Chapter 190 The Power of the Actress

"Try to get closer to the image, anything is possible."

With Shu Yao's words, the make-up artist is much more confident, and she was afraid that Shu Yao would refuse.

After all, when the makeup artist did the styling before, some artists disliked her craftsmanship, but it was based on the image.

Every character positioning image is different.

"Miss Shu, take a look." The makeup artist tried to be as gentle as possible.

Such a beautiful young lady.

Shu Yao opened her eyes again and looked at herself in the mirror, "You can make it more important."

"Really?" The makeup artist was surprised.

It was the first time someone asked a makeup artist to do ugly makeup and make it heavier.

The makeup artist has seen most of the actors, not all of them, but most of them want to look good.

Those actors who are not professional at all, only care about their own image in front of the camera.

"Yes, the hair can be messed up and dull."

"But this may also damage your hair roots..."

"It doesn't matter, if I eat this bowl of rice, I must be worthy of this profession."

The make-up artist was slightly taken aback, but immediately strengthened her belief and retouched Shu Yao.


Shu Yao, who walked out of the make-up artist again, attracted the attention of the people beside her.

This is completely different from Shu Yao when she first came in, she is like a beggar on the street.

I saw that Shu Yao was wearing a tattered and funny shirt that did not conform to the trend of the times, and worn jeans, which revealed an old dark tone and had some holes.

So ugly and shabby.

"Hey, who is this?" A sarcastic female voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound as if they were watching a play, and saw Shen Yue walking in a glamorous outfit.

Shen Yue was wearing a tight-fitting mermaid skirt, which wrapped her body in a bulging front and back, and she came with makeup, very delicate and charming.

Compared with Shu Yao in this way, Shen Yue's posture is higher.

"Isn't this Shu Yao, Miss Shu? Tsk—!"

"Sure enough, people depend on clothes."

Said, Shen Yue sarcastically passed by Shu Yao to go to the dressing room.

Shu Yao glanced at her lightly, and spoke slowly the moment she passed her by.

"In the current situation, Miss Shen still has enough confidence in the crew?"

Although she was dressed in simple and casual clothes, even a little dirty, but those bright and frightening eyes looked straight into people's hearts.

As soon as Shen Yue heard it, she knew that Shu Yao was implying the current situation of Tang Corporation.

Thinking of Tang Meng's outrageous tyranny last night, she shuddered instantly, snorted coldly, and flung her face into the dressing room.

"I'm sorry, Shen Yue's participation in the team with funding has already been finalized and cannot be replaced temporarily."

This scene is going to be played against Shen Yue.

Seeing that Shu Yao's makeup and hair were done and she had to wait for others, the Chief Producer, Sister Mo, stepped forward and pulled Shu Yao to make small talk.

Sister Mo cherishes Shu Yao very much, after all, he is the person she fell in love with at first sight.

"It's okay, Sister Mo, I'll read the script again." Shu Yao knew that her power was limited.

Sister Mo smiled gratifiedly, and secretly wrote it down.

After a while, Shen Yue also came out of the dressing room, and she had been waiting for Shen Yue for a long time.

As soon as she came out, they were all in their places in no time.


As soon as the scene is finalized, the scene officially begins.

This is the first scene where the third female Jiang Wanqing falls from the clouds from the noble daughter.

He was working in a private restaurant and was discovered by the second female attacker, Luo Luo, who secretly followed him to the restaurant and made a big fuss.

Seeing that Jiang Wanqing, who was once aloof and married into a wealthy family, has fallen into ruin, Xi Luoluo couldn't help but sneer.

This play, Shen Yue is quite handy.

"Oh, isn't this Jiang Wanqing, the daughter of the Jiang family?!" Xi Luoluo, played by Shen Yue, shouted pretending to be surprised.

This shout attracted the attention of other people in the private dining room.

Only then did they notice that this turned out to be Jiang Wanqing, the daughter of the Jiang family who married into a wealthy family but was divorced.

