After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 151 I'm the One You Can't Offend

Chapter 151 I'm the One You Can't Offend
During these days, Shu Yawen was ostentatious like never before. Everywhere she went, she was always admired by others.

Where have I been so angry.

Moreover, Mr. Shu has been patriarchal and eccentric since he was a child.

Shu Yawen is no longer afraid of Mr. Shu. Mr. Shu is old and can't impress her anymore.

"Dad, I said, you just admit it."

Shu Yawen seemed to be kind enough to persuade Mr. Shu.

In fact, Mr. Shu and she probably know each other well, those media reporters, those intruders.

They are all the people Shu Yawen is looking for.

She crazily hinted in front of the media reporters that the person who knew the truth and had this qualification back then was Mr. Shu.

This is the reason why they have been quiet for so long and suddenly started to attack Shu's mansion crazily.

Mr. Shu's body couldn't bear those harassers.

As long as Mr. Shu admits it, what Shu Yawen said is a firm fact, and no one can overturn it.

Those who knew the truth back then died or disappeared.

Only Mr. Shu is left.

"What I said is the truth. They are in love, and Shu Yao's mother is the third party."

"Do you remember? The day my younger brother drove away, I borrowed the car."

"My younger brother's car broke down, so Qing Ya contacted him to go out."

"You still don't let me go, you didn't lend the car to my brother, I borrowed the car, did you forget?"

Speaking of this, Mr. Shu was so angry that he almost couldn't catch his breath.

How could he forget that day!
"Didi Di-!"

The surrounding instruments suddenly began to beep.

Mr. Shu seemed to be stimulated by Shu Yawen, and his whole body began to tremble unnaturally. A pair of old and dry hands tightly clasped the bed sheet underneath, struggling to breathe, his body tensed and his throat let out a dry cry.

"..." Shu Yawen was frightened and took a step back.

This retreat immediately bumped into the rushing doctor.

The doctor's voice was cold, and he immediately stretched out his hand and pulled the woman off his body.

"Go away."

There was no scruple in this pull, Shu Yawen barely had time to react, she was grabbed and thrown towards the door.

With a bang, Shu Yawen slammed her head directly against the door, and her eyes turned black.

How dare this little doctor treat her like this? !

Shu Yawen struggled to stand up, her body shook slightly, her aching head buzzed.

As soon as she stood still with her head covered, she saw that the situation in front of her was stabilized by the doctor.

Mr. Shu's instrument stopped making noises, and Mr. Shu gradually calmed down and regained his composure.

"Oh." Seeing this, Xu's mother quickly went to grab Shu Yawen, "Please do me a favor, the old man is like this."

Shu Yawen stared at Mr. Shu, with hatred and unwillingness in her eyes.

Even one of the servants spoke for that dead old ghost, but Shu Yawen was not reconciled, not reconciled.

Since he was a child, Mr. Shu has been patriarchal, and he has never looked at her more than once.

Since childhood, no matter what is good, it is for my younger brother Shu Boyan.

Could it be that she, Shu Yawen, is not the blood of Mr. Shu, nor his child?
The doctor turned around and pressed Shu Yawen's wrist almost forcefully.

"go out."

He was simple and neat, and directly used brute force to pull him out of the room, and gave Xu Ma a look.

Xu Ma immediately closed the door knowingly and locked it.

Shu Yawen threw down angrily, and cursed angrily: "Who are you, how dare you treat me like this?"

"Who am I?"

The doctor smiled lowly, and adjusted the mask in front of him.

"I'm someone you can't mess with."

Shu Yawen sneered, disapproving, "Isn't he from the Qin family?"

What is the Qin family now?

Qin Jiuxiao is not around, the dragons have no leader, and Qin's stock has repeatedly fallen by the limit.

Qin's board of directors was in a mess, and there were even a large number of shares sold at low prices.

No matter how brilliant the Qin family was back then, it is now close to a predicament.

On the other hand, now that Tang Corporation has approached a big shot, a scientific research project started by a medical genius is about to be completed.

The stock price rose again and again, all the way soaring red.

"A member of the Qin family?" The doctor savored carefully.

Those eyes hidden under the gold-rimmed glasses were ridiculed, and more of that kind of morbid madness.

His laughter came from under the mask, muffled and a little crazy.

The doctor's eyes suddenly locked on Shu Yawen's body, Shu Yawen was stunned, and swallowed.

these eyes.

Inexplicably, Shu Yawen felt familiar, very familiar, very familiar, yet so strange that she couldn't remember who it was.

Shu Yawen didn't dare to look directly into those eyes, and almost ran away when she left Shu's house.

The doctor looked down at the fleeing figure condescendingly, and the eyes under the lens became colder and more terrifying.

He slowly pulled off the mask on his face, revealing his real face.

That face looks very similar to Shu Yao's, not only inheriting Shu Boyan's heroic spirit, but also soft and beautiful.

Her complexion was as pale as snow, revealing a sickness, and the dark blue blood vessels under the skin could be seen carefully.

Standing under the light, he looked like a vampire. He was unparalleled in beauty, but also made people feel dangerous and alienated.

It is Shu Nanxun who does not change his name when he walks or sits without changing his surname.

The corners of Shu Nanxun's lips raised a strange and cold arc.


"I am back."

He whispered to the figure who had left downstairs.


Country S, Shu Yao's apartment.

When Shu Yao came out of the bedroom, Cheng Lao had already left, and she glanced at the tea.

The tea is still warm, and there is even steam bubbling in the air.

Obviously, Mr. Cheng left not long ago.

"Finished talking?" Qin Jiuxiao took the mobile phone Shu Yao handed over, and said indifferently.

He sounded as if he wasn't interested in what they were talking about.

Shu Yao pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "Auntie asked you to go home for dinner tomorrow."

"..." Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes.

Shu Yao endured it, and found that the man seemed to have nothing to say, and he didn't seem to care about herself at all.

She clearly knows that the man has deep affection for her, but such silence still makes Shu Yao feel a little bored.

Shu Yao doesn't think that kind of hypocritical person, but to Qin Jiuxiao alone, she always wants to act like a baby and wants more.

want more.

It's all the man's fault for raising her like this.

"Why don't you ask—"

When she spoke, the man suddenly leaned forward, and he gently kissed Shu Yao's eyes.

Shu Yao closed her eyes, her soft and cool lips touched her eyes.

She raised her arms and embraced the man's neck, and the man supported her waist with his big hands.

He directly sat on Shu Yao with his arms around her.

Shu Yao was stuck on the man's thigh, feeling the warmth from each other, and the man's hot and heavy panting sounded in his ears.

Her heart skipped a beat.

It turned out that I was not the only one who was emotional, nor was she the only one who cared.


Shu Yao looked away awkwardly, she shrank into the man's arms.

It is said that men probably like those who are well-behaved and docile, and she also tried her best to become what Qin Jiuxiao likes.

"Take me home tomorrow."

Saying that, Shu Yao's face felt a little hot.

It's just an ordinary thing, but to Shu Yao, it has another meaning.

It was not a good memory to be brought home by Fu Jingzhen to meet his parents for the first time in his previous life.

But this time, Shu Yao agreed, maybe Qin Jiuxiao would not know how much courage she mustered.

The courage to start all over again.

(End of this chapter)

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