Chapter 243 She Is Not a Good Mother

Others don't know, but Jiang Yunrong is Qin Jiuxiao's biological mother, and she knows Qin Jiuxiao's character best.

On the surface, this temperament is upright and introverted, but in fact it is rebellious and hidden, very wild.

If you look at Qin Jiuxiao's strength in controlling Yecheng in the past few years, the only one who can bring him down is him who can go there.

Compared with Qin Jiuye, the young Qin Jiuxiao who had no scruples was the most frightening.

"When I was young, I was much wilder than now. Xiao Jiu was very careless when he was young." Jiang Yunrong said succinctly.

Growing up, on the contrary, she is a lot more restrained, but she is even less talkative.

It seems that there is nothing in this world that is worthy of his interest after a few more words, except for Shu Yao.

That was the only light in Qin Jiuxiao's dark and helpless childhood.

Ling Yang's first reaction was Shu Yao's safety, "Will Miss Shu be in danger?"

"will not."

"Even if Xiao Jiu dies, he won't hurt Shu Yao."

Jiang Yunrong is more sure of this than anyone else.

When she was a child, Jiang Yunrong was also irrational, she was young and arrogant, she boasted that she was extraordinary, and she was a bit more arrogant than that temper.

She is not a good mother.


Jiang Yunrong was framed, locked up with Tang Lingtian for a night without knowing it, and what he faced was locked up step by step.

The next day, the mother of the Qin family, Jiang Yunrong, cheated, and the news of the resurgence of old love immediately became the headlines.

All of a sudden, public opinion was ignited, and Tang's Global Newspaper added fuel and vinegar to make the popularity rise again and again.

The person involved in the Global Newspaper is Tang Lingtian, the person involved in the scandal, and the Global Newspaper is even more popular because of this hot topic.

The sales volume of its newspapers has risen even higher, rising again and again, all over the media industry.

"As long as you kill the child, we can still be a family, and you are still the mistress of the Qin family."

The Qin family knew that this was bound to be blocked, so Elder Qin chose to say this when Jiang Yunrong was detected to be pregnant.

He actually wanted to give away a living life to restore Jiang Yunrong's innocence.

Jiang Yunrong couldn't believe it, she asked sharply, "Why?"

Mr. Qin was still young at that time. In the early years, Lian Jiazi had been an instructor for a period of time, and he was physically strong.

His speech is as bright as a bell, sonorous and powerful.

"This child is the evidence of cheating. You still ask why after seeing the ups and downs rumored outside?"

That was her and Qin Siwen's child, the crystallization of their love.

Jiang Yunrong's first reaction was to look for her husband, to know Qin Siwen's reaction.

"Si Wen, don't you believe me?" Jiang Yunrong looked at Qin Siwen who was sitting beside him.

Qin Siwen's peach-blossom eyes revealed a very clear and shallow indifference, as well as indescribable emotions.

He pursed his lips with a dark expression, "Son, is it really mine?"

this sentence.

After asking Jiang Yunrong, she was completely nailed in place, shaking her head in disbelief and backing away.

Looking at the person he once loved, Jiang Yunrong seemed to have seen some scourge.

"Tang Lingtian and you were indeed together that day, the whole night."

"It's true that your childhood sweethearts haven't touched you in the whole night for so many years?"

Qin Siwen's question was like a sharp knife piercing into Jiang Yunrong's heart, and the bloody flesh was twisted.

She opened her mouth as if something was stuck in her throat, unable to speak.

"You believe the messy reports outside, and the unscrupulous media at the Globe News—"

"You don't believe me either, do you?"

Jiang Yunrong's question was like a cuckoo crying blood, and the sound touched Qin Siwen's heart.

His peach blossom eyes were full of helplessness, and he stood up from the chair and walked slowly to Jiang Yunrong.

"Yunrong." He knelt down and supported Jiang Yunrong's shoulders.

Jiang Yunrong raised her eyes, and the panic in her heart was soothed by the man's warm palm, "It's your child, really."

That night.

On their first night, Jiang Yunrong saw blood, and Qin Siwen knew that her first time was his own.

But what can this prove, it can only prove that it was the first time.

"No, there's too much commotion outside, the Qin family has to give some response."

Qin Siwen pushed back the broken hair on her forehead, his movements were gentle, and his voice was calm but cruel.

Jiang Yunrong looked at him, a tear rolled down from the corner of her eye, she murmured, "I don't, I won't."

This child is innocent, so why can't he come to this world to meet the sun?
So Jiang Yunrong's arrogance does not allow her to succumb to anyone, she would rather get divorced, and would rather go away from her family to have a baby.

It's just that the process of giving birth to Qin Jiuxiao, Jiang Yunrong was too painful and difficult, and he endured too much.

Desperate enough to want to give up several times——

Jiang Yunrong once hated Qin Jiuxiao very much, because he was born too well and inherited Qin Siwen.

Their father and son were so similar that Jiang Yunrong once wanted to destroy Qin Jiuxiao.

"You really don't look cute at all!"

"Why do you always want me to worry about you? It's not easy for me to give birth to you. Can't you be more sensible?"

"You don't have a father, don't ask any more, you don't."

"You don't want what others have, you want what you have, first reflect on whether you are worthy."

This child was her shame and her stubbornness, but he was not welcomed into the world with love.

Qin Jiuxiao gradually became silent and steady, not living like a child of this age.

Until I met Shu Yao, the little sun chasing behind Qin Jiuxiao, clean and pure, a little angel from heaven.

It was the salvation of Qin Jiuxiao's half life.

"So, he won't hurt Shu Yao."

"On this point, you can rest assured."


It was almost midnight when they returned to the hospital.

I didn't pay attention to the problem of time and distance, and it was already so late when I got back, the night was shrouded in darkness.

The private hospital was lonely and quiet, only the occasional sound of medical trolleys sliding past the floors late at night.

"When can I leave here, Yaoyao." Qin Jiuxiao followed behind, holding her hand tightly.

The corridors of the hospital are long and deep, and the lights in the corridors are dim at night, which is not bright.

Shu Yao felt a little pain from being held tightly. She remembered that Qin Jiuxiao was afraid of the dark, "It's okay, it's safe here."

Perhaps such darkness reminded Qin Jiuxiao of that unbearable memory.

"Safe? It's not safe." Qin Jiuxiao's innocent and bright eyes flashed a trace of surprise.

Everyone wants to kill him.

Shu Yao raised her eyes and caught Qin Jiuxiao's eyes unexpectedly, which was very different.

Those eyes hide innocent cruelty, but they disappear for a short moment.

Qin Jiuxiao pouted, "People here always use needles to prick me before Yaoyao comes! It hurts."

Silly, even gesticulating, much more playful and flexible than before.

"I can count on waiting until Yaoyao, no one will stab me when Yaoyao comes, I'm so happy." Qin Jiuxiao laughed.

He laughed, handsome and handsome, with tenderness in his brows and eyes, so gentle that one's heart trembled unconsciously.

Shu Yao helplessly corrected him, "That's called a doctor, heals you, you're pretending again."

Mental degeneration is not an idiot, and Shu Yao is not stupid.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his lips gradually faded, "You know I'm pretending?"

Look at the questioner, Shu Yao didn't have time to answer him, and directly opened the door of the exclusive ward.

And Qin Jiuxiao was standing behind her, slightly taller than her, with a shadow in front of her, very oppressive.

But Shu Yao turned her back, showing no signs of defense at all.

"Yaoyao, why don't you talk anymore?" Qin Jiuxiao put his hand lightly on her shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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