After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 200 Write this character to death

Chapter 200 Write this character to death
Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect that Qin Siwen was still positioned next to Jiang Yunrong.

Seemingly a couple of gods and gods, their love is unwavering——

Qin Siwen actually positioned himself on his wife?
Compared with some perverted stalkers, this kind of behavior is far less peaceful and in love than on the surface.

But Qin Siwen felt Shu Yao's gaze, but just smiled knowingly.

His smile didn't reach his eyes, it was inexplicably weird and penetrating.

Shu Yao watched him leave, "Mr. Qin, go slowly."

When he reached the door, Qin Siwen stopped in his tracks. He turned his face slightly and did not look back.

"Lin Lang, you are a smart woman, and you have been under my command for a while, you should know how rough the road is."

"I told you these things, whether to leave or stay, you can choose for yourself."

After saying that, Qin Siwen strode out, leaving only Shu Yao in the hall.

She is alone.

The hall was empty and quiet, even a little cold.


When Shu Yao came back to her senses again, the phone she held in her hand had already vibrated many times.

It's Wen Wan calling.

She took a breath and picked up the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Watch TV!" Wen Wan's slightly excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

Wen Wan's voice had such obvious mood swings, it was always quiet and gentle.

Shu Yao casually picked up the remote control on the table, pressed it a little bit, and the huge screen lit up.

The light was reflected in Shu Yao's eyes.

"Did you see it?" Wen Wan's voice continued.

As Wen Wan's voice sounded, Shu Yao saw the real-time news on the big screen.

It turned out that a group of people besieged in front of the Global Newspaper, and pulled up banners, jointly denouncing the evil deeds of the Global Newspaper.

The branch of S State-owned Global Newspaper is still headquartered in Yecheng.

However, the impact on the branch can be seen since Shu Yao stepped forward, and some people responded one after another.

The people who were quickly called by the Globe newspaper dispersed those people one by one.

"It is reported that these people have now been sent for questioning." The media reporter on the screen explained seriously.

After all, this kind of behavior is indeed not advisable, and direct conflict is not good for oneself in the first place.

Shu Yao looked at the person on the screen and said slowly, "Wait for me a while."


Shu Yao turned on the video recording function for the people on the screen, and the faces on the screen were unwilling and painful.

She wrote it all down and recorded it.

Soon after, Shu Yao sent the video to Wen Wan's phone.

"This is?" Wen Wan was surprised.

However, Shu Yao has always been smart and thoughtful. Although Wen Wan thought it was strange, she never questioned it.

That gadget that Shu Yao handed to her on stage that time, once plugged into the computer, the data on it was reversed and slapped in the face!

"Please transfer the picture I recorded to Shen Huaiyuan, let him think of a way."

"Think of a way to help me find these people on the screen and pass it on to me, and—"

Shu Yao pondered for a moment, then licked her dry lower lip.

"Don't let Lord Jiu know."

Shen Huaiyuan and Qin Jiuxiao are good brothers, Shu Yao can't guarantee that this guy will find Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao has shouldered so much, shouldered so much, and there are so many people watching behind him.

Shu Yao didn't want him to distract her anymore.

"Okay, I get it, don't worry." Wen Wan replied quickly.

the end.

Wen Wan seemed to have remembered something, her voice was soft and teasing.

"Shu Yao, Master Jiu is not a fragile doll, you are really nervous."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to be afraid that Shu Yao would tell her about her. Shu Yao has always teased Wen Wan a lot on weekdays, but this time she learned to be smart.

Wen Wan hung up the phone immediately.

Shu Yao looked at the hung up phone and smiled wryly, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes, if only Qin Jiuxiao was really a doll.

She must take good care of people.


Country S, crew meeting room.

"What, change?!"

The assistant director looked at Fu Jingzhen who was facing him, no matter how hard he suppressed it, he couldn't control it.

The filming had already started, and Fu Jingzhen actually said that he wanted to change people.

Fu Jingzhen played with the pen in hand, and repeated indifferently, "I'm not wrong, change."

"But, but—" the assistant director swallowed.

The filming has already started, and it is not a trivial matter to change people rashly, it will affect the direction of the film.

Seeing that the assistant director was still hesitating and unwilling to let go, Fu Jingzhen raised his stake.

"You know the current situation of Tang Corps. It is estimated that I have a problem with my capital turnover."

"Not to mention the sharp drop in the stock market, those people are going to make trouble at the door."

"Do you think Tang Corporation will pay back the money?"

Of course the assistant director knew the pros and cons of this, and of course he knew the importance of Fu's funds.

This drama has to be filmed in many places, once it is taken away, the whole drama will have to be buried in your hands!
"Young Master Fu, it's not that I don't want to, and it's not something I can decide on my own." The assistant director said in embarrassment.

Fu Jingzhen chuckled, he stopped what he was playing with, and threw it hard.

The pen flew out of my hand and fell to the ground.

The assistant director didn't dare to show his breath, and looked at Shu Murou who was at the side tremblingly.

The person next to Fu Shao's pillow is also the heroine of this show, so she certainly doesn't want to see this show ruined.

Why don't you speak?
"I can afford to pay liquidated damages, so I don't know if the crew has the capacity to bear it?" Fu Jingzhen's eyes turned cold.

Shu Murou glanced at the assistant director who was staring at her obsequiously, she just smiled softly.

Fu Jingzhen is angry, she is not that stupid.

Unlike Shu Yao, when Shu Yao was by Fu Jingzhen's side in the past, she would take a few words of advice seriously.


"Again, I'm just informing you of this."

"Young Master Fu, don't be like this. I, I will convey your thoughts to you right away. At worst, let the scriptwriter write this character to death!"

In the end, the dispute ended with the compromise of the assistant director, and the assistant director sent Fu Jingzhen away in embarrassment.

After Fu Jingzhen left, the assistant director sat slumped on the chair, staring blankly at the ceiling, feeling completely empty.

Fu Shi and Tang Shi were recruited by the assistant director, and now something like this happened——

Tang's may not be able to provide funds, Fu's unreasonable demands.

This is how to do ah!

The assistant director felt that he might lose his job, let alone the money he got.

It's all Na Shuyao's fault.

If he had found a way to get rid of this person from the beginning, there would be no trouble, but Shu Yao still had to be liked by the chief producer.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Someone knocked on the door.

The assistant director impatiently smashed the document at hand, "Come in."

There was no sound from the people who came in, and the curious assistant director was so silent.

He looked up, and hurriedly stood up from the chair, almost knocking off the cup of hot water in his hand.

Ignoring his ugliness, the assistant director hurriedly came to greet him, "Assistant Ling, please sit down, please sit down!"

Others may not know this character, but the assistant director who often hangs around on the dark web has heard of it.


This is the personal special assistant of the former head of the Qin family who is rumored to be, roughly equivalent to that master's clone.

Ling Yang pulled out the chair expressionlessly, and sat opposite the assistant director.

"I heard what happened just now. There is no need to change people. Find a way to get Fu Jingzhen to divest."

"The Qin family came to inject capital."

"Otherwise, even if the filming of this film is over, Master Jiu will have a way to make him pass the trial and never be released."

Ling Yang didn't come here for Qin Siwen.

This time, he represented Qin Jiuxiao's wishes.

He was actually the current head of the Qin family, and the assistant director couldn't speak for a while. He thought that Fu Jingzhen, who was in contact with the four great families, was the limit.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, this, it's really like a mountain is even higher!

"Then Master Jiu..." The assistant director looked back, wishing he could climb up to such a character himself.

(End of this chapter)

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