Chapter 174
It was Shen Yue who just came down from the stage, and she lost her face as soon as she came down.

Shu Murou beside her carefully tugged at her, and whispered, "Shen Yue, don't do this."

After speaking, I immediately went to see Jiang Yunrong's face. I heard that the Luosi family valued Jiang Yunrong very much.

"My ostentation is no match for yours. The Tang family is the organizer." Shu Yao chuckled and dropped a bombshell.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yue's face immediately changed, and she retorted almost subconsciously, "Don't spout blood."

Everyone knew that Shu Yao came from Jiang Yunrong's backstage, and now she was so close to Jiang Yunrong, it was a fact.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao would actually drag her into the water, which shocked Shen Yue into a cold sweat.

"This isn't the vegetable market making trouble for you, Miss Shen Yue, if you have any opinions, you can report them."

Jiang Yunrong sneered, her face with no signs of aging was very plain, she raised her hand.

Noble and calm, her gesture is a please.

It can be seen that Jiang Yunrong didn't care about Shen Yue's report and complaint at all, and she even stared at Shen Yue in her spare time.

Shu Murou hurriedly pulled Shen Yue, pretending to protect Shen Yue.

"Sister, Sister Shen Yue kindly reminded me, after all, it's really a matter of going backstage..."

Shu Yao glanced at Shu Murou nonchalantly, "You know again?"

The sisters attracted a lot of attention when they were selected in the preliminary round, and now standing together is even more conspicuous.

Others were either preparing or stepping down to listen quietly.

After all, they all knew a little about Shu Yao's incident, and they didn't know who was the first to leak the news, and the rumors were uproarious.

Generally speaking, it is strictly forbidden for such unrealistic things to diverge.

Is it true or not?

"I just heard about it." Shu Murou's face turned pale when Shu Yao's voice shocked her.

Shu Yao laughed lowly, and then said seriously, "It's true that there is nothing wrong with it."

When the bystanders heard it, everyone had different colors on their faces.

Didn't Shu Yao directly beat herself to death by saying this, because she was beaten to death because she was angry with Jiang Yunrong.

For a while, the rest area became noisy, everyone was talking about what Shu Yao said.

Shen Yue immediately echoed, "Look, you admit it!"

"Sister, this is a competition." Shu Murou also looked flustered.

Shu Yao hooked the corners of her lips and asked again, "You are speaking as if you don't know Zhang Shiwen?"

As soon as the words came out, the blood on Shu Murou's face faded immediately.

Originally Shu Yao didn't care about these things, but if the dog insisted on biting her, she couldn't help it.

In terms of going through the back door, Shu Yao can't compare to Shu Murou.

Shu Murou forced a smile, "Why can't I understand what my sister said?"

Zhang Shiwen and Fu Jingzhen have been friends for many years, and Shu Yao once had contact with Zhang Shiwen.

If she hadn't been with Fu Jingzhen for so many years, Shu Yao would have been deceived by Shu Murou's innocent appearance.

Seeing that Shu Murou couldn't say anything to refute, Shen Yue immediately stood up.

"So what? She's Fu Shao's fiancée. If you know her, you'll get to know her. It's just socializing in the upper class!"

"Where did you meet Designer Jiang, a down-and-out young lady? There must be a ghost."

Just now when Shu Yao prevented her from attacking Wen Wan, Tang Meng once again took a fancy to Shu Yao.

All these things have long made Shen Yue unhappy.

"Really?" Shu Yao laughed out loud, she didn't expect Shen Yue to say it so casually.

She looked at Shu Murou, "Then why did you say you didn't know each other just now. Murou, do you have a guilty conscience?"

Originally, the rest area was relatively quiet, but now batches of people are taking the stage to replace them.

There were a lot of people around Shu Yao and the others, after all, they were the most powerful people in this group.

Hearing what Shu Yao said, the discussion became even more serious.

"Yeah, why did you pretend you didn't know me just now?"

"I've heard before that Designer Zhang and Young Master Fu are close friends, so why not admit it."

"Unless you have a ghost in your heart."

The eyes of the other contestants looking at Shu Murou have changed, but Shu Yao is open and aboveboard.

Shen Yue is an idiot!

Shu Murou's nails sank deeply into her palm, and she was really about to be killed by Shen Yue.

"Maybe I can't remember how many times I've met." Shu Murou replied in a low voice without convincing.

Shu Yao glanced at Shen Yue, "You must remember to think about it next time you speak."

It seems that the people around Shu Murou are not very smart, neither Tang Lingxi nor Shen Yue.

All of them will hinder Shu Murou.

Immediately afterwards, the staff members came out to stop the struggle, and they each returned to their resting seats, waiting for the audience's selection.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Yunrong was also taken away by the staff, as if something happened.

The selection process has gone through several rounds of backstage competitions, including audience voting in the fashion industry, which now takes some time.

Everything in the judging room is projected on a large screen in front of all contestants present to ensure fairness.

Not surprisingly, Jiang Yunrong appeared on the screen.

This means that Jiang Yunrong will also participate in the selection and is also a member of the judges.

"Eh? Didn't you say that Jiang Yunrong won't participate?"

"That's right, there's her up there."

"Look, that's on the screen!"

With an exclamation, the whole room became lively in an instant.

It turned out that those who participated in the competition found an unremarkable person in the corner of the screen, squatting on a small chair and sitting in the corner.

He looks like a staff member, but he is well dressed and keeps up with the trend.

Someone pointed out the identity of that person, "That's Mr. Huo!"

Who is Mr. Huo?
Huo Lao is a master in the fashion industry, a well-known designer in country S who is well-known throughout the country.

When he was young, he was said to be a top male model, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was the pioneer of the fashion industry.

Some retired early at his age, but Mr. Huo was extremely active.

But the bad thing is that he always meets the gods and dragons, and even his apprentice Zhang Shiwen can't find himself from time to time.

It actually appeared on the TV screen at this moment, and some people in the audience were very happy, it was a surprise.

"Didn't Mr. Huo say that the finals are coming?"

"Oh my god, it's Mr. Huo who is really alive, he's here!"

"Will Mr. Huo personally read the promotion list?"

Shu Yao stared fixedly at the shadow on the screen, her eyes flashed blankly for a moment.

A scene of studying abroad flashed through my mind quickly, and I almost shook my head in disbelief.

"It seems to be sorted out." Shu Yao recovered and looked at the people on the screen.

The staff on the screen began the final finishing work, and the judges dispersed one by one, leaving Mr. Huo behind.

Huo Lao seems to know that someone will be watching in front of the screen and knows his existence.

He also waved his hand vigorously at the place where the camera was located, and then showed his big white teeth.

Immediately, Isa's formulaic voice sounded in the arena.

"The competition has ended, and there are currently 80 contestants."

"After the preliminary round, 50 people will be eliminated, and a total of 20 people will be promoted."

"The following is the list of qualified contestants that I read out. Please prepare for the promotion to go on stage after receiving it."

"The advanced contestants went to the stage to receive their scores and prepare for the final."

(End of this chapter)

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