Or because of Shu Yao's presence, Aisa was too relaxed, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her.

"What a beautiful horse."

As soon as he entered the stable, Aisa went to the most white and beautiful horses.

She walked up to the horse and waved to Shu Yao.

Shu Yao followed, her phoenix eyes lighted up slightly, she kept nodding, "It's really beautiful, and the hair color is also very good."

"I want this." Aisa signaled to the accompanying staff.

Shu Yao walked a little further in, but her eyes were on the lying horses in the corner.

The horse is dark in body, with a delicate coat color, bright and shiny, and a pair of piercing eyes.

After realizing that someone was coming, the horse flicked its tail and tilted its head as if it was looking at Shu Yao.

"Miss, be careful—"

The staff rushed forward, he was a little afraid that Shu Yao would touch the horse directly.

"It's called chasing stars."

"This horse is the most disobedient and the most tempered here, and the owner can control it normally."

Shu Yao stood still when she heard this, and Aisa also followed her.

"What a handsome horse." Shu Yao murmured.

The horse named Chasing Star seemed to understand Shu Yao's words, raised its head, and gradually stood up.

The staff immediately distanced them.

Shu Yao took a few steps back, Chasing Star stretched out her head, the staff seemed to realize something and moved away.

Seeing that Shu Yao dared to stretch out her hand, Aisa said, "Hey you!"

"It's okay, Isa, I think..."

Shu Yao stretched out her hand, while Chasing Star lowered her head slightly, allowing Shu Yao's hand to touch it, and it even rubbed obediently.

"It's very well behaved."

Unexpected review.

Even the staff found it strange, "It's the first time chasing a star has been so obedient."

Star Chaser lowered his head, obediently letting the staff pull him out.

The staff handed the rein to Shu Yao's hand, and Shu Yao clenched it tightly, her heart still a little delicate.

She had learned to ride a horse for filming before, but she didn't film anymore, and her skills were a bit rusty.

Star Chaser stared at Shu Yao with dark eyes, the horse's head sneezed and shook.

"Let's go, since we've made the choice." Shu Yao rubbed Chase Xing, feeling a little overwhelmed by herself.

The inexplicable excitement may have been infected by Aisa.

Azshara walked forward with her beautiful white horse Piaoxue, but stopped suddenly when she saw a figure.

"What's wrong?" Shu Yao frowned.

Following Aisa's line of sight, Shu Yao was also taken aback.

"Wen Yu..." Aisa was stunned.

No one can bear such a scene, let alone that person is still the one he loves.

Following Aisa's line of sight, Shu Yao saw Tang Lingxi and a young man.

That person is probably the Qin Wenyu that Aisa mentioned.

this person...

Shu Yao remembered that it was Tang Lingxi's male companion who appeared at Luosi's family banquet that day.

The joy on Aisa's face faded away, and she held the rein tightly without saying a word.

Shu Yao stepped forward and gently held Aisa's shoulders.

"Do you want to go up and ask?"

Compared to misunderstanding, Shu Yao prefers to be direct.

Aisa slowed down for a while, and gradually relaxed, she shook her head.

Not knowing whether she was speaking to herself or Qin Wenyu, she muttered to herself.

"Wen Yu must have a hard time, and his life in the Qin family is not easy."

As he spoke, Aisa seemed to have convinced himself, "We are here to play, what are you thinking about?"

Shu Yao opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say, but she saw Aisa quickly pulling the horse away from the stable.

(End of this chapter)

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