Chapter 194
Ling Heng's words had already been uttered, and the others noticed it, so it seemed more deliberate to avoid it directly.

So Qin Jiuxiao naturally wanted to pick it up.

Ling Heng said silently, "Then this time—"

Suddenly, there was a bang, and a pink thermos cup appeared in front of the screen.

Ling Yang quickly picked up the overturned thermos, "I'm sorry, young master."

At this time, the faces of the people on the screen were a little strange.

They all concentrated on the thermos cup in Qin Jiuxiao's hand, which was too pink.

It is impossible to be Qin Jiuxiao himself.

Combined with the cat Qin Jiuxiao mentioned just now, it is a bit wild...

Everyone on the screen has wonderful expressions and different expressions.

And Qin Jiuxiao acted as if nothing had happened, and ended the meeting directly, and the screen went black.

"You will cause others to misunderstand you, young master." Ling Yang reminded from the side.

Qin Jiuxiao closed his eyes and rested his mind, his voice was dull and low, "Follow them."

Indulging in gentleness, let go of the Qin family.

I believe that when Qin Jiuxiao returns to Yecheng, relevant information such as this will spread out soon.


As soon as Shu Yao finished her work, she walked out of the set.

Almost as soon as the door was opened, crowds of media reporters rushed forward, like hungry wolves seeing a piece of meat.

Countless flashes and the sound of photography sounded almost simultaneously.

"Miss Shu, may I ask if you have seen the apology article published by the Global Newspaper?"

"Ms. Shu, Ms. Shu, may I ask if the Globe Newspaper had a private chat with you?"

"Miss Shu, it is rumored that the drama you participated in was funded by Tang Corporation. After this incident, have you been affected?"

Countless media reporters scrambled to pass the microphone, pushing each other, wanting to get first-hand information.

Ari was frightened by the situation, and took a step back, almost falling, "Ah!"

"Please step back and give me a space."

There was nothing behind her, but Ari was firmly supported by a shoulder, which was Shu Yao.

"Sister Yao." Ah Li's heart warmed.

Such a sassy Shu Yao, facing so many reporters, Shu Yao who used to be afraid to show her face in public.

Compared with now, Shu Yao is calm and calm, no longer flinching or fearing.

Shu Yao moved and quickly leaned behind Ari, she supported Ari, and patted her waist with one hand.

"This..." Other media reporters hesitated.

Afraid that they would leave a gap, the person who was finally caught would slip away.

As if seeing their scruples, Shu Yao spoke again.

"I promise I won't leave, but being here for an interview affects other people."

I don't know who gave way first, and the others followed suit.

Let the staff behind the set remove the props and other things in an orderly manner, and leave one by one.

The filming locations behind were all used up, and the staff also quit one after another, so they borrowed them.

Being on the field will not affect others, and it is also convenient for yourself.

"You can ask." Shu Yao stretched out her hand and took all the nearby microphones in her hand.

Those media reporters didn't expect Shu Yao to be so cooperative, after all, many people don't want to be disturbed.

What's more, when it comes to the Global Newspaper, the Environmental Protection Newspaper has an unusual status in the media world.

If you want to bring down the Global Newspaper, you must have the heart that is not afraid of being retaliated.

"Miss Shu, have you read the apology article published by the Global Newspaper?"

Still the same reporter, still the same question.

It seems that many people are concerned about whether Shu Yao has seen it, and whether she has accepted the apology from the Global Newspaper.

Shu Yao was silent for a moment, thinking about that ridiculous report.

The whole article was vague, and only apologized for the inaccurate information on this matter, and did not mention anything else.

"I see, but I don't accept an apology."

Shu Yao didn't directly dispel the ambiguity of the report, because no one will feel the same way as you.

What she has to do is to use people's hearts, just like the Globe Newspaper.

"Because I think everyone should speak out for themselves, for all injustice, and for justice."

What the Globe newspaper has done will definitely be backlashed.

And Shu Yao firmly believes that she is definitely not the only one who has been slandered and issued a black draft.

"I hope others can stand up and say no to these unscrupulous media outlets."

Shu Yao spoke solemnly, without flinching from the camera.

Those media reporters looked at each other for a while, they didn't expect Shu Yao to be so bold, and bluntly said that the Global Newspaper is not good.

She even happened to appeal to other people.

However, this is exactly what the industry likes to hear and see. The Globe newspaper has occupied this big cake for too long.

Many people wanted the Globe to collapse.

"Miss Shu, I'm a reporter from Globe News—!"

Someone held up a press card and squeezed forward.

He stood in front of Shu Yao and confronted, "We sincerely apologize to you, your attitude is too much!"

"Apologize? When Tang Lingxi, a reporter from your agency, accused me of accusing me of false evidence and damaging my reputation."

"Did you stand up?"

Others cast mocking glances one after another, and the man blushed at Shu Yao's words and was squeezed out.

At this time, another person asked, "Miss Shu, what gave you the courage to stand up?"

There was a person who stood up, not afraid of revenge from the boss behind the Globe newspaper, and bravely spoke out.


They were all curious, if a person with no identity and background would stand up rashly like this.

Maybe someone will take revenge in private!

"Even some sinful people who shouldn't see the light dare to stand in front of the camera, why can't I?"

Shu Yao spoke in a cold voice, her eyes fell on Shu Murou who was watching the play.

That gaze was like a knife, piercing Shu Murou's whole body trembling, she hurriedly looked away.

Shu Murou tugged at Fu Jingzhen beside him, and whispered, "Brother Jingzhen, let's go."

If Shu Murou was not afraid that Shu Yao would say something unfavorable to her, she would have left with the crew long ago.

Fu Jingzhen stared intently at Shu Yao, who was shining brightly in front of everyone, and frowned.

Why didn't he realize that Shu Yao was so dazzling in the past?
Tenacious and persistent, as if nothing could destroy her.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Tang has a very good personal relationship with my parents, I'll listen to something so I can explain to Uncle Tang."

"Brother Jing Zhen, I can't stand listening to it. My sister is so scary, so scary."

Shu Murou was really scared.

With Tang Lingxi's status and background, Shu Yao actually destroyed her so directly, and even wanted to uproot Tang.

The question "what are you going to use to compete with the Tang family" when I asked Shu Yao back then seemed to be a joke.

Because Shu Yao did it, shaking the entire Tang Corporation with her own power.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Yao's clear and steady voice came from the microphone again, making it clear for everyone present.

"I have never been in private contact with The Globe and have not accepted an apology."

"A media must be responsible to the public. What it says and writes must be true and fair."

At this point, Shu Yao sent out the microphone in her hand.

She told everyone her attitude and never compromised.

Moreover, the Globe newspaper has been doing evil for a long time, and Shu Yao knew a lot in her previous life——

The evil deeds they have done will eventually be backlashed!
After Shu Yao handed over the microphone, the media reporters got the answer and faded away like a tide, making it easier for her to leave.

However, just when Shu Murou breathed a sigh of relief, the people around him disappeared like arrows from the string.

"Hey, brother Jing Zhen, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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