Chapter 191

"it is good!"

Chief producer Sister Mo applauded first, followed by a burst of applause from other staff members.

Even the assistant director who had been picking on the chief producer couldn't say anything bad about Shu Yao, she acted too realistically.

It's so realistic that it's as if you've experienced it yourself.

"Ouch, get up." The group performer who played the boss just now was very heartbroken.

If it weren't for the quick closing of the gate, the extras who played the role of the boss couldn't bear to reject Jiang Wanqing in such a play.

"Ah, this..." The extras reacted quickly, and wanted to withdraw their hands in embarrassment.

Although Shu Yao only played the role of the third female lead, she was a serious actor after all, so he acted in a group.

Other actors must look down on them, and look down on their group performances like dawdling.

Shu Yao grabbed that hand just as she was about to retract it, and she stood up, "Thank you."

"Oh, no need." The group performer was very surprised and said flattered.

While speaking, Shu Yao felt her voice was still hoarse, and she cried too much just now.

Her phoenix eyes were slightly red, and her clear face was innocent without makeup, simple and beautiful.

This kind of casting is like Jiang Wanqing who came out of the script.

"Okay, let's take a break first." The reporter called out.

The reason is nothing else, but the actor who played against Shu Yao in the next scene has something happened and has not yet arrived.

This also gave Shu Yao a chance to relax.

Shu Yao returned to the lounge. She held the warm glass in her hand and thought about it, her eyes were still dreaming.

It seems that he is still immersed in the emotion just now and has not come out.

Ah Li said carefully, "Sister Yao, are you okay?"

Shu Yao is an immersive actor, she performed the actor's soul and divided her own soul.


"It's really a bully, it's clearly agreed, why should we wait!"

Sure enough, playing big names is a routine no matter in country S or in Yecheng.

Shu Yao came back to her senses, lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, "It's pretty good."

It was after going through all these hardships that Shu Yao realized how hard it was all the way back then.

But she was so stupid. For Fu Jingzhen, she gave up everything she had worked so hard to get.

She was unattainable at first, but she was so stupid that she took off her crown, shed her fine clothes, and became mediocre.

However, everyone loves your glamorous side on the screen, who loves your mediocrity.

Suddenly, the venue suddenly started to be noisy.

"I'm coming!"

"Oh my god, it's so refreshing, drinks and snacks—!"

"Fu Shaohao knows how to be a man, and there are pastries, oh my god, my favorite!"

There was a commotion in the dressing room because of someone's arrival, Shu Yao raised her eyes to meet a pair of familiar round eyes.

It's Shu Murou.

Fu Jingzhen was still following behind her, Xu came to visit the class.

A group of staff behind them took over the big and small bags from Fu Shao's hand, and opened them one by one for food.

The table was full of food, all of which were petty bourgeois snacks and drinks.

The staff burst into laughter immediately, rushing to surround them.

"Sorry everyone, I want you to wait for me." Shu Murou rushed to the people who wanted to eat and nodded one by one.

The staff who came around were very polite and spoke one after another.

"Hey, where are the words and where are the words!"

"Young Master Fu is so generous, tsk tsk tsk, I'm so happy to be with you during filming."

"It's really talented and beautiful. Fu Shao is so lucky to have Miss Mu Rou."

No one in Country S knew about Shu Murou and Shu Yao's affairs, Shu Murou put herself in the position of the main palace early.

Shu Murou felt very comfortable hearing these remarks.

When Shu Murou saw Shu Yao, the initial surprise quickly turned calm, "Sister Shu Yao, I'm really sorry for being late."

Having said that, there was no trace of politeness in Shu Murou's words.

"It's okay, it's not my earning money that's being delayed." Shu Yao responded lightly.

No matter when work starts, it is the entire production crew that will be delayed, including Shu Murou, the lead actor of the play.

She didn't know whether to say that Shu Murou became a monk halfway and didn't go to the Tao, or that Shu Murou was really stupid.

Why should I delay myself and still be so arrogant?
Fu Jingzhen pushed the girl in front of him, and persuaded in a low voice, "Mu Rou, go and put on your makeup first."

In this regard, Fu Jingzhen is better than Shu Murou, and he is well aware of the pros and cons.

Shu Yao stood up, she was still wearing the clothes just now, and when she stood up, she compared with the glamorous Shu Murou.

"Okay, I'll go first." Shu Murou sneered when she saw Shu Yao like this.

What white moonlight, it's not just because of the clothes that look good!

This is simply pulling apart the temperament, one day at a time.

Although it was deliberately covered up by ugly makeup, those eyes were still clear and bright, as if they could penetrate people's hearts with a single glance.

But Fu Jingzhen was a little dazed, because Shu Yao's appearance was just like what Fu Jingzhen asked him to do before.

Fu Jingzhen didn't like Shu Yao's ostentatious clothes, he didn't like being peeped at his things.

Looking again, it seems like yesterday.


After Shu Murou put on her makeup and hair, and finished her styling, everything in the venue was also ready.

The other staff members were busy and responsible for running around the venue, and the funny thing was that the assistant director was also running.

But the assistant director was not there for anything else, but to pour tea and water for Fu Jingzhen.

This film is invested by Tang Corporation and Fu Corporation, and has a considerable right to speak.

"Young Master Fu, I'll be busy first." The assistant director finished serving, nodded and bowed to step back.

Fu Jingzhen has always been condescending, and he can't bear this kind of dogleg. The more dogleg the assistant director is, the more he looks down on him.

So Fu Jingzhen just nodded slightly, "Okay, you are busy."

Originally, Fu Jingzhen didn't want to contact the assistant director, but Shu Murou was the lead actor of this play, so he still had to give it to save face.

Ari on the side watched and spat.

"Bah, you're just pretending, when Sister Yao and you were with him—"

"Enough." Shu Yao interrupted Ari.

When Shu Murou was with Fu Jingzhen before, Fu Jingzhen's foundation was still not stable and he focused on being single, afraid of driving away his girlfriend fans.

They have always been a secret affair, never public.


Shu Murou felt disgusted when she thought of that incident, in order to clean up her relationship, she set herself up as a single person.

Fu Jingzhen even took advantage of her unguardedness to steal the chat records of her mobile phone, slandering her for not being self-respecting and licking dogs.

From the beginning to the end, it seemed to the outside world that Shu Yao was the first to move, and Fu Jingzhen was the first to chase after.

But who knows the truth?

The field recorder gave an order.

Shu Yao suppressed the emotion in her eyes, at this moment, she was Jiang Wanqing, a down and out daughter.

This scene was filmed against Shu Murou, who acted with sisterly love!

"Wanqing, why didn't you tell me earlier, I can help you."

The heroine Ye Zhen played by Shu Murou spoke first.

When the heroine saw that her former friend Jiang Wanqing had fallen to this point, she was very heartbroken.

Shu Murou's eyes were wide open, as if she could express the emotions she wanted to express.

But I don't know that the people outside the show are a little speechless, this, this is like a goldfish, you have to use your face well to be beautiful.

This is simply a vase with no appearance.

"Stop!" Sister Mo frowned.

Not only the chief producer, Sister Mo, felt that Shu Murou's emotions were not in place, but also the assistant director.

The assistant director has tried his best to turn a blind eye, but Shu Murou is still close to the passing line.

"Okay, okay, it's mine, it's mine, just do it all over again." The assistant director hurriedly grabbed Sister Mo who was about to step forward.

This is Fu Jingzhen's fiancée. If she offends her, the assistant director will definitely not be able to afford it.

He would rather admit his mistake before the chief producer.

Chief producer Sister Mo sneered, "What's going on, this is the person you're looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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