After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 242 Breaking Out In A Cold Sweat

Chapter 242 Breaking Out In A Cold Sweat

"Where did Shu Murou touch you just now?" Shu Yao pulled him back and asked, looking directly at him.

Qin Jiuxiao was startled, then obediently raised his right hand.

Nearby, Shu Yao grabbed the man and came to the sink in front of the bathroom, regardless of Qin Jiuxiao's reaction.

Straightforwardly, he held his hand in front of the automatic sensor faucet, pressed the hand sanitizer and rubbed it.

Sticky and delicate touch, her hand is very delicate, rubbing against the man's big hand, the palm began to heat up gradually.

She carefully pointed at the slender hand with sharp bones, completely ignoring Qin Jiuxiao.

"..." Qin Jiuxiao looked down at the woman's serious expression.

Where Shu Yao couldn't see, he raised his lips slightly, keeping a low profile and mysteriously.

In fact, he didn't touch anything just now, he was brushed away with his sleeve, and he wasn't touched at all.

It's just that I naively want to ask for a little more, a little more, from Shu Yao's concern.

How fun, Qin Jiuxiao thought.

After washing up, even if Qin Jiuxiao was reluctant, Aisa was Shu Yao's friend, so he had to go back with him.

They left for a long time, and when they came back, Aisa almost ate everything on the table.

Aisa didn't say anything else, she knew that Shu Yao was nervous about this guy.

"Shu Yao, do you want to order something more?" Aisa was afraid that she would be so worried that she forgot to eat.

As soon as the heavy menu was handed out, Qin Jiuxiao took the menu directly in front of Shu Yao and flipped through it.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows, looked at Aisa, and said lazily, "I want to eat."

"You! I didn't ask you!" Aisa was furious.

The guy is totally a big kid now, and he can still fight Isa without looking like a fool at all.

He really just became a big kid.

However, compared to Qin Jiuxiao, who was a big worry and didn't know how to measure, he couldn't find any extreme faults except his bad temper.

But as a woman, Aisa still prefers Qin Jiuxiao who can protect Shu Yao.

Qin Jiuxiao looked down at the menu without even raising his head, "I didn't talk to you either."

"I—you—" Aisa opened his mouth, unable to quarrel with him for a while.

Made it look like Isa was more like the one who broke his brain.

Shu Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly pressed Aisa's hand, "Okay, what are you two doing?"

Qin Jiuxiao's temperament is like this. Could it be that Aisa has also become a child, and he just wants to fight Qin Jiuxiao.

"I want this, what do you want to eat?" Qin Jiuxiao took a good look and pushed the menu towards Shu Yao.

What Qin Jiuxiao wanted was a banana split ice cream, which was huge.

During this period of time, Qin Jiuxiao was addicted to sweets like crazy, he had no scruples at all, as if he had been suppressed for a long time.

"Okay." Shu Yao also chose the same, and then resubmitted the menu instead.


The large banana boat made of ice cream boarded, blocking Qin Jiuxiao's face almost completely.

Qin Jiuxiao took a big spoon and ate it seriously, and finally stopped talking.

Without Qin Jiuxiao talking back to Aisa, Aisa can finally have a good talk with Shu Yao.

"I really am, he's mentally degraded but still so eloquent."

"Shu Yao, I really wonder if he is pretending."

Shu Yao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, then lowered her eyes and stirred the cup of coffee, "It's not important."

"It's not important?" Aisa frowned, and raised her hand to touch Shu Yao's forehead, "Do you have a fever?"

This kind of stupid talk is out of the mouth.

Before Shu Yao was so crazy because of Fu Jingzhen, Aisa couldn't bear to watch her fall in love with her.

After finally getting out of the sea of ​​suffering, I immediately changed to another——

Well, Essar has to admit there's nothing to criticize about this other than the 'sinister' point.

"No matter what he does, I know he won't harm me." Shu Yao said to Aisa in a very determined voice.

Speaking of this.

Shu Yao thought of another person again, that person's face was almost blurred in her memory, but she still remembered it.

Brother, Shu Nanxun.

No matter what her elder brother chose to disappear and leave the Shu family, she believed that Shu Nanxun had his own reasons.

