After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 198 Little uncle, Yaya is afraid

Chapter 198 Little uncle, Yaya is afraid

Bai Xiao murmured, shedding tears, she lifted up and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Standing up while supporting the table, Bai Xiao took out her mobile phone and made a call that had been silent for a long time.

There was only a beeping sound on the other end of the phone, but no one answered it for a long time.

Bai Xiao quickly dialed another one, this time he was picked up quickly, "Hello."

"Aunt Bai."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very young, with slight respect and obvious surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect Bai Xiao to call him.

"Wen Yu, where is your father? Let him listen." Bai Xiao asked.

The person on the other end of the phone is none other than Qin Wenyu.


"Asleep?" Qin Jiuxiao opened the door, the ice and snow in his eyes melted into tenderness.

In the bedroom, Qin Shiya hugged the little bear and nestled safely in Shu Yao's arms.

Her little hands hugged Shu Yao tightly, and she seemed to get along well with Shu Yao.

Shu Yao nodded and freed a hand, she thought Qin Jiuxiao was here to see Qin Shiya.

"Jiuye." She pulled out her body and made room for her.

Qin Shiya's small face is full of sweet sleepiness, her small mouth is pouty, and her face has some baby fat, which is very cute.

However, Qin Jiuxiao passed Qin Shiya directly, and he leaned over and lifted Shu Yao's jaw slightly.

While Shu Yao was in a daze, a cold kiss landed on her forehead.

"What are you doing?" Shu Yao blushed and resisted the man who was about to lean on her.

Qin Jiuxiao said inexplicably, "Don't hold on to something."

Shu Yao was taken aback by what was said, and subconsciously remembered Fu Jingzhen's words, but how could Qin Jiuxiao know.


"I don't understand what you're talking about." Shu Yao avoided the man's sight.

Just as Qin Jiuxiao was about to speak again, Qin Shiya moved her small body, and then opened her eyes while muttering.

Qin Shiya rubbed her eyes and stretched her waist.

Such a movement made the little bear slip away from her hand, and she hugged it tightly in fright.

"Little uncle!" Qin Shiya was surprised and delighted, and jumped on Qin Jiuxiao's body.

Qin Jiuxiao took advantage of the opportunity to touch her, quickly exchanged glances with Shu Yao, and then looked down at Qin Shiya.

The little bear in Qin Shiya's arms was already a little damaged, it looked very old and not dirty, it was very old after being washed.

Even the little bear's ears had lint coming out, and one of his eyes was missing.

"Yaya, this bear is very old." Qin Jiuxiao softened his voice as much as possible.

When Qin Shiya heard this, she immediately hugged her tightly, "The things my little uncle buys for Yaya are the best, they won't get old."

I didn't expect this child to be so dependent on Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, and said, "Buy a new one."

"Do not……"

"I want this! It's the first time my little uncle bought it for Yaya."

Just when Qin Jiuxiao was about to speak again, Shu Yao spoke first.

"Your little uncle is wood."

Qin Jiuxiao's heart is good, but he is always so bad at expressing himself, otherwise how could he miss it in his previous life.

Qin Shiya was taken aback when she said this, her eyes widened with confusion.

Then she muttered in a low voice, "Even if little uncle is a piece of wood, it is the most beautiful wood in the world."

"Nonsense." Qin Jiuxiao frowned and said coldly.

Qin Shiya pursed her mouth, and said unwillingly, "That's right, little uncle is the best-looking and most beautiful!"

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao's increasingly confused expression, Shu Yao couldn't help but chuckle.

"Beautiful sister, don't you think so?" Qin Shiya thought it was right, and wanted to find someone who would support her.

She locked onto Shu Yao at once.

It seems that she has to learn from Qin Shiya how to be bolder and more straightforward.

"Yes, Master Jiu is the most beautiful." Shu Yao cast a teasing look at Qin Jiuxiao.

The man was slightly taken aback.

While speaking, Shu Yao's shadow seemed to overlap with Xiaotuanzi who was chasing after her when she was a child.

At that time, the plump and fat dumpling always liked to chase after him, taking a bite of a 'beautiful brother'.

