173 Mutual achievement
The person next to the curtain gently pulled the hand rope, and the light leaked in from the outside, shining on everyone.

"Enter." The staff yanked down the hand rope.

As the person in front of him walks out step by step, it will soon be the turn of the next group of replacements.

Again and again, bang bang bang, beating vigorously.

Wen Wan had never felt her heartbeat so clearly before, and her excited fingers began to curl up slightly.

Will Shen Huaiyuan come?
Shu Yao touched her hand, and Wen Wan raised her eyes to meet her.

Hearing the sound getting more and more excited, Shu Yao and Wen Wan walked out from behind the curtain at the same time.

Fragments of light and shadow fell on them, as if light dust was flying around them.

Wen Wan is wearing a light-colored short skirt that focuses on refreshing summer, and she looks youthful and reckless.

It's full of girlishness, which makes people's eyes shine.

She immediately broke the inherent formal impression and looked at the countless media judges in front of the stage.

"Not bad." The audience did not know who spoke first.

The other judges began to whisper to each other. Wen Wan and the others had read the relevant materials.

"Awesome, the design is good, and the foundation of this model is also very good."

"But she's not a professional yet."

"Oh? Amateurs are still so good?"

Not a professional model, but an actor who has become a monk halfway through the career, has achieved such results.

It is indeed a material that can be made, and looking at Wen Wan's body frame, even his face is particularly distinctive, not popular.

Wen Wan's silent eyes lit up little by little, no longer shy and shrouded in countless sorrows.

"It's really a beautiful pair, and it really fits."

"Indeed, one is very girly, the other is very sexy, and the theme is very prominent."

"That person is said to belong to Designer Jiang"

On the contrary, Shu Yao is wearing the summer series designed by Jiang Yunrong, which focuses on mature charm.

After all, Jiang Yunrong's experience is there, and all her designs incorporate her own inspiration and experience.

Every time Shu Yao took a step, the slightly long curly hair on her shoulders fell on her delicate collarbone, and every step she took was stepping on people's hearts.

A dark black long dress is embellished with fine glitter, and the deep V on the chest makes the sex appeal to the extreme.

Shu Yao's cool demeanor made this long skirt even more abstinent and sexy.

One person in the audience made a big move, which caught Shu Yao's attention.

It's Zhang Shiwen.

Zhang Shiwen accidentally knocked over the water glass in front of him, almost getting the review form wet.

"Hey, don't be so excited." The friend around him looked at Zhang Shiwen teasingly.

Zhang Shiwen immediately frowned and turned cold, "It's just that I was not careful."

Then their eyes returned to the stage again.

Wen Wan's movements are almost all taught by Shu Yao, and she walks in sync with Shu Yao, and cooperates well.

However, staying in front of the stage was only for a short moment, but just this moment left a deep impression on people.

Even after Shu Yao and Wen Wan turned and left, the judges in the audience were still discussing.

Even the flashes kept on, and the sound of the shutter was one after another, even the back view was not let go.

"That person feels very professional."

"Which one?"

"Under Designer Jiang."

The next group following Shu Yao is Shu Murou and Shen Yue.

But the judges are still amazed at Shu Yao's pair, and they are still discussing that they have no intention of being divided into the current group.

When everyone was about to go back, Zhang Shiwen sitting under the stage saw that they were still discussing.

This didn't take his own designs and selections to heart at all.

"Under Designer Jiang? It looks very professional."

"Designer Jiang already had exclusive models under his command, but his men are much more powerful."

"That's not right! According to the information sent to me, Shu Yao was born as an actor, and her other resumes are blank."

Zhang Shiwen couldn't listen anymore, his players were about to come up, but these people didn't watch.

He knocked heavily on the table, "cough."

Under Zhang Shiwen's vague reminder, the judges beside him raised their eyes and took a look.

They lowered their eyes in a normal way, and moved their hands.

"Isn't that Shen Yue a model, walking like this." One of the judges said in a deep voice.

As a professional model, it's hard to see her walking like this.

Zhang Shiwen immediately stopped talking when he thought that Shen Yue was on his own team.


After Zhang Shiwen heard the follow-up, he immediately cheered up again.

"That Shu Murou is not bad, and it seems that she is not a professional model, so it is remarkable."

Hearing this, Zhang Shiwen straightened his chest, feeling quite relieved, but Shu Murou was more upbeat.

If Tang Meng hadn't given him something like Shen Yue, he would definitely have looked down on him.

"Hey, Shiwen." The judge sitting next to Zhang Shiwen patted him.

Zhang Shiwen was confused, and looked in the direction his friend pointed.

"Is that your master? It looks like Mr. Huo."

Being reminded like this, Zhang Shiwen looked along the line of sight and saw a person sitting in the dark auditorium.

The man was well dressed, dressed in a casual western cowboy style, and wore sunglasses to block it tightly.

If it weren't for Zhang Shiwen being Huo Lao's disciple, he would know that Huo Lao was wearing a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist.

He might not even recognize it.

Zhang Shiwen was so excited that he wanted to stand up to look for him, but saw Mr. Huo standing up and leaving the table.

As one of the judges, Zhang Shiwen didn't want to leave rashly, so he gave up.


Backstage in the rest area, many people were watching the two of them.

This show was really brilliant. Many of the people present were professional models, and their strength was obvious to all.

Moreover, Shu Yao's group cooperated so well that the others came out with a sense of competition.

The two of them seem to complement each other and achieve each other.

The designer's work has been brought into full play on them, and the core of the design can be seen at a glance.

Especially the unattainable glamorous feeling on Shu Yao's body, and the whiteness revealed when she bent over to arrange the skirt hem data.

Shake's heart itches.

"Hey, Designer Jiang." Wen Wan touched Shu Yao beside her.

Wen Wan was actually a little surprised. It was rumored that Jiang Yunrong opened the back door after Shu Yao left.

Why does Jiang Yunrong dare to come here right after Shu Yao is off the field? Isn't this directly giving people a handle and telling the truth?

Jiang Yunrong approached, her voice was clear and undisguisedly excited, "Well done."

Just now Jiang Yunrong was worried about Shu Yao's state in the background, whether she would be affected by gossip.

But looking at it this way, Shu Yao not only didn't care, but also walked out of the aura she should have.

"My Xiaojiu has good eyesight." Jiang Yunrong looked up and down, and stopped at Shu Yao's waist.

Seeing that this figure is destined to give Xiao Jiu a cute doll.

Shu Yao reacted immediately after being watched, "You..."

However, Wen Wan looked around worriedly, and saw people gathered around to look.

She was already dressed in a buzzing manner, but now she gave others a chance to gossip.

Why are they not afraid?
Before he could open his mouth to remind, a sharp and sarcastic voice sounded beside his ears.

"Ah, ah, Ms. Shu is so ostentatious, Designer Jiang has come to greet her in person."

(End of this chapter)

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