Chapter 153 Designer's Wish
When that hand was about to be completely let go.

Shu Yao shook her back and grasped the man's big hand tightly, but it was still difficult for her to hug it with her hands.

The man's hand was indeed a circle bigger than hers.

"You!" Elder Qin's eyes widened.

As one of the four great families in Yecheng, the Shu family is the most indisputable.

If Mr. Shu had really fought for such a piece back then, the Shu family's splendor would be far more than that.

And Shu Yao didn't seem to be from the Shu family, the inevitable light on her body made Elder Qin unable to ignore it.

It is said that Miss Shu's family is gentle and virtuous, the most gentle and easy-to-talk.

Mr. Qin felt that this little girl was unusual, and she didn't have the slightest stage fright in front of him.

Who gave her such courage?
Shu Yao's clear and beautiful face is calm and peaceful, with calmness, and the good qualities of the aristocratic family are fully displayed in her.

She is neither sick nor slow, and she has no lack of respect for the elders, and she speaks very simply.

"Old Qin, whether you are safe or not is up to me to decide."

"It has nothing to do with who I am with. Peace is given by myself, not by others."

Elder Qin moved his lips, but couldn't utter a word of rebuttal.

As an elder, Mr. Qin has experienced more than Shu Yao, so he knows better what Shu Yao said is reasonable.

Security is earned by oneself, and cannot be given by others.

This little girl—

The people who served Mr. Qin were very surprised that Mr. Qin was forced to be unable to speak a word.

Elder Qin gritted his teeth, "Shu Yao, you—"

A little girl from the Shu family who had never had any contact with Qin Jiuxiao suddenly fell in love with each other.

Shu Yao must be planning something.

"Tell me, what will you do to leave him?" Elder Qin asked.

Hearing this, Shu Yao tried her best to hold back the smile on her lips.

These words are too familiar.

With a smile in her phoenix eyes, Shu Yao slightly parted her red lips, and asked back, "Then Mr. Qin, why are you willing to give him to me?"

Jiang Yunrong almost laughed out loud, unexpectedly Shu Yao would say such a thing.

Obviously it was Qin Jiuxiao who was being used as a bargaining chip, but his only reaction was to raise his eyelids, indifferent.

These words directly shocked Elder Qin, as if he had never seen such a scene in his old life.

I have nothing to say for a long time.


"You can't tell, and I can't tell."

"Because there is no result."

Mr. Qin just looked at Shu Yao, unable to say a word.

But rare.

Jiang Yunrong didn't detect a trace of real anger from Elder Qin, but it was Elder Qin's rare silence.

That kind of silence is a kind of self-repression.

Elder Qin looked at Shu Yao with a hint of appreciation.

At this time, the special assistant who was waiting beside Mr. Qin spoke in a low voice.

"Elder Qin."

"Young Master Wen Yu, look for it over there."

Mr. Qin snorted heavily, turned around and strode out.


Before leaving, Elder Qin took a meaningful look at Shu Yao, but finally said nothing.

Because Mr. Qin knew that if he couldn't say anything now, she would suffer when it came time to make a decision.

Shu Yao is the first one who has the courage and courage to talk to her.

But Mr. Qin still couldn't admit that Shu Yao was the first outstanding lady from a family he had ever met.

After Mr. Qin left, the atmosphere in the hall seemed to relax a lot.

Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes were touched, and he looked at the woman beside him who was a head shorter than him.

Obviously, it would be easy to shy and blush to call Jiu Ge, would become a little stammer, would nest softly in his arms as obediently as a cat, and would turn red-eyed in front of him at every turn.


Along the way, Qin Jiuxiao told him everything he saw with his own eyes.

She is not weak, she only shows weakness in front of him.

"Sorry, Miss Shu." Jiang Yunrong spoke first.

She made a gesture of invitation, signaling Shu Yao to sit down.

Shu Yao believed that Jiang Yunrong didn't do it on purpose, after all, this scene didn't do Jiang Yunrong any good.

"In a few days, there will be a catwalk contest held by Ross."