As long as he comes back, the Shu family's door will always be open for Shu Nanxun.

"Why do you trust Qin Jiuye so much? Don't blame me for speaking badly. Before, Qin Jiuye was not a womanizer."

"But maybe you are just the reason for his sudden enlightenment, and he may not necessarily like you for the rest of his life."

Aisa hesitated and said that she didn't want Shu Yao to be dazzled by love like she fell in love with Fu Jingzhen before.

Qin Jiuxiao used to be a high-ranking and powerful person, the ruler of Yecheng.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult for a person like him to be devoted to a woman for a lifetime.

Because for such a person, the temptation is too much.


"Mr. Qin."

Ling Yang came to the hospital bed, hurriedly opened the door, and suddenly saw a woman sitting in the room, and then stopped.

He was in a dilemma, and called out dully, "Ma'am."

Sitting by the bed was Jiang Yunrong, her icy face was a little tired after these days of tossing.

"Keep your voice down," she ordered.

But even so, seeing this incomparable man on the bed so pale and weak, it seemed as if he was about to die.

She still couldn't bear it.

Obviously now is the best time to leave, and you can escape without a trace.

Jiang Yunrong stood up and walked towards the door, "What do you want to tell Qin Siwen?"

When she took a step closer, Ling Yang took a step back until he left the ward.

Jiang Yunrong also thoughtfully closed the door of the ward.

Outside the silent corridor, there were only the two of them. This private hospital has always only served Qin Siwen.

It looks magnificent and unbelievably beautiful on the outside, but it is always so cold and unpopular inside.

Things are like their masters.

"I want to tell the young master about the little young master." Ling Yang explained truthfully.

As soon as Jiang Yunrong regained her spirits, she unconsciously tightened her hands, "How is Xiaojiu?"

Logically speaking, Qin Jiuxiao should also be in this building, in the private hospital opened by the Qin family.

But when he checked in today, Jiang Yunrong knew that Qin Jiuxiao had gone out.

"Miss Shu went out with the young master, no, to be precise..."

"It's the young master who wants to go out with Miss Shu."

Ling Yang has always been stupid, he can't speak clearly, and his expression is not very fluent, and he immediately corrects his words when he finds out that he has made a mistake.

Jiang Yunrong heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Shu Yao's name, she said helplessly, "It really fell like a child."

It's not like Jiang Yunrong didn't know that Qin Jiuxiao liked Shu Yao since he was a child.

That little dumpling, who was fleshy and cute like a Fuwa when she was a child, liked Shu Yao more than her own son.

Seeing Jiang Yunrong frowning, he thought he was worried about Qin Jiuxiao.

"Ma'am, don't worry too much. The young master seems to be fine except for the loss of some memory and mental deterioration."

Jiang Yunrong laughed, "No problem?"

She was born beautiful, with such a casual smile, it seemed that the flowers outside the window were all pale.

"I can take care of myself, I thought the young master would..." Ling Yang was in a daze for a moment, then hurriedly lowered his head.

Will fall into a fool, unable to take care of themselves, or worse, or paralyzed in bed.

Fortunately, it was just falling into a child, and that level of conspiracy must be aimed at killing people.

Such a situation is already a blessing in misfortune.

"Ling Yang, guess what stage Xiao Jiu fell to when he broke his brain?" Jiang Yunrong suddenly asked strangely.

Ling Yang frowned, he actually calculated this, otherwise he would not have reminded Shu Yao about Qin Jiuxiao's madness.

The time was about a period of time not long after the kidnapping case, Qin Jiuxiao had just been taken back to the Qin family.

"Did you forget that when Qin Hede was expelled from the Qin family and was removed by Mr. Qin?"

Jiang Yunrong's words woke up Ling Yang suddenly, and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly.


It was not long after the kidnapping case ended that Qin Jiuxiao was recognized by Mr. Qin and took full power.

Everyone thought Qin Jiuxiao was innocent when he became a child, but he forgot——

He forgot, no, they all forgot, Qin Jiuxiao was only a teenager when he took over the Qin family from Mr. Qin.

It is this stage.

(End of this chapter)

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