Chapter 161
Looking at the past along the line of sight, I saw a low-key and luxurious extended Lincoln driving behind Fu Jingzhen's car in the rain and fog.

In the rain and fog, the shadows of the lights are particularly bright.

The door of the front seat was opened, the man got out of the car, and someone in the front seat was helping him to hold up the umbrella.

A big umbrella, as always, is low-key black, inexplicably solemn.

The man was tall and stern, with a calm face, exuding an aura that no one should enter, his eyes were like stars on a winter night.

The sculpted overly delicate face made the man look exceptionally handsome, and the cold eyes added a bit of chill.

The aura was so strong that the wind and rain behind him seemed to be frozen at that moment.

His appearance instantly took away everyone's attention.

Others didn't dare to express their anger, they just felt that the man's aura alone was too overwhelming to open their mouths, and they didn't dare to criticize.

Shu Yao was also captured, she had to lament the favor of the heavens.


"Ninth Master."

No matter how many times, Shu Yao will be amazed by Qin Jiuxiao.

It was even more unbelievable that this man appeared in front of him in such a majestic manner.

Qin Jiuxiao came in front of Shu Yao, looked at the woman's astonished and expectant eyes, and a touch of tenderness flashed across the deep eyes.

He responded in a low voice, "Catch me."

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, and when she realized it, her eyes were spinning.

A pair of big hands reached out and hugged her.

Her whole body fell into a warm embrace, and all the wind and rain were blocked by the man's embrace.

"Is it okay?" Shu Yao found that Qin Jiuxiao was not wearing a mask.

Without any cover, the man naturally showed his original face, changing his old style.

Until now, Shu Yao still pays attention to this point.

There was a slight smile on Qin Jiuxiao's lips, and his voice was deep and hoarse.

"It's ok."

The man's voice made Shu Yao's heart itch, and she couldn't help curling up her hand on the man's chest.

"Jiuye." Shu Yao's eyes were shaken.

A man's embrace, warm and down-to-earth.

Shu Yao could feel that she was really loved by An An.

Qin Jiuxiao saw the emotion in her eyes, and the ice in her cold eyes gradually melted, and some of them were loving and cherishing.

He came too late.

It's just such a small matter that made Shu Yao show such a lovely expression.

How bad should Fu Jingzhen treat her in the past?
The man firmly hugged Shu Yao, his soft arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

Cute and docile, very much like a Burmese cat that Qin Jiuxiao raised when he was a child.

Seeing that he was about to move, Shu Yao hurriedly said, "Be careful of the water."

Qin Jiuxiao has a cleanliness habit.

Shu Yao still kept this point firmly in her body. The stagnant water was very dirty, and Qin Jiuxiao would be very uncomfortable if it was dirty.

Lovers are always two-way.

The man didn't open his mouth, he walked straight across the stagnant water, and carried Shu Yao away indifferently in full view of everyone.

As he walked by, the other people present stared at him with direct and enthusiastic eyes.

He loves Shu Yao and is aboveboard.

"Is that my sister's boyfriend? Okay, okay—"

Passers-by were so amazed by Qin Jiuxiao that they couldn't say an appropriate adjective for a while.

"Excellent." Someone added.

"No wonder I keep rejecting my sister. It turns out that my boyfriend came to pick me up."

"This is too spoiled, I just hugged it away, and the rain hit my boyfriend."

"My sister's boyfriend is so loving! Good Su."

"It looks so good-looking, does it really exist?"

Ignore the whispers of others who linger under the roof.

The man walked straight past, and the person in his arms moved uncomfortably. On the contrary, he was very happy to see the person in his arms blushing.

There is a faint feeling like a newlywed being ridiculed.

Qin Jiuxiao was followed by someone, seeing Qin Jiuxiao moving, he quickly followed with an umbrella, respectfully and obediently.

Passing Fu Jingzhen's car parked in front of the door, Qin Jiuxiao stood still.

