After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 172 Preliminary round, about to start

Chapter 172 Preliminary round, about to start

What an insolent tone.

The Shu family has always been non-competitive, but there is someone like Shu Yao.

"Since you know, aren't you afraid?" Jiang Yunrong asked softly.

According to Jiang Yunrong's impression, Shu Yao is simply a flower in a greenhouse, well protected and cared for.

It is normal for Shu Yao to be afraid.

Shu Yao bit that word hard, "Don't be afraid."

Nothing terrible.

There is nothing more terrifying than being locked in a box and being drowned a little bit to take your breath away, feeling yourself dead.

"Miss Shu is ready, please go over there and wait for the show." The makeup artist patted Shu Yao.

Seeing this, Shu Yao stood up, nodded slightly to Jiang Yunrong, and then slowly walked away from Jiang Yunrong.

It's no wonder that others have such deep prejudices against Shu Yao. Before the rebirth, this body was still the foolish self.


waiting area.

When Aisa stepped into the waiting area, her eyes lit up, and all kinds of beauties came into view.

Even after seeing the big scene, Aisa has to say that some people in the waiting area are very beautiful, very distinctive and very good-looking.

To use an idiom to describe it, it is pleasing to the eye.

Aisa walked to the workshop in the waiting area, and someone behind him adjusted the equipment and tested the broadcast.

Aisa cleared his throat, his eyes became formal and serious, and he held the microphone in hand.

"Please prepare to go on stage in order according to the serial numbers I will read next."

"Due to the consideration of fairness, the designers of the original design team without qualification certificates will not participate in the selection."

"In addition, due to the large number of participants in the preliminary round, considering various factors, a two-by-two approach was adopted."

Shu Yao, who heard Aisa's broadcast, also stood up, her name was very high.

"Group A 3 and Group B No. 3." Aisa's voice came from all directions.

Shu Yao was No. 3 in Group A, and she walked out immediately. With the departure of the other No. [-] person, Shu Yao was a little surprised.

The shadow also walked very quickly, she couldn't wait, and she quickly came to Shu Yao's side.

Wen Wan's normally weak voice was exceptionally powerful, "Shu Yao, it's great that we are together."

"So happy? You like me so much." Shu Yao smiled, her phoenix eyes bright.

started again.

Wen Wan blushed, and whispered, "Shu Yao, stop making trouble."

Shu Yao knew that she was thin-skinned and always made fun of her.

But soon, Isa read out the list of the next group of players, a new pair of catwalks.

At the same time, the two team members stood up from their resting positions, and as soon as they stood up, there was a lot of discussion.

It turned out to be a group of Shen Yue and Shu Murou.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yunrong said, the order of Shu Murou's appearance on stage was next to her.

It's just that Shu Yao didn't expect that the competition system of the preliminary round would be two people together.

But this is not understandable even in a professional-level competition system. The important thing is the huge influence of the Ross family.

Especially the top three in the event can get very favorable treatment, one of which is enough to attract many people.

"It's actually a team with Shu Murou, it's hard to shine like this."

"It seems that Shen Yue is reluctant."

"Who wants it? Then Shu Murou is the first to be favored. It is said that she is Fu Shao's fiancée."

"I'm so envious. She's beautiful and capable, and her boyfriend is so powerful."

Shen Yue's face turned dark when she stood up.

Even Shen Yue herself didn't expect to be in the same group as Shu Murou, it's really unlucky.

Shu Murou's backstage is so big, she will still have something to do with Shen Yue.

Although it is based on the single-player scoring system, Shen Yue will definitely be overwhelmed by Shu Murou if she walks with Shu Murou.

"Shen Yue, it's okay, just ignore them." Shu Murou passed by Shen Yue and said in a gentle voice.

Shen Yue didn't expect that Shu Murou would care about her emotions, and she was a little surprised that Miss Jiaojiao was so close to her.