This is known to those who called him the whole K University, and Qin Jiuxiao who called him wanted to plug his ears.


Now Qin Jiuxiao actually felt a little nostalgic, and he glanced at Shu Yao calmly.

"As long as you like it." The compromising man said softly.

At this time, the door that was not closed was pushed open.

It was none other than Jiang Yunrong who walked in, and Qin Shiya shrank back on Qin Jiuxiao the moment she saw it.

She huddled into a small ball, as if she could be invisible, and her whole body began to tremble.

"Send her away." Jiang Yunrong's voice was cold.

Just standing there, Shu Yao could feel Jiang Yunrong's coldness.

It was the first time Shu Yao saw Jiang Yunrong like this.

In Shu Yao's impression, Jiang Yunrong has always been very flamboyant, free-spirited, and rarely serious.

"Little uncle, Yaya is afraid." Qin Shiya sobbed and hugged Qin Jiuxiao tightly.

Tears wet Qin Jiuxiao's shirt little by little, and he could feel the warm wetness.

Jiang Yunrong saw that Qin Jiuxiao didn't move, and she didn't move either.

After a while, Qin Shiya turned her head and looked at Jiang Yunrong timidly.

She looks very similar to her little uncle, but Qin Shiya can't understand why Jiang Yunrong hates her so much.

With a crying sound, Qin Shiya called out in a low voice, "Don't drive me away, I finally came to see my little uncle..."

God knows how long she begged the housekeeper's grandpa before he was willing to bring her here.

No matter who it was, whether it was her father or her brother, she was not allowed to come to Qin Jiuxiao.


Qin Shiya didn't understand, they were all surnamed Qin, they were a family.

"Okay, you're doing great!"

Jiang Yunrong's heart was soured by the child's innocent eyes, and she slammed the door and left.

There was a gloomy look in Qin Jiuxiao's eyes, and a rare and obvious emotion appeared on his stern face.

Shu Yao glanced at it inadvertently, she pursed her lips slightly and chased after him.

Shu Yao ran fast, and when Qin Jiuxiao reacted, only that shadow disappeared before her eyes.


However, my foot hurts. I got stuck in the glass last night and rehearsed the scene for a whole day. The pain is really severe.

Shu Yao was not familiar with this place, and when she caught up, Jiang Yunrong had already driven away.

"what happened?"

A familiar voice came from behind, Shu Yao turned around and saw that it was Qin Siwen.

Qin Siwen looks very similar to Qin Jiuxiao, at least [-]% to [-]% similar, but Qin Jiuxiao's coldness is a little less.

Most of them are a bit wanton and romantic, with a kind of careless beauty.

"Mr. Qin." Shu Yao nodded slightly.

Qin Siwen raised his chin and motioned for her, "Sit."

Ling Yang, who was standing beside Qin Siwen, tactfully delivered the tea and left silently, leaving space for the two of them.

After Ling Yang left, Qin Siwen picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip of black coffee. His legs crossed, his posture was noble and elegant.

Qin Siwen spoke slowly, and smiled lightly: "Don't be so unfamiliar, Lin Lang, it's not really the first time we've met."

Lin Lang.

It's been a long time since I've heard anyone call this name, Shu Yao, and occasionally Aisa would call it that one or two words.

"What's wrong with her? Did Xiao Jiu make her angry?" Qin Siwen asked instead of paying attention to Shu Yao's reaction.

After all, Qin Siwen only cares about Jiang Yunrong.

No one, nothing is more important than Jiang Yunrong.

Shu Yao pondered for a while, and said truthfully: "Is Jiang Dong having any trouble with Qin Wenyu?"

Hearing this, Qin Siwen's eyes were full of thick haze, and he licked his lower lip, as if hesitating.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and it took a long time for Qin Siwen to speak again.

"To be precise, it's not because of Qin Wenyu's useless thing."

"It's related to his father. His father caused our family to be separated for more than ten years."

"Thanks to their family, when I found Jiu Xiao, he no longer recognized me as a father."

(End of this chapter)

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