Chapter 196 Ya Ya misses you so much

Shu Yao shook her head, blushed and pushed Qin Jiuxiao away, "It's okay..."

Seeing that Ah Li's car was about to drive away, Qin Jiuxiao turned his face slightly and gave Ling Yang a wink.

Ling Yang understood and left silently.

At this time, the door of the Maybach car behind Shu Yao was opened, and a small shadow jumped out.

Like the wind, the shadow crashed into Qin Jiuxiao's arms.

"Little uncle! Yaya misses you so much." A childlike voice sounded.

Shu Yao lowered her head and saw that she was a cute and cute girl.

It seems that she is very young and not very tall. She just arrived at Qin Jiuxiao's calf, and she is dressed in pink and tender, like a little princess.

She raised her face, raised her hands and shouted, "Ah! You are a bad person."

"Shiya." Qin Jiu said.

The girl stopped instantly, and she stared at Qin Jiuxiao with wide-eyed eyes in aggrieved manner.

Thinking of the scene just now, Qin Shiya burst into tears, and her voice began to choke.

"Little uncle was pushed away just now, Yaya's heart hurts." She shouted softly.

It turned out that the child had seen the scene where Shu Yao shyly pushed Qin Jiuxiao away just now.

Shu Yao exchanged glances with Qin Jiuxiao in an instant, and Shu Yao, who was facing a child for the first time, seemed a little at a loss.

"Yaya can't be rude, she is very important to my uncle." Qin Jiuxiao squatted down and said seriously.

Qin Shiya seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter.

What she said made Shu Yao startled.

There was an inexplicable wetness in her eyes, she obviously didn't need to say that to a child.

But Qin Jiuxiao——

"Very important person?" Qin Shiya pursed her lips and followed Qin Jiuxiao to repeat the reading.

Qin Shiya walked up to Shu Yao holding the toy bear, bowed upright, and bowed deeply.

Qin Shiya blinked her eyes, and shouted softly: "I'm sorry, sister, don't be angry."

Such a lovely child.

Shu Yao hurriedly knelt down and touched Qin Shiya's head. She glared at Qin Jiuxiao with anger and anger.

"If sister is angry, little uncle doesn't like Yaya, Yaya will be very sad."

Qin Shiya hugged the little bear in her arms, and carefully analyzed her behavior to Shu Yao.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were unprecedentedly gentle. He stood in front of the two and whispered, "Go in first."

The servants in the manor welcomed them in, and Qin Shiya jumped into the restaurant as soon as she entered.

Sure enough, she saw the table full of snacks and pastries that she liked, so she put the bear in the next door.

"Little uncle, eat!" Qin Shiya didn't have the first reaction to eat by herself, but gave it to Qin Jiuxiao.

Finished sharing the first piece of cake.

Qin Shiya ran back and took another portion, "Beautiful sister also eats."

After Shu Yao took over, Qin Shiya happily began to fiddle with her own share.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't like sweets, but he still ate them as if he couldn't bear to break Qin Shiya's mind.

"Give it to me." Shu Yao softly touched him with her elbow.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyes, and calmly put the share in his hand on Shu Yao's dinner plate.

Their behavior is a bit like the cheating young couple in the academy.

"Little Master."

"Something went wrong, come here."

While they were eating, Ling Yang went back and forth, walked up to Qin Jiuxiao's side and whispered a few words.

Qin Jiuxiao stood up, touched Qin Shiya's head to signal her to be obedient.

"I'll take good care of my pretty sister!" Qin Shiya rubbed the man's big hand and said obediently.

After Qin Jiuxiao left, Qin Shiya kept introducing food to Shu Yao like a little adult.

She introduced it with style, but at the end she pouted again.

"Beautiful sister, I miss little uncle so much."

Qin Shiya hoarse and began to cry.

"Little uncle woo woo, I want little uncle..." She began to cry loudly.

After finally persuading her elder brother to send her over, Qin Jiuxiao still didn't have time to accompany her.

I don't know when will be the next time I see you.

Shu Yao's eyes were blurred for a while, and her head began to ache a little, as if some memory had been aroused.

"Ninth brother—!"

"Ninth Brother, don't leave, I want Ninth Brother—!"

A voice rang in Shu Yao's mind over and over again, and she closed her eyes.

Shu Yao hurriedly got up and walked to Qin Shiya's chair and opened her hands, unexpectedly Qin Shiya hugged her directly.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Shu Yao was a little surprised, after all, it was the first time they met.

Qin Shiya shook her head, sobbing and crying to answer.

"Little uncle said you are very important, as far as Yaya knows, you are a very important person, that is~"

"It's my uncle's lover!"

After crying like this, Qin Shiya answered all the questions logically.

"Don't cry, let him come back later." Shu Yao picked her up and stuffed the little bear to her.

When the little bear arrived, Qin Shiya hugged her tightly, and it took her a while to calm down, then she whispered again, "Sister, when you call the little uncle back, be gentle, be careful, don't yell at him loudly, don't bully the little uncle! "

It really is childish talk.

That man, who can bully him.

"Pretty sister, don't think that Yaya is demanding too much. It's because my little uncle has suffered a lot, and Yaya's heart hurts."

"It's a pity that my brother doesn't like my little uncle, but why, we are a family."

Speaking of this, Qin Shiya's mood was very low, and it was obviously incomprehensible for her fingers to dig the little bear.

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, "Who is Yaya's elder brother?"

"Brother is a big villain, big villain Qin Wenyu!" Qin Shiya snorted heavily.

I hate my brother the most.

The elder brother doesn't allow her to come and play with the little uncle, doesn't allow her to see the little uncle, the elder brother is a big villain.

They are all surnamed Qin, and they are a family.


Yecheng, Tang Family.

"What did you say?!" Tang Lingtian stood up from the chair suddenly.

He was so shocked by the news that he couldn't hold his crutches steady, and almost staggered and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the woman next to her was about to go forward to help her, but Tang Lingtian slammed her away.

"You!" The woman who was thrown to the ground got up, her face full of disbelief.

Having been with Tang Lingtian for so many years and having children for Tang Lingxi, he received such treatment.

Tang Lingtian didn't notice her reaction at all, and stepped aside, "Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on Lingxi?"

Tang Meng and Tang Lingxi made such a big incident without noticing it for a while!

The Tang family would lose all face to these two people, if the news hadn't spread from country S to Yecheng, they wouldn't have planned to say it.

"Dad, I never thought that Shu Yao would—"

"Niezi! Without you behind the scenes, Lingxi would have the ability to do this? How dare you say you didn't do it?"

"I, I was wrong."

Tang Lingtian simply hated that iron could not be made into steel, and his teeth were chattering.

The Tang family's century-old foundation is the Global Newspaper, which has established itself in the media industry for a long time and no one can replace it.

How could it be destroyed in his hands?
The power of public opinion controls the wind direction of the entire city of Ye, so what is the prestige of the Global Newspaper?

Without credibility, it is almost a devastating injury to a media.

"Okay, what a Shu Yao!" Tang Lingtian's eyes flashed sharply, and the veins in his hands stood out.

It turned out that the Shu family was not a good enemy, seeing that the Shu family was dying, they didn't want to do anything.

This is all forced by Shu Yao.

"Dad, there is one more thing..." Tang Meng's voice came weakly from the other end.

Tang Lingtian said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"I saw Aunt Jiang." Tang Meng hesitated again and again, but was forced by his father's majesty to tell the truth.

Hearing this, Tang Lingtian's expression suddenly changed, and he murmured, "Yunrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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