Chapter 199 She Still Loves Me
As Qin Siwen slowly narrated, his thoughts returned to the year with his narration.

Speaking of which, it was back then.

Qin Siwen was also very surprised. The Qin family and the Jiang family were originally married for business, and they had never met each other many times.

So, to what extent will they be strangers on the day Jiang Yunrong gets married?
Not to mention, Jiang Yunrong heard that he also had a childhood sweetheart, Tang Lingtian.

Originally, Qin Siwen didn't have any affection for this fiancée until they met Hong on the day they consummated their marriage.

Only then did he realize the seriousness of the matter.

"You..." Qin Siwen still remembered being surprised.

He originally thought that Jiang Yunrong was not, she was a bit rough, anyway, it was just a routine and only once.

After all, the mistress of the Qin family needs a woman from a famous family with a good reputation and good looks.

And Jiang Yunrong is very suitable.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when Qin Siwen was still feeling sorry for him, Jiang Yunrong turned over and pressed him under him.

"Can you do it? No, I'll come."

Qin Siwen has never forgotten that night, and he will pay more attention to this very special woman in the future.

Later, Qin Siwen became more and more deeply involved, unable to extricate himself.

Because Jiang Yunrong is a very special woman, she is different from others, generous and simple, tough and strong.

Although many things he did were unimaginable, Qin Siwen only found it interesting.

Even when others just laughed at them as a business marriage, Jiang Yunrong would refute loudly, not knowing where he got the confidence.

"He will definitely like me. I'm so good. He also has eyes. Why doesn't he like me?"

Back then, Jiang Yunrong's words were so loud that they spread throughout Yecheng, and Qin Si was not annoyed when he heard about it.

As Jiang Yunrong wished, he really fell in love with Jiang Yunrong.


Because of business contacts, Jiang Yunrong had to face Tang Lingtian again.

Tang Lingtian had contacted Jiang Yunrong several times during business transfers, and when he learned that Jiang Yunrong really liked Qin Siwen.

Tang Lingtian thought it was absurd and unbelievable, "Then what are we?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Yunrong said coldly, she didn't care at all.

To love someone is to be single-minded.

This Qin Siwen gave her, and she will give Qin Siwen the same promise. Love is always a two-way street.

But Tang Lingtian was not reconciled, such a perfect lover since he was a childhood sweetheart.

She fell in love with someone so easily, and she was still someone Tang Lingtian couldn't compare to and couldn't compete with.

Jiang Yunrong took his hand away fiercely, "In addition, I wish you a happy wedding, Tang Lingtian."

At this time, Tang Lingtian got the support of the Bai family and the Qin family, flourishing day by day, and will soon be one of the four great families.

And the Jiang family gradually came to an end under the torrent of the times.

Even if the Qin family stepped in to help, the Jiang family would not be able to maintain the glory of the past, and it was enough.

Because Qin Siwen really helped, and he kept his word.

It's not like Tang Lingtian——

Shameless, hypocritical, without any responsibility.

"No, Yunrong, I like you." Tang Lingtian couldn't believe that Jiang Yunrong gave up so easily.

I thought Jiang Yunrong had loved him for so long, she should be as unwilling as herself.

Unexpectedly, after the news of Tang Lingtian and Bai Xiao's upcoming marriage came out, Jiang Yunrong would not be disturbed at all.

Jiang Yunrong narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, like a hurt hedgehog, vigilant and full of hostility.

"You like me because Bai Xiao helped you. Do you want to marry her?"

"Do you know that Bai Xiao is my good friend? You know, how could you not know?!"

After saying that, Jiang Yunrong turned around and left, bumping into Qin Siwen who was standing outside the door.

Seeing that it was Qin Siwen, Jiang Yunrong felt embarrassed, so she pushed him away and left quickly.

Only then did Qin Siwen know that there was a story behind Jiang Yunrong.

"Mr. Qin." Tang Lingtian bowed his head respectfully when he saw Qin Siwen.

However, that unwillingness to possess filled every part of Tang Ling Tian's heart, and he had never touched Jiang Yunrong.

It's so cheap, Qin Siwen!

Qin Siwen glanced at it with disdain, and responded lightly, "Yes."

He turned away.

Only Tang Lingtian was left angry and unwilling, until then he met another member of the Qin family.

That person helped Tang Lingtian do what he wanted to do but couldn't do, so there was a way.

There is a way to let Tang Lingtian have Jiang Yunrong again.

"Jiang Yunrong is even more powerful by his side, you cooperate, and when she becomes an abandoned child, she will belong to you."

That's what the man promised.

Later, there was explosive news in Yecheng that the Qin family's mistress would seduce Tang Lingtian in private.

Immediately afterwards, it was reported that Jiang Yunrong had an indiscreet behavior and married into the Qin family with Tang Lingtian's child in her arms.

Rumors and gossip spread wildly back then, as if Jiang Yunrong was the most despicable plaything.

Old Qin was furious, drove Jiang Yunrong away, and put Qin Siwen under house arrest.

"She's not! She's not! She—"

In desperation, Jiang Yunrong was forced to leave Yecheng, and the Jiang family completely disappeared in the torrent of the times.

The rumored Jiang Yunrong's father passed away, and Jiang Yunrong's mother passed away after three years of overthinking.

As for why Qin Siwen is so clear about what happened back then, it should be attributed to Ling Yang.

Ling Yang was originally that person's personal assistant, but because he knew too much, he was beaten half to death, dying.

It was Qin Siwen who snatched him back from the hands of the god of death, and it was also thanks to Ling Yang.

Only then did he really determine who made the game back then.


Thinking back to the present, Shu Yao's face was full of astonishment after hearing this. She never thought that Jiang Yunrong had endured so much.

"I don't even know how she gave birth to Jiu Xiao and raised him by herself at that time."

"I thought that after so much, maybe she won't love me anymore."

When Qin Siwen said this, he lowered his eyes slightly to avoid Shu Yao's probing gaze.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of his lips before speaking again.

"But it was so hard and difficult, she gave birth to my child so I can be sure."

"She still loves me."

Shu Yao's heart was shocked, and she couldn't imagine what the two of them had experienced at that time.

It is even more unimaginable that the Qin family was so dark back then that even members of their own family would kill each other.

Even if Qin Siwen is in a high position, let alone——

Suddenly, Shu Yao understood the harsh words Mr. Qin had put down to her that day.

"Xiao Jiu, do you love her or hurt her?" Mr. Qin said at that time.

This is no joke.

It was with the lessons learned from her parents that Shu Yao understood why Qin Jiuxiao was so nervous about herself.

Qin Siwen smiled gracefully, "I think Jiuxiao likes you very much, it doesn't matter if you know more."

It seems that this little girl will become a family member in the near future. The more she knows, the more she understands.

Qin Siwen didn't want to see the younger generation repeat the misunderstandings of the past.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Shu Yao nodded slightly, her face flushed slightly.

Qin Siwen wanted to correct this title, it was too unfamiliar, but after thinking about it, he decided to let it go, "Yeah."

At this time Ling Yang found Qin Siwen's side, leaned over and explained a few words.

"Master, I have found the location of my wife." Ling Yang said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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