After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 238 A Good Chance to Reach the Sky in One Step

Chapter 238 A Good Opportunity to Reach the Sky in One Step

The woman's moist and bright eyes stared at Qin Jiuxiao motionlessly, and her fair and red face was a little indescribably ashamed.

He was a little flustered, as if he felt that he had said the wrong thing.

"If you don't like it, I won't do it."

Seeing this, Shu Yao pursed her lips before speaking slowly, her voice was very low, "It's not that I don't like it."

The sound was very small, but it was at night, except for the chirping of insects, the room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

What's more, the sound was made, and the man could hear it clearly.

"You like it?" Qin Jiuxiao blinked in confusion, in a puzzled tone.

Shu Yao, movie, touch, kiss.

These words were updated in Qin Jiuxiao's cognition, and he remembered to do the same next time he was angry.

Shu Yao staggered the man's gaze, she licked her lower lip, and corrected clearly and accurately.

"To be precise, I like you."

I like you, not this kiss.


The next day, early morning.

"Auntie, what did you say?!"

Shu Murou sat up directly from the bed, her face was full of joy, she could hardly believe it.

After so many days of her humiliation, there was finally a piece of news that could make her happy.

Shu Yawen on the other end of the phone also smiled, and repeated, "Qin Jiuye broke his brain."

"Is this true?" Shu Murou was extremely excited as if what Shu Yawen said was a great thing.

OK, it's just too good.

Shu Murou cried at home for a few days, thinking of Shu Yao's superior appearance, her teeth itch with hatred.

This is the first good news that Shu Murou has heard in Country S for so long.

"Of course it's true. The ups and downs in Yecheng are almost overwhelming on the Qin side."

Hearing Shu Murou's excited appearance, Shu Yawen looked very calm, because Shu Yawen saw hope.

Shu Yawen chuckled, playing with the newly made nails on the other end of the phone, "Our good days are still to come."

Qin Jiuxiao is equivalent to a sea-fixing needle of the Qin family. Once he is there, Yecheng will always be in the hands of the Qin family.

Now that Qin Jiuxiao is gone, no matter how powerful Mr. Qin is, he is old now.

It's time for Yecheng to choose its new owner.

"Why does aunt say that? Is, is it that uncle's company has improved?" Shu Murou said obediently.

Mo Hui is the son-in-law who came to visit, and he always wanted to start his own family, so he looked down on the Shu family.

In the past few years, Mo Hui had been helping the Shu family, and after Mr. Shu fell ill, Mo Hui came out to start his own business.

Before coming to Country S, Mo Hui seemed to have contacted the medical genius who was said to be born in Yecheng.

Talking about a medical project, listen to this tone——

"There is indeed some improvement, but I cooperate with Fu's side, [-]-[-]."

"Why should I grit my teeth at the beginning, and I don't need Fu's shareholding if I make more money here. Now it's all ours."

What Shu Yawen said was that the medical project was done.

If this project can be implemented, it will be promoted in all aspects, and the assembly line production will earn less than the Qin family.

What's more, now that the Qin family is without Qin Jiuxiao, there is no way to hand over many things.

"Don't just talk about my side, did the Patriarch of Ross look for you?" Shu Yawen thought of something and asked.

Shu Yawen found someone to forge a lot of things, and even asked someone to let the wind out.

The Luosi family has been collecting these things in Yecheng, so they must have heard of them, and they will hear these rumors.

Shu Murou didn't expect that it was Shu Yawen's handwriting that Patriarch Los's appointment to meet her so soon.

She suppressed the joy in her heart, "I found it, just tonight."

"You have to behave well and don't say the wrong thing." Shu Yawen warned Shu Murou sharply.

After this operation, Shu Yawen wasted a lot of money, and Shu Yawen has no place to reimburse this account.

The Shu family was tightly controlled by Shu Yao, and Shu Yawen couldn't find a chance to repay the debt.

Shu Murou twitched the corners of her mouth, but still responded sweetly, "I know aunt, I will definitely remember it."

Because Shu Yawen forged some things, Shu Murou needs to be careful, colluding with the confession, so as not to reveal the truth.

"Auntie, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?" Shu Murou was also afraid of revealing herself.

After all, this is a good opportunity for him to ascend to the sky in one step.

Being asked such a question, Shu Yawen hesitated.

"I've checked the information about the sister of Patriarch Rose, and there's nothing specific about it."

"It's said that the family is somewhat alike. That person is said to be a strong woman, quite capable."

Shu Murou listened to them one by one, and still didn't forget to be obedient and said, "Thank you, aunt, I know that aunt loves me the most."

"It's good to know, don't forget the well digger when you drink water." Shu Yawen clicked her tongue and said half-truth.

After finishing the call, Shu Murou sneered and threw the phone directly on the table.

Saying that drinking water does not forget the well digger, the only good thing Shu Yawen did was to pick her up from the orphanage.

In addition, Shu Yawen and her are just a relationship of mutual use.

"Only the former Shu Yao would foolishly treat you as a relative." Shu Murou smiled indifferently.

But now Shu Yao doesn't seem to be polite to Shu Yawen.

Wait, when Shu Murou is really recognized, she can rely on the power of the Ross family to get rid of Shu Yawen.

At that time, Shu Yawen will be rebellious, and there will be only one uncle who eats soft food by her side.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

"Sister Murou, are these clothes okay for wearing at night?"

At this moment, Shu Murou's assistant came out of the bedroom holding some clothes, and she placed them on the sofa one by one.

"Let me see." Shu Murou walked over to have a look.

Shu Murou casually picked up the selected clothes on the sofa and looked left and right.

The assistant squeezed his hand cautiously, for fear of being scolded, "Sister Murou, how are you doing?"

These clothes are selected from relatively light and plain tones, which look very simple and casual.

Hearing from Shu Murou that he was going to meet family members and close ones tonight, the assistant chose the one with a more everyday style.

Shu Murou just took a look and felt disgusted in her heart, and said coldly: "How can I wear this kind of clothes to go out!"

The clothes hit the assistant's head and face, and the assistant couldn't dodge enough and was hit on the head by the hanger.

"But, Miss Mu Rou, didn't you say you were meeting your family?" The assistant was very aggrieved.

Shu Murou thought of something, glared at the assistant fiercely, and approached step by step.

"What's the reason? Don't make excuses for your incompetent business ability."

"Are you looking down on me too?"

Just like those snobbish media reporters, knowing that Shu Yao is Lin Lang, they flock to her!

"Because I lost the game that day, so I deserve to wear these low-looking clothes, don't I?"

The assistant was terrified seeing Shu Murou like this, and stammered, "No, no, I don't."

"Hurry up and look for it, what are you still doing? I have to go to the beauty salon later." Shu Murou pointed to the room.

The assistant squatted down, picked up the clothes quickly, turned around and left in a hurry.

Seeing such an important matter for Patriarch Rose, Shu Murou thought that she must appear in the best image.

She must not lose to Shu Yao in first impression points.

"Buzzing buzzing—" the phone dropped on the table vibrated, and Shu Murou glanced at it.

It turned out to be Fu Jingzhen.

Shu Murou calmed down a little, she sat down and answered the phone, "Brother Jing Zhen?"

(End of this chapter)

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