Chapter 163

"No, we're not married yet..."

Shu Yao opened her mouth quickly, even though she was calm, she was amused by the development of the matter.

The shopping guide has an expression that I understand. They have seen this kind of people a lot.

"There are also wedding dresses suitable for first-time pregnancy!"

Oops, now things are going in a weird direction.

Shu Yao looked at Qin Jiuxiao, why didn't he speak or explain.

"It's really not about getting pregnant. We don't have that plan yet. I—"

I understand from the look on the shopping guide's face, you don't need to say anything, Shu Yao almost gave up explaining.

"Let's see for ourselves."

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao didn't speak, there was a lot of acquiescence.

The shopping guide Bendang and the two were embarrassed, so they went straight forward and saw that Qin Jiuxiao and the others were dressed in extraordinary clothes.

At first glance, he has a good temperament. This kind of person has always had a rich family background.

The shopping guide then carried the two of them deeper, and these were the latest batch of high-end products that were released this season.

The clothes are all listed in front of you, showing luxury and extravagance.

Although Shu Yao is not in the design industry, she has been in contact with it before, so she doesn't know much about it.

The clothes listed in front of you can be seen with the naked eye.

Not to mention the materials used, the labor alone is expensive, and these manual tents require some skills.

"Try this?" Qin Jiuxiao asked suddenly.

Somehow, Qin Jiuxiao felt that it was very suitable for Shu Yao at the first sight.

Following Qin Jiuxiao's line of sight, Shu Yao was a little surprised, even said to be very surprised.

In front of her was a set of bright red dresses, layered upon layers, like red roses in full bloom.

At a simple glance, the design style is actually very simple, but it is extremely low-key and atmospheric, it all depends on whether the individual can afford it.

After getting Shu Yao's nod, Qin Jiuxiao signaled the shopping guide in the banquet court to come forward.

The shopping guide stepped forward and carefully took off the clothing from the model dummy and sent it to the changing room.

The changing room is huge, comparable to the large fitting rooms in bridal shops, surrounded by curtains.

Layers upon layers surrounded the fitting room, only the rustling sound of changing clothes could be heard inside.

One shopping guide was too busy, so she hurriedly transferred other free ones.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into the chief person in charge of the banquet court, President Li.

"Yes, I'm sorry, boss."

Li is always the chief person in charge of the entire area, and it can be said that he has absolute right to speak, and usually only appears on the fifth floor.

Mr. Li frowned slightly, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Banqueting is the most important thing about decency, so rushing like this is simply out of etiquette.

"Well, it's..." the shopping guide was about to speak.

Mr. Li saw "Master Nine—"

When President Li saw Qin Jiuxiao there, he was almost stunned, unable to move.

"You, you are here!" Mr. Li's voice trembled.

Good guy.

Yecheng was full of ups and downs, and the Qin family had no leader. They all said that Qin Jiuxiao had disappeared and no one could find him.

Moreover, Qin Jiuxiao left the Qin family without explaining anything, giving nothing, and taking nothing away.

He left cleanly, almost evaporated.

Qin Jiushao's main line is headed by Qin Jiushao. If Qin Jiuxiao is not around, those side branches can't wait to show their feet.

It turned out that he went to country S, but Mr. Li never expected it.

"..." Qin Jiuxiao made a quiet gesture and shook his head.

Arrogant and indifferent, simple movements, every gesture is the coercion of the superior.

This is the demeanor that the main branch of the Qin family should have.

How could it be Qin Wenyu's turn to show off in the Qin family?

Since Qin Jiuxiao appeared, Mr. Li's heart that had been hanging high immediately fell, and he was comforted.

Mr. Li took a careful look at the curtain, and immediately understood.

Mr. Li was about to leave on the front foot, but just as he took a step, the curtain beside the back foot was pulled aside by the shopping guide.

In an instant, the lights gathered on Shu Yao's body, and the mirrors on all sides reflected Shu Yao's slim figure.

Her body was as white as jade, and the bright red long skirt made her look so white, with layers of tulle gathered in front of her body.

The gully on the chest rises and falls with the breathing, a touch of white looming behind the red gauze.

