After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 165 My People, Do You Dare To Move?

Chapter 165 My People, Do You Dare To Move?

capture this information.

Qin Wenyu tightened his hands suddenly, and he gradually felt sweat dripping from his palms.

When I first met her, I thought Shu Yao was very arrogant, and sure enough...

Some skills.

"Okay." Qin Wenyu forced himself to calm down.

Shu Yao smiled sarcastically, "That will really trouble you."

Qin Wenyu is so self-confident, but because of Aisa's love for him.

It's just a pity that Qin Wenyu encountered a soul that survived two lifetimes in this life.

Now Qin Wenyu has no way to get Shu Yao's mobile phone, even if he knows, he can't do anything.

Because Aisa is still around.

As long as Aisa left, the entire banquet court would be the territory of the Qin family, and Qin Wenyu would not be afraid.

In just a short moment, Qin Wenyu had many thoughts in his mind, and he took out his mobile phone.


Following Qin Wenyu's words, Shu Yao looked up at Qin Wenyu with a half-smile, the light in her eyes was invincible.

Shu Yao never does things that she is not sure about.

Not only did she do it, but she also asked Qin Wenyu to put on her own skin obediently, not daring to reveal anything.

Shu Yao raised her lips, put her shoulders next to Aisa's, and smiled slightly at the camera.

Qin Wenyu knew that the woman in the camera was laughing at him, so he unconsciously tightened his grip on the phone.

Soon, the flashlight flashes.

Qin Wenyu put down his phone, and he stepped forward, "Okay, do you want to take a look?"

When his hand touched Aisa's side, Qin Wenyu was still very close.

Taking advantage of Aisa looking down at the phone, Qin Wenyu raised his head and met Shu Yao who was also very close.

"It's a good shot." Shu Yao quickly lowered her head, the broken hair on her forehead concealed the smile on her lips.

Qin Wenyu shook his hand, pretending to accidentally touch the water glass beside him.

It was the water on the small coffee table next to the sofa, and he was also very ruthless, and the water glass fell over with a splash.

Water splashed all over Aisa and Qin Wenyu in an instant.

Qin Wenyu didn't care about himself, so he quickly took out his handkerchief, "Are you all right?"

Before Aisa could react, he was held down by Qin Wenyu, and the handkerchief was wiped carelessly on his body.

That kind of nervousness made Aisa slightly taken aback.

Seeing this, the shopping guide hurried forward, "Miss, come with us to clean up."

"Yes, go quickly." Qin Wenyu's eyes were full of concern, and his hand pretended to be unintentional, holding Aisa.

Shu Yao knew at a glance that Qin Wenyu probably wanted to drive Aisa away by doing this.

"I'll accompany you?" Shu Yao stood up.

Qin Wenyu observed his words and expressions, and quickly said, "Don't bother Ms. Shu with such a trivial matter."

Something was wrong with the two of them.

No matter how dull he was, Aisa realized that something was wrong between the two of them at this moment.

But Aisa didn't think much about it, she knew what Shu Yao reminded herself that day at the racecourse.

Perhaps, Shu Yao was just prejudiced against Qin Wenyu.

"No, I'll just go by myself." Azshara passed Shu Yao and pulled her aside.

Qin Wenyu didn't expect Aisa to pull Shu Yao away, but as long as the person is still in front of him, he is not afraid.

Aisa lowered her voice a little, "Shu Yao, I know what you care about, but Wen Yu is not that kind of person."


Shu Yao didn't know how to speak, her emerald eyes were full of attachment.

Such a look.

Shu Yao felt as if something was strangling her throat, it was very bitter and painful.

How is Aisa like this different from Shu Yao who was determined to go her own way in her previous life?
Ah Li once seemed to be standing in Shu Yao's current position, as well as Qin Jiuxiao, they were all using their own methods.

Use your own way to pull Shu Yao back from the brink of hell.

However, the previous life insisted on going his own way...

In exchange for Shu Yao's return, her family was ruined, her family was betrayed, and she died a bad life.

"Stop talking, I'll go first." Aisa turned around and followed the shopping guide to leave in a hurry.

Qin Wenyu gradually approached behind Shu Yao.

Although there are other people in the venue, this is the client's private matter, and they don't speak if they watch their noses and noses.

Shu Yao's mobile phone is in her hand.

Shu Yao put the phone behind her back, chuckled and backed away step by step.

"What do you want to do?"

Behind Shu Yao, there is the open-air balcony of the banquet hall, the rest and entertainment area.

With one more step, she might have a chance to step out of the fitting area, but so what if she went out to the terrace.

Qin Wenyu is not worried, the current situation is under control.

"People always have to pay for what they do." Qin Wenyu stepped forward quickly.

The shopping guide took a step forward, wanting to step forward to stop him.

Seeing that this person is going to do something to this lady, the other party is just a girl.

But soon, a hand stopped the shopping guide who was going forward.

His figure stepped forward quickly, the long skirt Shu Yao was wearing was not easy to move around, so she was caught straight.

Qin Wenyu stretched out his hand and grabbed Shu Yao's wrist, "Give it to me."

The wrist was pinched so painfully, Shu Yao was still unwilling to let go.

"Come here!" Qin Wenyu was already impatient, and gradually lost his composure.

Her other hand holding the mobile phone was still behind her back, and Qin Wenyu exerted some strength to pull her towards him.

Shu Yao was dragged staggeringly, and she was about to fall forward.

Suddenly, a hand was stretched out from behind to wrap around Shu Yao's waist, pulling her back, and at the same time squeezed Qin Wenyu's hand tightly.

Qin Wenyu felt the pain, and subconsciously let go of his hand, "Ah!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Wenyu cried out in pain, and his entire arm was twisted behind his back by this domineering force.

Qin Wenyu's arm was in an extremely twisted posture, and it hurt to look at it.

"All right?" A familiar voice rang in Shu Yao's ear.

Shu Yao shook her head, she rubbed her hands, and raised her lips slightly.

This man will always be there when she needs it most.

Shu Yao never doubted this point, that's why she is so confident.

Having experienced the misery of her previous life, Shu Yao has proved over and over again that she will never do anything that she is not sure about.

Qin Jiuxiao let go of his hand abruptly, flicked it forward, and glanced at his hand in disgust, as if it was stained with something dirty.

Rebounding with force, Qin Wenyu couldn't even stand still and was pushed back and staggered, almost falling to the ground in embarrassment.

Standing still and looking at the stern man standing behind Shu Yao, Qin Wenyu forgot to breathe for a moment.

Why is he here?

Qin's group of dragons has no leader, because the whereabouts of the dragon's head has been unknown for a long time, and those who leave are like disappearing from the world.

Even though my father mobilized all his contacts to find him, he only recently got some information from the dark web.

Qin Wenyu only felt that his mind was blank.



He squeezed out these two words from his throat tremblingly, and the blood faded from his face in an instant.

Qin Jiuxiao glanced at Qin Wenyu coldly, and his voice was particularly penetrating.

"My man, you dare to move?"

That kind of aura is unmatched by anyone.

Qin Wenyu moved his lips, unable to utter a single word, and Qin Jiuxiao saw all his actions just now.

In the current situation, Qin Wenyu's mind was in a mess, and he was not as calm as usual.

The young man's fingers trembled unconsciously, he faltered and couldn't say a word.

In front of Qin Jiuxiao, Qin Wenyu lost the momentum he had just now, and looked completely like a junior who did something wrong.

Qin Wenyu was in a hurry and didn't dare to look at Qin Jiuxiao, but he could still feel the oppression.

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, "Uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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