After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 195 Precisely because I understand

Chapter 195 Precisely because I understand
Shu Murou followed, only to see Fu Jingzhen walking very fast, and grabbed Shu Yao just as she was about to leave.

"Be respectful!" Shu Yao violently shook off the hand that was holding her.

Touched by Fu Jingzhen, it seemed to recall those unbearable and disgusting memories of the previous life.

Fu Jingzhen frowned slightly and let go of his hand,

There are other people here, so it's hard to guarantee that with Shu Yao's current personality, there will be trouble.

Shu Yao chuckled when she saw Shu Murou chasing her, and put her arms around her body, "You don't care about your fiancée?"

"Shu Yao, don't do this."

do not do that.

Shu Yao has heard such words too many times.

Fu Jingzhen glanced around and found no one else noticed before she opened her mouth, "Lingxi is still young, and she has been pampered by her family since she was a child, so she must not be particularly malicious towards you."

It turned out that Fu Jingzhen came to intercede for Tang Lingxi.

This relieved Shu Murou's empty heart a little. The moment the man turned and left just now, she was terrified.

Ah Li, who was following Shu Yao, shouted loudly, "Your words, Fu Shao, are too partial!"

Tang Lingxi is still young and ignorant, because being pampered by her family can be a reason to do bad things.

"Shu Yao, I believe you haven't changed..."

Fu Jingzhen knew that this matter was difficult to explain, but Fu Jingzhen couldn't help but excuse Tang Lingxi.

Now that Tang Corporation is deeply involved in the vortex of public opinion, if Shu Yao is willing to change her words, everything will be different.

And Fu Jingzhen will also become the Tang family's benefactor.

Seeing Shu Yao's unmoved look, Fu Jingzhen spoke again in a deep voice.

"Consonance is like this because she is ignorant. Don't tell me you won't take some measures when you meet someone you like?"

"Lingxi's behavior is just too extreme, because of love and hatred."

Looking at Fu Jingzhen's still handsome face, which was even more outstanding than when he first met, Shu Yao was stunned for a moment.

It turns out that time has passed so long.

After a long time, Shu Yao couldn't remember why she loved him so much in the first place.

Shu Yao pointedly opened her mouth, her phoenix eyes were cold and indifferent.

"If you like it, you like it. I will never be as shameless as some people, disregarding human relations."

Standing aside, Shu Murou's face turned pale. She knew who Shu Yao was talking about, so she slightly curled her hands.

Then Shu Yao said calmly, "You said Tang Lingxi was ignorant, but you were also ignorant? Did you stop this matter when you knew about it? She is an adult and should be responsible for what she did."

That's all.

Shu Yao pushed away Fu Jingzhen, who was standing in front of her, and left.

Unsuspecting Fu Jingzhen was pushed to the side slightly, this unreasonable action completely ignited him.

Fu Jingzhen, who was always high and paid unconditionally, had received this kind of treatment.

"This show is funded by Fu and Tang. Do you know the consequences of such persistence?"

When he said this, the corners of his lips curled up almost cruelly.

As a former lover, no one knows Shu Yao better than Fu Jingzhen. She once believed in her acting career.

Shu Yao's immersion in making this film, and her dedication to this film, are the first to open up the entertainment industry in country S.

Of course she will.

"Young Master Fu, you are going too far. You have clearly seen Sister Yao's performance just now." Ari became anxious.

How much Shu Yao valued this drama.

And Fu Jingzhen just said lightly that he wanted to destroy Shu Yao's hard work, which was a threat at all.

"Ah Li, let's go." Shu Yao didn't stop, she didn't even turn her head.

Ari was reluctant to move for a long time, she looked at Shu Yao, then at Fu Jingzhen.

How could this man be so cruel to Shu Yao who had given everything to him?

Ari was persistent and unwilling to leave, "Young Master Fu, the show won't be better without Sister Yao."

Because Ari followed her all the way, she knew that even if Fu Jingzhen's words were cruel, they would become true.

Never intimidation.

"Sister, you have always been the most gentle and generous..."

In this sentence, Shu Yao in her previous life was gentle and magnanimous to the end, and what she got in return was a dead body at the bottom of the sea.

"Give Sister Lingxi a chance, she will definitely change."

At this time, even Shu Murou stood up to speak for Tang Lingxi.

Fu's and Tang's have long been in the same boat, and pulling Tang's is also pulling himself.

If the two families don't unite, they don't even have the capital to compete with the Qin family a little bit.

"Even Mu Rou understands the truth, Shu Yao, don't you really understand?" Fu Jingzhen followed suit and said coldly.

After tearing away the gentle appearance, the man's face suddenly became ferocious.

When Shu Murou heard this, she bit her lower lip, but she still had to look at Shu Murou and forced a smile.

Very reluctantly.

What Fu Jingzhen said was 'even Shu Murou understands', and she had been placed behind Shu Yao invisibly.

Shu Yao still didn't turn her head back, she raised her hand and beckoned, beckoning Ari to come up.

Her voice was indifferent and arrogant, "It is precisely because I understand that I will never give in."

In her previous life, Shu Yao thought she was staying out of it, even Shu Yawen didn't show the slightest bit of fierceness, her death was unknown.

This told Shu Yao that no one can escape this puzzle, and the winner is king.

Ari hesitated for a moment, and followed Shu Yao.

"Shu Yao!" Fu Jingzhen didn't expect Shu Yao to leave.

Shu Yao turned towards the door, where the light came in, and she walked out without hesitation.

Fu Jingzhen stood where he was and watched the slim figure disappear into the light.

Fu Jingzhen knew that this time Shu Yao had really stepped out of his control, out of his world.

With an idea, Shu Murou stepped forward and hugged the man from behind, "Brother Jing Zhen, it's fine, I'm here."

The warmth behind him brought back Fu Jingzhen's mind little by little, and he turned around and hugged the person in his arms tightly.

It was so tight that Shu Murou felt a little uncomfortable.

She raised her head to see the coldness in the man's eyes, then quickly lowered her head to hide the smile on her lips.

Hmph, this time it was Shu Yao who stupidly pushed Fu Jingzhen away.


Country S, the suburbs, Manston Manor.

For the convenience of Shu Yao, Ari drove the car into the manor. Ari was very silent along the way, without saying a word.

The usual cleverness and cuteness seemed to be gone, for what it's worth.

Even Shu Yao found it funny, she said, "Ah Li, it's no big deal."

"But—" Ahri stopped the car and turned around.

But it was your painstaking effort. Ari had already seen Shu Yao's expectations when she took on the third role.

She likes and cherishes each of her roles very much.

Ahri's eyes were red, and he seemed to be dropping golden beans along the way.

"If I agree, what about the next time? Do I want to compromise like this too." Shu Yao said softly.

Ari was speechless to refute, she was just unwilling.

Why should good people be bullied like this?

Suddenly there was a sound of honking the horn behind them, and it was another car coming in behind them.

Ah Li's car was in front of him, and he was urged to do so by honking his horn.

This voice quickly attracted others, and Ari said a few words after seeing that it was almost done.

"Sister Yao, I still have some information about Wen Wan. I'll contact you in the evening."

"Get out of the car first, I drove out directly."

Shu Yao opened the car door and walked out. As soon as she walked out, she collided with Qin Jiuxiao who came out of the car.

The man walked out slowly with dignity and arrogance, and he came towards Shu Yao.

"Why are your eyes a little red?" The man raised his hand and brushed the corners of her eyes, and said softly.

His actions are intimate and gentle.

The other servants around silently lowered their heads and did not look at them.

But there was a car parked behind them, and there were other guests in the car!

(End of this chapter)

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