Chapter 164 Keeping a Secret
This doesn't look like the hand of a spoiled young lady from an aristocratic family.

Shu Yao's hand was very strong, she was not easily grasped, and her beautiful face was still smiling.

"Shu Yao, where's your boyfriend?" Aisa looked behind Shu Yao.

Why is that little boy not here today? Shu Yao usually likes to look like him.

Qin Wenyu was intrigued by Aisa's words, and recalled something, "I was with you that day..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at Aisa.

Recalling the day of Rose's family banquet, there was indeed a man who followed Shu Yao.

Not only on the day of the family banquet, but also on the day of the horse farm holding Shu Yao on the horse.

He couldn't see his face clearly, and Qin Wenyu couldn't get his details.

"That's right, that's the guy who was by Shu Yao's side those days."

"It's Shu Yao's boyfriend, but he looks very young, and feels like a softie."

"Even the house is borrowed from Shu Yao's house."

Seeing Qin Wenyu looking at him curiously, Aisa immediately took up the conversation.

Little did he know that Qin Wenyu had grasped some information in just a few words, and the smile on his lips deepened a bit.

Seeing that Aisa was so easy to take the bait, he easily explained the background of the people around Shu Yao.

Qin Wenyu glanced at Shu Yao showing off, "It's not surprising that someone like Ms. Shu has a boyfriend."

Overtly praise and secretly derogate.

When we met for the first time at that time, in retrospect, Qin Wenyu still regarded him as some kind of big shot, with that kind of tone.

After hearing what Aisa said, it turned out that Shu Yao was nothing more than that.

After being abandoned by the Fu family, he has fallen to this point.

Aisa felt that Qin Wenyu seemed to have something in his words, but he couldn't make out the meaning.

But soon, Aisa was attracted by the clothes behind Shu Yao.

"Shu Yao, the one behind you is so pretty." Aisa walked up to the dummy, and raised her hand to touch the snow-white dress in front of her.

It is snow-capped, with shimmering sheets of light on the skirt, dotted with fine petals.

It formed a sharp contrast with the Yin Hong on Shu Yao's body.

Seeing this, the shopping guide came forward to introduce. Aisa still has a lot of research on these things, and even communicated with them.

The Ross family has quite a status in the fashion industry, and it is natural for Aisa to have researched on this.

"Wen Yu, how are you?" Aisa turned to look at Qin Wenyu.

Qin Wenyu walked to Aisa's side, he looked at it carefully, and said softly, "It's very suitable for you."

The young man stood slightly beside Aisa, he was taller than Aisa, and he was so close that he was almost close to his ear.

Ambiguity will provoke people's hearts.

It was almost an instinctive reaction, noticing that Qin Wenyu was also watching Shu Yao from the corner of his eye while being watched.

It seems that the eldest lady of this family is not as stupid as the rumors say.

"I'll try it."

Aisa walked into the fitting room, only Shu Yao and Qin Wenyu were left outside.

Qin Wenyu's face changed suddenly, that gentle and jade-like face became a little mysterious and terrifying.

"Miss Shu, there are some things I hope you can keep secret." Qin Wenyu spoke first.

The way Shu Yao looked at him that day, she knew it clearly.

Shu Yao sneered, the smile on her lips was cold, and she put her arms around her body in a defensive posture.

Yin Hong's long skirt made Shu Yao very aggressive, and she didn't lose a bit in front of a man like Qin Wenyu.

Shu Yao said very bluntly, "You mean you want to kill Tang Lingxi?"

Qin Wenyu's eyes turned cold, he never thought that Shu Yao would dare to talk to him like that.

It seems that the Shu family has been stable for too long, and they don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

As the ancestor family of Yecheng, it is very easy for the Qin family to really solve a person.

Qin Wenyu looked straight at Shu Yao word by word, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

If Shu Yao shakes off this matter, it will definitely have an impact on Qin Wenyu.

Although what Shu Yao said may not be useful——

But there is nothing wrong with it, so Qin Wenyu has to be cautious.

"I know." Shu Yao replied coldly.

Qin Wenyu stared at Shu Yao, through Shu Yao's eyes, he suddenly understood Shu Yao's meaning.

Shu Yao's eyes were clear and bright, "Qin Wenyu, what are your feelings for Aisa?"

In her previous life, Shu Yao couldn't help herself, nor could she help Wen Wan.

In this life, Shu Yao will never allow any of her friends to be hurt again.

An uneasy time bomb like Qin Wenyu is too dangerous.

And look at Aisa, she's already stuck in it.

"Me?" Qin Wenyu smiled lowly, and said inexplicably, "It's just like what you saw."

At the end, seeing Shu Yao's calmness, he couldn't help but sneered.

Where did this woman get the confidence and confidence to shout at him on the Qin family's territory?

Maybe Aisa didn't know, but Qin Wenyu knew clearly that Yanting was the land of the Qin family.

It's just that Qin Wenyu didn't want to show his identity just now.

"It's really arrogant, do you know whose territory is standing under your feet?"

"As long as I say a word, Miss Shu, you have to get out of here immediately."

As he got closer, the smile on the young man's lips gradually disappeared, and his whole person became cold and unapproachable.

It's not like standing next to Aisa just now, looking like a big boy in the sunshine.

As the young man approached, Shu Yao retreated step by step.

Until her calf touched the wide sofa behind her, she sat down.

The long skirt covered the sofa all at once, Shu Yao sat on the soft sofa and touched the back with her hands, tilting her head.

"You said that if Aisa came out and couldn't see me, would she be surprised?" Shu Yao looked at Qin Wenyu and asked.

Hearing this, Qin Wenyu froze.

Shu Yao is right, Shu Yao is Aisa's friend, if Shu Yao disappears too directly, it will definitely cause trouble.

That woman Aisa isn't stupid, she just loves herself too much.

Qin Wenyu looked down at Shu Yao on the sofa, and pulled the tie in front of him impatiently.

"I have many ways to make you disappear." He said with a warning tone.

Only the dead don't talk nonsense.

Shu Yao moved her lips and was about to speak, when the curtain behind her was pulled open, it was Aisa who had changed her clothes.

Aisa came out with her skirt lifted, and walked around in front of Shu Yao.

The emerald eyes complement the white dress, which is quite exotic.

Aisa raised her eyes to meet Qin Wenyu, and at that moment, she saw a different emotion in Qin Wenyu's eyes.

The movements of her hands followed suit.

"What's wrong? Isn't it pretty?"

Qin Wenyu was taken aback, then returned to normal, and quickly put on a smiling face, "Why? Of course it looks good."

That's all, Qin Wenyu looked at Shu Yao, with a lot of emotions hidden in his gentle eyes.

Aisa quickly came to Shu Yao's side, "Then take a photo for us!"

Aisa didn't feel any difference, and walked to Shu Yao's side and was about to sit down.

There was no time to react, just as Shu Yao was about to speak, Aisa sat down first.

As soon as she sat down, she sat on a hard object, which was very obstructive.

"What is this?" Aisa touched.

Touching a mobile phone with the screen on, the recorder on the screen is particularly conspicuous.

Qin Wenyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and they were instantly covered with a thick haze.

He felt strange, this woman was obviously not afraid at all, it turned out that Shu Yao seemed to be forced to sit on the sofa just now.

In fact, Shu Yao did it on purpose in order to touch the recording of the phone!

(End of this chapter)

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