"No, no, I'm not." Shu Yao's eyes turned red, and she covered her face with her hands in a panic.

In an attempt to block the sight of other people's inquiry.

Jiang's daughter, married into a wealthy family, this identity once gave her the supreme glory, but also trampled her into the mud.

Shen Yue was so happy at once, she ecstatically said loudly: "Look at what you are wearing! Oh, don't hide, didn't you say that you are the first beauty before, what camera are you afraid of?"

She hastily grabbed Shu Yao's hand.

After catching Shu Yao's hand, Shen Yue looked at Shu Yao proudly.

This is clearly public revenge!

Shu Yao's eyes flustered and timidly trembled when she was grabbed by her hand, like a frightened deer.

Those eyes were reflected in front of the camera, and even the assistant director who had been chattering was fascinated.

How can someone be so good at acting? All the emotions are integrated into those eyes.

She has talking eyes.

Shu Yao shook off Shen Yue's hand violently, waving it carelessly, "I'm not!"

Shu Yao's strength was great, and she threw Shen Yue out, and she fell to the ground with an ouch.

His head still hit the chair behind him heavily, and tears burst out from the pain.


"Associate director, take a look at the chief producer, she did it on purpose!"

Shen Yue got up from the ground at once, pointed at Shu Yao and yelled loudly.

It must be that Shu Yao is not used to her small movements, it is all intentional.

However, it was very quiet all around, and everyone was immersed in the sense of Shu Yao's tragic and desolate scene just now.

No one spoke until Shen Yue interrupted.

"What are you doing?!" Sister Mo couldn't help but snapped.

The assistant director was also reluctant to say anything, this time it was indeed Shen Yue who was wrong, "Shen Yue, this scene is quite good, what are you doing?"

None of the other staff members spoke either.

After a scene, it needs lighting, sound recording, camera follow-up, and extras.

It was very troublesome and complicated to come out, but Shen Yue asked everyone to accompany her to do it again because of a trivial matter.

"I, I..." Shen Yue was at a loss for a moment, and finally could only say unwillingly, "I'm sorry."

Many pairs of eyes stared at Shen Yue, with deep dissatisfaction and blame, she was suddenly isolated.

And Shu Yao stood up from the ground, twisted her wrist, with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

But Shen Yue saw Shu Yao's mouth shape clearly, she said, "Come here."

Sister Mo has never been able to look down on Shen Yue who brought money into the group, let's see who else dares to help her this time.

"You are most sorry for your opponent Shu Yao." Sister Mo reminded coldly.

The assistant director smacked his lips. It was indeed Shen Yue's disappointment, so he smoothed things over, "Okay, okay, let's get started."

Shen Yue hated her so much that she was about to bite her lower gums to bleed!
She stomped her feet and had to look at everyone's accusing eyes again.

This time Shen Yue was afraid of causing trouble again, so she didn't dare play tricks on Shu Yao again.

The play continued until the last scene, because the boss felt that the influence was not good due to being attacked by Luo Luo, and wanted to fire Jiang Wanqing.

It was Jiang Wanqing who begged her boss to stay and work.

"Boss, please..." Shu Yao held the hand of the co-star who played the role of boss, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, begging in a begging voice.

Her eyes were dull, and she bent her body to the lowest position, trying to grab the boss's hand helplessly.

Everyone else outside the camera watching can empathize.

The boss couldn't bear it either, but there was nothing he could do. He grabbed a handful of money and stuffed it into Shu Yao's hands.

"No, we are also a small business, you go, these are your wages these days."

Shu Yao grabbed the change and fell down on the cold floor. The boss couldn't bear to close the gate any more.

After that, she thought of all kinds of things and couldn't help crying heartbreakingly.

One after another.

All the people present were all moved, until the assistant director yelled 'card' and everyone came back to their senses.

Even Shen Yue was stunned, she was very different from Shu Yao herself, she was not alone at all!

Is this the strength of the queen of three consecutive championships?

(End of this chapter)

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