The slightly long black hair was coiled up, revealing the delicate and beautiful collarbone, and the beautiful neck like a swan, so beautiful that it was almost demonic.

"Does it look good?" Shu Yao had no place to put her hand.

Mr. Li's eyes widened, his master's vision was really extraordinary!

No wonder Qin Jiuxiao didn't like any of the ones introduced by Mr. Qin before, with such stunning looks.

Of course, those rouge vulgar fans can't be ranked.

Qin Jiuxiao stared straight at Shu Yao, his eyes had already set off monstrous waves, and he opened his thin lips lightly.


"very nice."

For Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao has never been stingy with his praise and words.

Before Qin Jiuxiao left, Shu Yao was helped down by the shopping guide beside her, and she walked barefoot in front of the man.

It was bright red, as if it was a gift for a man.

Even the shopping guide on the side couldn't help but admire, "Miss is really beautiful."

No one has ever been able to hold back the aura of this dress, and it has been valued before and after.

But it's not as suitable as Shu Yao, gorgeous but not vulgar, her cold and arrogant aura overwhelms the bright red dress.

On the contrary, this haute couture dress became a foil for Shu Yao herself.

Shu Yao pressed the tulle on her chest, feeling a little embarrassed in front of the man.

"Is it too revealing?"

Even if some things are reborn, the shadow of the previous life is still engraved in the bones.

"Wear it." Qin Jiuxiao pressed Shu Yao's hand.

The two were very close, and when the man spoke, his tone lightly brushed against the side of her neck, causing a burst of numbness.

At this time, the mobile phone next to the man lit up.

Shu Yao hurriedly took advantage of this opportunity to withdraw, and said repeatedly: "You go to pick it up first."

Now that Shu Yao spoke, Qin Jiuxiao glanced at the incoming call, Ling Heng.

Ling Heng would not take the initiative to come to him if he had nothing to do.

Qin Jiuxiao followed along and left, and President Li almost subconsciously nodded slightly when he passed by.

Mr. Li also followed, but soon after, Shu Yao heard some familiar voices outside.

"You can't enter here, I'm really sorry..."

"Why? Isn't the banquet held for customers?"

"Sorry, today is an exception."

Shu Yao stood up when she heard the sound. As soon as she stood up, the shopping guide beside her hurriedly followed, fearing that something might go wrong.

She walked a little outside and saw someone coming.

"Aisa?" Shu Yao asked.

But then, Shu Yao saw the man next to Aisa again, her eyes became vigilant.

The shopping guide who was blocking Aisa found that Shu Yao knew her, and immediately let her in respectfully, without stopping her again.

Without obstruction, Aisa rushed over and excitedly held Shu Yao.

Azshara looked at Shu Yao and asked curiously, "Why are you here alone?"

According to Aisa's understanding, Shu Yao doesn't seem like someone who would come to visit these places, Aisa looked left and right and there was no one else.

Seeing Shu Yao dressed like this, she must be——

There are others.

But Aisa didn't care so much, and according to Shu Yao's devotion, she was probably accompanied by that little boy again.

Aisa pulled the people around her to Shu Yao.

"Shu Yao, I told you this, my boyfriend."

"Qin Wenyu."

The young man raised his eyes slightly, and smiled warmly, like the warm sun in winter, but there was a sharp edge hidden in his eyes.

"Hello, Ms. Shu, unexpectedly we meet again." He extended his hand as a gesture of greeting.

The one following Aisa was none other than Qin Wenyu.

It turns out that Aisa and Shu Yao are so familiar.

That day at the racecourse, Qin Wenyu wanted to kill Tang Lingxi, and Shu Yao must have seen it too.

He originally wanted to find Shu Yao, after all, there are some things that should not be said indiscriminately.

No, it happened.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes turned cold, and she said in an extremely cold voice, "Hello."

Her words mean a lot.

Shu Yao took Qin Wenyu's hand, and Qin Wenyu tightened his hand suddenly, wanting to give her a bad blow.

Astonishment flashed across Qin Wenyu's eyes, the strength in his hand was being countered by Shu Yao!

(End of this chapter)

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