Chapter 239 Why Are You Reconciled?
"Mu Rou, I heard that you are going to contact people from the Ross family at night?"

A man's voice came from afar from the other end of the phone, and Shu Murou squeezed the phone tightly.

She's not a fool, so she can't see the change in Fu's mother's attitude.

In the past, Shu Murou came to the door cautiously and couldn't get any joy, but now she just heard the wind.

"Yes." Thinking of this, Shu Murou's attitude towards Fu Jingzhen became a little indifferent.

Even this man, he must have listened to his mother and came to inquire.

These days with her these days, Fu Jingzhen occasionally mentions a sentence or two about this.

Isn't it just that he wants to know the result openly and secretly?

After a long silence over there, Fu Jingzhen asked again, "Do you need me to pick you up tonight?"

"No need, the family has arranged someone to pick it up." Shu Murou replied quickly.

This is indeed true.


"Forget it, remember to call me if you need anything."

Shu Murou listened absent-mindedly, only thinking about the meeting at night, she responded perfunctorily.

"I see. Goodbye, Brother Jing Zhen."

After hanging up the phone, Shu Murou still felt uneasy, feeling very scared and uneasy.

She was afraid that she would lose this chance, the chance to completely become a princess.


On the surface, the Ross family is nothing more than a royal nobleman left over from the last century, but in fact, they are incomparably rich.

The veins of the big family are all over almost every corner of country S, and the rights can be imagined.

What's more, it's just a simple pick-up, so detailed and thoughtful that the Ross family has arranged it.


Nervous thoughts filled Shu Murou's mind, she hung up the phone and rang for a while before she noticed it.

The caller has already made a second call, it is Shu Yawen.

"Hey, aunt..." Shu Murou knew she was going to be scolded as soon as she picked up the phone.

Sure enough, as Shu Murou expected, Shu Yawen said angrily, "Damn girl, you are very busy, aren't you?"

Facing Shu Yawen, now Shu Murou has to rely on her a lot, so she can only bow her head immediately.

"I'm sorry, Auntie."

Hearing that Shu Murou bowed her head, Shu Yawen slowed down and said sharply, "I forgot to remind you just now."

"Remind me what?" Shu Murou's palms began to sweat.

Even though the meeting was at night, she felt terrified, and felt that success or failure depended on it.

The Ross family, that is the existence that Shu Murou never dared to think about before.

Suddenly one day Shu Yawen told her that she could fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

"Don't let the people from the Ross family get caught, you know?"

"The handle? What handle."

"Hair, dander, etc., you must not leave these things that can detect DNA."

Shu Murou frowned, but fortunately, Shu Yawen reminded her, otherwise she might really accidentally leave it behind.

"You are not really the orphan of the Ross family. Once you are caught, you will have nothing."

That contemptuous tone repeatedly reminded Shu Murou that you are not really an orphan, but a fake.

But why are you willing?
Why can she be the fake orphan, since her background is very similar to that of the Ross family.

Shu Murou bit her lower lip tightly, forcing herself to calm down, "I see, aunt."

"and also--"

"I'll find someone to help you over there, so don't be too nervous."


At night, Yanting shopping mall.

Because it is a holiday, the shopping mall has more people, bustling and bustling, with a breath of human fireworks.

For the sake of Shu Yao, Aisa specially chose a relatively ordinary low-level consumer floor.

She knew that Shu Yao seemed to prefer the atmosphere of the world to the cold and quiet environment on the high floors.

"You finally—"

Aisa hadn't spoken yet, almost biting his tongue.

She stared at the man behind Shu Yao with wide eyes. The man looked the same as before but looked younger because of his clothes.

"Master Jiu." Aisa called him subconsciously.

But the man in front of him doesn't look like that tall, mysterious and majestic man.

Qin Jiuxiao was wearing a sky-blue sweater with his hood tightly covering his face, and the jeans on his lower body were casual and simple.

He looked like he was dreaming back to the time when Aisa first met.

Shu Yao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao who was silent, and had no choice but to explain, "He's not happy, don't mind."

"Why are you unhappy?" Aisa seemed unable to understand.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't speak, took off his mask and directly forked the small dessert before the meal.

"Because I want to come out, he doesn't want to come out." Shu Yao said helplessly.

Aisa still couldn't understand, and said in confusion, "Then he doesn't need to come out!"

Qin Jiuxiao only spoke at this time, his voice was still the same, but he obviously didn't have that dull sense of wia.

His voice was clear and strange, "You don't have to ask Yaoyao."

As he said that, Qin Jiuxiao dropped the tableware, and the iron tableware made a crisp sound when it hit the plate.

Originally, this was a very elegant and stylish restaurant, but after being so shocked, everyone looked sideways.

As long as Aisa made an apologetic gesture to the people around him, he discovered another important point.


Aisa looked at Shu Yao, did such an intimate title really exist?

Shu Yao nodded, but her phoenix eyes had no burden, "He can't leave me."

"I'm leaving you now!"

As if he didn't like Aisa very much, Qin Jiuxiao picked up the hot towel beside him and wiped his hands, he was about to get up.

"Where are you going?" Shu Yao raised her head and asked.

Qin Jiuxiao squinted his eyes, leaned down and asked softly, "The men's room. Do you want to go too?"

As he said that, he seemed to be really angry and came here, and when he got up, the chair moved back and forth and made a loud noise.

Now even the waiter couldn't help coming over to greet them.

Aisa didn't expect this person to be so unmannered after becoming a fool, he couldn't help but feel a little...

Subtle disgust.

Shu Yao wanted to follow her, but Aisa reached out and held her down.

"Hey, Shu Yao, what are you going to do, you really want to go to the men's room with him?" Aisa felt incredible.

Before Shu Yao could catch Qin Jiuxiao in time, he walked so fast that he could only catch an empty one.

It seems that Qin Jiuxiao is really dissatisfied with going out at night, because he just wants to stay in a quiet place.

Because Shu Yao was going to come out, Qin Jiuxiao couldn't bear to part with her, let alone leave her, so she had to come out with her.

"Don't go, what a shame." Aisa grabbed Shu Yao.

I find it unbelievable that such a grown-up person is just mentally degraded, just turning into a child.

Seeing that Shu Yao was really anxious, Aisa felt that there was no need to worry to that extent.

"If you care about it, you will be chaotic. He has degenerated in his mind, but he has not really become a fool."

"Children can also go to the toilet, can they even go to the wrong toilet?"

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao disappear around the corner, Shu Yao was forced to sit down by Aisa.

After about 10 minutes.

Shu Yao turned on the screen and glanced at the time, feeling a little uneasy.

Could it really be lost?

Only 10 minutes had passed, and Aisa realized that this person was not here at all, let alone talking about the recording.

"Shu Yao, you are so worried, if he never gets better, you will worry about him forever?"

She didn't listen, and grabbed the phone directly, "I'm going to find him."

(End of this chapter)

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