Chapter 152 Whereabouts exposed
The woman's body is very light and soft, but lacks some sensuality.

Qin Jiuxiao caressed Shu Yao's exposed shoulder, and there was some other emotion in his eyes.

When she was a child, Shu Yao grew up chubby, and she looked like a little meat dumpling, white and fat.

I can't even catch up with him, and it takes a while to catch up after a certain distance.

When I grow up, I lose so much weight.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Jiuxiao looked up at Shu Yao's ecstatic eyes.

Shu Yao suddenly escaped from the memories, she shook her head slightly, and wrapped her arms around the man's neck.


Shu Yao never forgot those unbearable memories in her previous life, those who hurt her.

When I dreamed back at midnight, even the dreams were full of ugly faces of those people.

She gently rested her chin on the man's shoulder, her pair of phoenix eyes were full of embarrassment for the past.

Slightly tired, Shu Yao sniffed the cold fragrance of the man's body, and gradually relaxed her body.


Qin Jiuxiao's even and long breathing sounded that Shu Yao had fallen asleep.

Qin Jiuxiao turned his face sideways, looked at Shu Yao's beautiful and quiet side face, raised his hand and put it down again.

Has Fu Jingzhen seen Shu Yao like this before?
Shu Yao she——

Was she so defenseless against Fu Jingzhen at that time? Just thinking about it made Qin Jiuxiao feel like he was about to lose control.


Only at this time, Qin Jiuxiao should call her name softly, as if with infinite nostalgia.

In the end, Qin Jiuxiao did nothing.

At this time, the mobile phone at hand vibrated again.

Qin Jiuxiao closed his eyes, held the woman caressingly with one hand, and picked up the phone with the other.

"Ninth Master."

"The dark web is already spreading your whereabouts, be careful."

News on the dark web has always been widely circulated. Since the first day Qin Jiuxiao left Yecheng, someone has offered him a reward.

"I know, that's it."

Money can turn the devil around.

Qin Jiuxiao knew it was only a matter of time before someone would find out his whereabouts.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms, feeling a little bit reluctant.

This day came a little earlier than expected.

Qin Jiuxiao picked up Shu Yao and brought him back to the room, pulled the quilt, and covered the restless guy tightly.

closed the door.

Shu Yao's eyelashes trembled a few times, and she opened her eyes, staring thoughtfully at the direction Qin Jiuxiao left.

Men said she was defenseless against him.

As everyone knows, Qin Jiuxiao is also so defenseless against her.

How could Qin Jiuye not see this little trick if it was put on someone else.

I'm afraid I forgot that sentence, the best hunters often appear as prey.

Want to leave her?

"If you want to leave, you have to ask me if it's okay, brother nine."

Shu Yao chuckled, her phoenix eyes were especially bright in the night.


The next day, early in the morning.

Shu Yao woke up early in the morning and simply washed and tidied up, but she still didn't wake up as early as Qin Jiuxiao.

The man got up early and finished washing. He was dressed very casually, with a simple sweater and black pants.

It's rare that Qin Jiuxiao didn't wear a mask when he went out with Shu Yao today.

Shu Yao was a little surprised, but before she had time to ask, she saw a low-key and luxurious Bentley parked downstairs.

"Miss, young master, please."

Someone in front of the car immediately got down and gestured for the two of them to get in the car.

Shu Yao nodded and got into the car. Qin Jiuxiao took it for granted. He closed his eyes and rested after getting into the car.

It was very quiet along the way, Qin Jiuxiao didn't speak, neither did Shu Yao.

It was so quiet that the atmosphere was even a little awkward, and the drive was not short. It only stopped at a large manor in the suburbs.

The car drove directly into the manor, and then someone led the way to take them there.

"Little Nine."

"Miss Shu."

As soon as he entered the gate, there was a figure of a woman in the huge hall.

It's Jiang Yunrong.

Jiang Yunrong was wearing a very special, pure white cheongsam, embroidered with cranes and auspicious clouds, which looked elegant and noble.

She is very beautiful, so beautiful that she can hardly tell her age, and she is not out of harmony in the slightest.

Jiang Yunrong was about to speak, but suddenly saw a broad and vicissitudes back standing up on the big sofa with his back facing him.

When she stood up, Shu Yao guessed who it was almost at the first glance.

"Mr. Qin, hello."

Qin Jiuxiao behind him pulled her hand slightly, but Shu Yao broke free.

Shu Yao stepped forward, neither humble nor overbearing, standing in front of Old Qin, meeting the old man's eyes without fear.

The eyes of the old man, with the precipitation after the vicissitudes of the world, have a chilling spirit.

Shu Yao can feel the invisible impact after a pair.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Shu, I—" Jiang Yunrong's coquettish face showed a hint of impoliteness.

Jiang Yunrong looked at Qin Jiuxiao behind her and shook her head slightly.

This was Jiang Yunrong's signal to Qin Jiuxiao, and it was definitely not her intentional arrangement.

Mr. Qin's sudden visit was something that Jiang Yunrong never expected.


Both groups collided!

"You! You abducted my grandson." Old Qin's voice was like a bell, and he tightly grasped the mahogany handrail.

The pinch was so hard that the veins burst out.

Afterwards, Old Qin looked at Qin Jiuxiao viciously, this kid made him hard to find.

He actually ran to Country S, if it wasn't for Mr. Qin suddenly remembering that he still has such a disappointing son.

It is estimated that even this grandson will never be seen.

What is this for?Are you crazy?

Want to be like his father, throw everything away, don't care about anything, don't you?

"I thought you were a nice kid—"

"It was you that I saw at Rose's family banquet that day, and you can find a good home with your ability."

"Why worry about him?"

Qin Lao looked at Qin Jiuxiao, his eyes were like swords, his chest heaved violently, obviously very angry.

That day Shu Yao's talent was indeed obvious to all Mr. Qin and everyone.

But a woman who has been in the entertainment industry is still a woman who was clearly abandoned by that kid from the Fu family.

In other words, they are broken shoes that others are tired of playing with.

How can such a person be the mistress of the Qin family?
"Grandpa." It was a warning voice, and Qin Jiuxiao's voice was even a little cold.

Qin Jiuxiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, and he walked in front of Shu Yao.

Standing in front of Mr. Qin, Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were heavy and his expression was indifferent.

"You're taking too much care."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yunrong's eyes moved slightly as if touched by something.

She opened her mouth and looked at her son, with an inexplicable sense of relief on her lips.

Good boy.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Elder Qin snapped.

I don't know what to think of, and there is a cruel smile on Mr. Qin's serious and terrifying face.

Elder Qin looked at Shu Yao firmly, "Miss Shu, I know that the Shu family is on the verge of collapse, please be safe."

Shu family.

With a wave of Boss Qin's hand, it will be solved simply, not a problem.

But Shu Yao may be looking at the surface scenery of the Qin family, far from knowing the deep water hidden in it.

How deep is the water, once you sink in, it's hard to get out.

"But if you follow him, in your current situation, you will never have peace!"

Qin Jiuxiao's expression tightened, his cold eyes flashed across complicated emotions, and his thin lips moved slightly.

Qin Lao is actually right.

"Xiao Jiu..." Jiang Yunrong also saw Qin Jiuxiao's hesitation for a moment.

Jiang Yunrong, who has experienced missing in the past, knows that sometimes missing and possessing are just a momentary thing.

(End of this chapter)

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