"Hehe." Shen Yue laughed dryly twice.

So what about relatives, they are in a relationship of competition when they come together, Shen Yue doesn't want to be used as a foil.

Seeing that Shen Yue didn't want to communicate with her, Shu Murou sneered inwardly. She was just a small eighteenth-tier model with such a temper, as if someone gave her face, but she was the one with the better bed skills among Tang Meng's mistresses. Bar.

After standing for a while and feeling awkward, Shen Yue started talking again.

"Miss Shu, the one standing in front of us is your sister."

When it rained yesterday, the two sisters did not seem to be in harmony.

He felt unlucky when he heard it, and he was still following Shu Yao, if it wasn't for the purpose of highlighting himself and attracting influence...

Shu Murou didn't want to be so close to Shu Yao.

"Maybe it's the fate with my sister." Shu Murou didn't reveal the landscape at all.

Shen Yue smacked her lips, feeling bored.

But Shen Yue cared more about the previous couple being Wen Wan, she was not willing to lose to Wen Wan, not at all.

Seeing Wen Wan marry from a high-ranking young lady to a wealthy family, she became downcast and desolate, and finally divorced.

In this marriage drama, Shen Yue really took advantage of Wen Wan's blessing.

"The team that read it will prepare in an orderly manner."

"The preliminary competition is about to begin."

As Aisa's voice fell, no matter how good the sound insulation effect was, he could hear the rhythmic music outside the venue.

The rhythmic music lifted the atmosphere of the venue, slightly shaking everyone's heart.

The tension of the upcoming game surrounded everyone.

Wen Wan is also very disturbed, she knows that this opportunity is very important.

Not only is it related to her own development, as an artist under Shu's, she also bears the company's glory.

"Wen Wan, don't be nervous, you come..."

Shu Yao stuck it to Wen Wan's ear and whispered a few words.

Wen Wan's eyes became a little surprised, and she quickly glanced at Shu Yao.

There was a flash of clarity in her eyes, "Okay, but is it really okay for you to cooperate with me?"

Isn't this giving up the opportunity to others?

"You will know." Shu Yao's face was calm and warm, and she patted Wen Wan's shoulder.

Wen Wan felt the warmth from her shoulders, which warmed her heart. In fact, she was very happy.

"We used to be a group, and now we have the opportunity to stand together again." She whispered.

Others are all in a competitive relationship, even the best friends will inevitably have grudges in their hearts.

But Wen Wan really felt Shu Yao's kindness, so sincere and frank.

So it's a heart-to-heart exchange, and so is she.

Hearing this, Shu Yao was taken aback, recalling that in her previous life, she and Wen Wan were drifting away in two directions.

In the end, she didn't know the ending of Wen Wan in her previous life.

Fortunately, in this life, Shu Yao has enough time for everything.

Wen Wan showed a shy smile, beautiful and brilliant, "I'm so happy, Shu Yao."

Wen Wan's always melancholy and gloomy atmosphere seemed to have dissipated, like a ray of light leaking out of the darkness.

Vigorous, beautiful and full of vigor, she seems to have returned to the time when she was the eldest lady of the Wen family.

"I'm also very happy." I'm glad to see you again in this life.

Shu Yao couldn't see clearly, her voice was a little hoarse, and she couldn't tell what to say.

Fortunately, she didn't read wrong again.

Even if it's my own aunt, my half-sister, or my pillow person who has been with me for ten years...

Shu Yao originally thought that she would exchange her heart for her heart, but in the end it was just a self-deceiving joke.

"Ready to enter."

Just when Wen Wan was about to speak again, Aisa's calm and clear voice from all directions interrupted Wen Wan.

The contestants who were about to enter the arena all sorted out and adjusted their state and made final preparations.

Shu Yao looked at the sliver of light leaking out from the gap in the heavy curtain, she had walked out from behind such curtain countless times.

Now, Shu Yao knew that the good show was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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