Chapter 162

The beautiful face was instantly magnified several times in front of Qin Jiuxiao, and he looked straight into the woman's eyes.

The soft jelly-like lips touched the man's thin lips, and tentatively kissed him like a kitten licking.

Qin Jiuxiao was stunned for a moment, put his hand on the woman's waist, and tried his best to restrain his strength.

In fact, the warm and fragrant nephrite in her hand, the woman who misses day and night, is in front of her eyes, pinching her soft and waist.

He held back his strength, wishing to leave some marks on his body that belonged only to him.

But he was reluctant in his heart, afraid of breaking it.

Especially when Qin Jiuxiao grabbed her shoulder and accidentally touched the scar again, his hand became lighter.

"Ninth brother." Shu Yao whispered in his ear.

The man lifted her body and hugged her on his lap.

"Be quiet and take you to choose clothes."

"Choose clothes?"

Qin Jiuxiao responded in a low voice, pinched the soft flesh around the woman's waist, and glanced sideways at the rearview mirror.

Soon, the prying eyes in the rearview mirror quickly moved away.

The car drove very steadily and quickly, and arrived at the destination in a short while.

It turned out to be the underground parking lot of Banting Court.

Yanting, that is the luxury fashion plaza opened by Jiang Yunrong and owning shares.

Shu Yao had been here before, but she didn't have a good impression when she met Shu Murou and the others.

"You wait here." Qin Jiuxiao took the lead.

Immediately, he opened the door on the other side for Shu Yao, and saw Shu Yao recklessly slipping into his arms.

Qin Jiuxiao subconsciously raised his hand to block the eaves of the car, frowning slightly.

The man reminded helplessly, "Be careful."

Shu Yao's heart warmed, and she stretched out her hand to hold Qin Jiuxiao's arm.

The man's arms are strong and strong, and he can feel the strength under his arms just by touching Shu Yao.

Along the way, Shu Yao didn't hear the man explain why he suddenly came to pick her up and choose clothes for her.

But if the man didn't say anything, Shu Yao didn't ask.

The man pressed the floor familiarly, but Shu Yao just glanced at it and didn't speak.

There are five floors in total in the banquet hall, which is not high, but the consumption level is from bottom to top according to the floor.

When I came with Aisa before, it was the third floor.

Generally speaking, the fifth floor of Yanting is only open to special customers of Yanting.

Qin Jiuxiao saw Shu Yao's gaze, and he said in a declarative tone, "You have been here."


If Shu Yao hadn't been here, she wouldn't know the rules.

"I used to study and study in country S. Didn't I quit the entertainment circle during that time, so..."

"Just know a little bit at that time."

During that time, Shu Yao was just becoming popular and quit the entertainment industry for Fu Jingzhen.

And Fu Jingzhen is gaining momentum, continuing to develop in the entertainment industry, and they are in an underground relationship.

In desperation, Shu Yao only wanted to go abroad to study, but in fact she was going abroad to hide for a while and give Fu Jingzhen a chance.

A chance to hook up with Shu Murou.

"What kind of clothes do you like?" Seeing that Shu Yao had concealed it, Qin Jiuxiao directly changed the subject.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator, a dedicated shopping guide came forward.

This is the exclusive service on the fifth floor of the banquet, ranging from small details of customers to large-scale explanations.

All of these are dedicated shopping guide specialists to serve customers.

Shu Yao stood still in front of the man, not avoiding his gaze.

"I don't look good in this dress?"

Her demeanor was completely as if she was correcting herself as Qin Jiushao's person.

Qin Jiuxiao gave her a down-to-earth sense of security, and Shu Yao thought the same, letting him know what she wanted clearly.

Qin Jiuxiao's brows were soft, and she brushed away the broken hair that fell on her shoulders.



Qin Jiuxiao suddenly smiled, and laughed out loud.

This short laughter made Shu Yao have to doubt the authenticity of Qin Jiuxiao's words.

"I think this lady can handle any style of clothes." The shopping guide on the side chuckled.

Shu Yao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, and said silently, did you hear me?

Compared with the shopping guides on the previous three floors, the ones on the fifth floor are more professional and decent, even the smile on their lips is just right.

High emotional intelligence, high service, high quality.

"Why are you laughing? If it's not good, it's not good-looking." Shu Yao grabbed the man's hand, not letting him avoid her eyes.

The shopping guide was also a lady, and she tried her best to suppress the smile on her lips when she heard this.

Don't make yourself appear too presumptuous, this young lady is obviously acting like a spoiled child for that young master.

Qin Jiuxiao shook his head lightly, his eyes were calm and gentle, blending the empty persistence of many years.

He whispered, "You were fat and chubby when you were young."

It looks good now, and it is in stark contrast to the Xiaotuanzi in my impression.

so cute.

Especially in winter, when he was wearing a round cloth, he almost melted into the color of snow when he fell after him.

Because Shu Yao is too heavy, it is sunken.

It's a pity that Shu Yao can't remember whether these are good or bad memories.

"You—" Shu Yao was taken aback, her face flushed.

Regarding this point, Shu Yao's fragmentary memory still has an impression.

The chubby little dumpling chased after the little boy, biting nine brothers one at a time.

Damn it, Shu Yao still remembered that the little boy with broken memories repeatedly mocked her for being brainless.

But those memories are fragmented and incomplete after all.

Qin Jiuxiao is the one who remembers everything, and he should be very lonely when he bears the memories of the past.

The momentary change in Shu Yao's phoenix eyes was captured by the man.

Shu Yao blurted out almost subconsciously, "You don't like it when you're fat, do you?"

As soon as she said it, Shu Yao immediately wanted to seal her mouth.

Look, does this make sense?
Obviously she is still in the tentative stage, and has not been officially recognized by Qin Jiuxiao's family.

Her statement was too straightforward and rude, and it seemed a bit arrogant.

In her previous life, she thought she was loved steadily, but what happened?

Shu Yao's eyes changed slightly, and she subconsciously wanted to take a step back——

"I like them all." The man's voice was not loud, but very soft, calming down all her anxiety.

the end.

Qin Jiuxiao's calm and peaceful eyes made him look more serious.

"You always get fatter when you have a baby," he said.

"Jiuye, what are you talking about?!" Shu Yao was taken aback, her face was on fire.

what happened?

This man said this kind of thing as simple and straightforward as if I wanted to eat rice today, and it was taken for granted.

The man's eyes were blank for a moment, "Don't you like children?"

"..." Shu Yao froze for a moment.

That's not the point!
But the man's serious tone didn't look like he was joking, Shu Yao woke up suddenly, even her eyes felt a little wet.

he is……

Learn to love for the first time.

And Shu Yao is also in this life, the first time to love Qin Jiuxiao, to understand, to get close to him.

The original is high above the ground, has no desires and desires, is not close to women, and is almost rumored to be the ninth master who broke his sleeves with the special assistant.

He can't stand playing straight balls, his ears will turn red when he is teased, he is beautiful without knowing it, and he is naturally dull in some aspects.

so cute.

If these three words were uttered by Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao might regard her as a monster.

I only saw the shopping guide staring at the two of them with a smile, and said something amazing directly.

"If the two of you are actively preparing for pregnancy, the clothing in Zone B may be more suitable."

(End of this chapter)

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