"I hope you, as my studio, will participate in the Rose family's catwalk contest."

"As for the quota, I will add it."

This was also Jiang Yunrong's helpless move. Seeing that the catwalk competition was imminent, her model was actually injured.

And Jiang Yunrong is extremely strict, and has specific requirements for his models.

Jiang Yunrong believes that without a good model, there is no way to perfectly display the clothing designed by her men.

There is no way to fully express, as a designer, this is indispensable.

Without a good model, there is no way to fully interpret this work with only design products.

As a designer, every piece of work is like my own child.

Jiang Yunrong hopes to show her design to everyone with the most perfect and best posture.

The catwalk contest organized by the Ross family is just the best opportunity.

What's more, this is the costume that Jiang Yunrong has painstakingly designed in the past few years, and it is not allowed to be treated casually.

Others may not know the card that Shu Yao showed before, but Jiang Yunrong knows it very well.

It was assigned by Jiang Yunrong. The person who owns this card is actually a model with certain strength.

Moreover, she once went through world-class performances as a professional model under her banner.

As for Shu Yao's strength, Jiang Yunrong didn't know.

But this card clearly shows that Shu Yao is capable of taking on this important task.

"Miss Shu, I know it's rash, but I can't help it."

"Of course, I just hope you can agree, and it's okay if you don't agree."

Jiang Yunrong is just fighting, she is not a person who gives up easily.

Jiang Yunrong's voice overlapped with that of that beautiful aunt in Shu Yao's dream.

An inexplicable sense of familiar warmth welled up in my heart.

Shu Yao was in a daze for a moment, but quickly came back to her senses, she hesitated.

Qin Jiuxiao knew that Shu Yao had his own persistence, so he said in a deep voice, "You don't have to force it."

Originally, there was no place for Shu Yao on the entry list.

Now the registration has already closed, and it is the stage for the players to prepare.

Because if you agree to participate now rashly, you will open the back door unconsciously and indirectly.

Shu Yao doesn't want and doesn't like to be given such a name.

"This is the price personally offered by my studio as your reward." Jiang Yunrong launched a contract.

It's clearly stated in the contract.

Jiang Yunrong is willing to offer an offer of 500 million yuan, just for a simple walk.

"it is good."

Just when Jiang Yunrong had given up any hope, Shu Yao spoke.

"However, Jiang Dong, I am willing to wear the clothes you designed for display, but I will not participate in the competition."

"It's just for display, and there is no need to rank me."

"If that's all right, I promise you."

Jiang Yunrong was taken aback for a moment, then stood up joyfully, with obvious joy in his eyes.

"Okay, I just want to show my 'baby' in the best possible light."

Originally, participating in the competition was just a bargaining chip for Jiang Yunrong to attract Shu Yao's promise. After all, once this kind of competition gets a ranking——

Aside from doubling the model's net worth, the influence will also be greatly expanded.

It's just that she didn't expect that Shu Yao would take the initiative to say that she would give up this quota, and just put on a simple show.

She looked at Qin Jiuxiao, and then at Shu Yao, because the dust settled and the matter was resolved, her smile was bright and touching.

Rao Shu Yao, who has seen many beautiful actors, thinks that Jiang Yunrong's smile is really beautiful.

That is the precipitation given to her by the years.

"Xiao Jiu!" Jiang Yunrong immediately called Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes, looked at Jiang Yunrong, and motioned for her to speak up if she had something to say.

Jiang Yunrong was overjoyed, and said angrily, "Why don't you take good care of Miss Shu? What are you doing in a daze?"

Shu Yao likes Xiaojiu of their family.

The best way to repay is to let Xiao Jiu go.

"..." Qin Jiuxiao's face darkened.

Seeing that he was motionless, Jiang Yunrong clicked his tongue, "Xiao Jiu, why don't you take Miss Shu to visit the manor?"

Jiang Yunrong patted Qin Jiuxiao on the shoulder.

He really has the same virtue as his father, like a piece of wood, how can he chase girls like this.

(End of this chapter)

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