Shu Murou was sitting by the window, and was instantly too frightened to speak.

Where Qin Jiuxiao couldn't see, Shu Murou held on to the wrench of the car, almost trembling with fear.

He tilted his head unintentionally, and his calm face had a chilling look.

"Miss Shu, please correct your behavior in the future." The man reminded him coldly.

With Shu Murou's behavior just now, Qin Jiuxiao watched the show in the car for a while.

Shu Murou seemed to be strangled by a silent hand, "I, I..."

Fu Jingzhen was sitting next to Shu Murou, and his face turned cold when he heard it.

"Jiu Ye, Mu Rou is just kind." He opened his mouth to remind Qin Jiuxiao of his existence.

Fu Jingzhen held Shu Murou's sweaty hand, as if it would give her strength.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes and looked at Fu Jingzhen over Shu Murou, calm but creepy.

That's what he has.

With just a simple glance, Fu Jingzhen felt the pressure.

"Is it good intentions to disregard other people's opinions?"

"She clearly said no."

Qin Jiuxiao said word by word, word by word, he looked at Fu Jingzhen with cold eyes.

In terms of momentum alone, Fu Jingzhen was unconsciously short.

And Shu Yao was blocked tightly, under such circumstances, Shu Murou in the car couldn't see Shu Yao.

Shu Yao was well protected.

Shu Murou could almost guess Shu Yao's expression, her hand held by Fu Jingzhen was trembling with fear and hatred.

"Go." Shu Yao whispered.

Qin Jiuxiao is obsessed with cleanliness, and such rain will definitely get on him.

Since Shu Yao said something, and Qin Jiuxiao respected Shu Yao's meaning, Shu Yao would prefer to clean them up by himself.

As if he was too lazy to entangle with Fu Jingzhen, Qin Jiuxiao carried Shu Yao out of everyone's sight.

He sent Shu Yao into the car safely, and came in last.

When he came in, some parts of Qin Jiuxiao's body were wet, and there were some drops of water on the ends of his hair.

Inexplicably, it added a different kind of lust to this upright and abstinent man, which looked very attractive.

"Master Jiu..." Shu Yao had no choice but to raise her hand to wipe it with the cuff of her long sleeve.

Hear the word grandpa.

But now that there are outsiders, it is reasonable for Shu Yao not to want to call him Ninth Brother.

The man frowned, but he didn't avoid it, and gently rubbed the fabric across his forehead to wipe off the moisture on his forehead.

Shu Yao's hands were tightly pressed together, and she wiped them very carefully. Her earnest eyebrows and eyes attracted the man.

Ever since he picked up the woman just now, Qin Jiuxiao felt his heart on fire.

He looked at Shu Yao with dark eyes, couldn't help but raised his hand and gently grabbed it, "Okay."

The man's facial features are already delicate and perfect, Shu Yao can't wait to put on a mask just now.

With so many eyes, he is simply too good-looking.

"You should wear a mask today." Shu Yao suppressed a smile and complained softly.

She will be jealous too.

In the previous life with Fu Jingzhen, fans were afraid that their idol would have a girlfriend when they had just debuted in the entertainment industry.

They have always been in an underground relationship, and they have been holding back.

I can only watch Fu Jingzhen's rumors spread one after another, disappointed again and again.

Until she saw it clearly.

And in this life, Qin Jiuxiao gave her the respect that a lover should have.

The man was startled, his pretty face showed rare confusion, "Why?"

"How to say……"

Shu Yao chuckled lightly, her phoenix eyes shone brightly under the not-so-bright headlights, quite touching.

The beautiful face reveals an almost demon appearance, so beautiful that it makes one's heart suffocate.

Her voice is soft, like the singing mermaid in fairy tales.

"Boys have to protect themselves too."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Yao took advantage of the moment when the man was in a daze, hooked the man's tie with one hand and pulled it down.

She leaned forward.

(End of this chapter)

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