Chapter 244 Naive and Cruel

She walked into the ward first and turned on the light.

The light turned on, and gradually lit up the slightest bit of darkness that had grown up in Qin Jiuxiao's heart just now.

"Would this be better?" Shu Yao asked something else as if she didn't hear the question just now.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled thoughtfully, still very gentle, "It's much better."

Then he was rushed to wash up without waiting for an answer to that question.

It turned out she knew.

Qin Jiuxiao stood on the clean floor, grabbed the hem of the sweater with both hands and took it off with a snap, revealing a clean and naked half body.

"Call me when you're done washing."

Shu Yao's voice came from afar outside the bathroom.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the clean clothes that were placed a little further away, which were put in by Shu Yao before.


He turned on the shower with a blank expression, swayed in a direction, and wet the clean clothes with a swish.

"Yaoyao." Qin Jiuxiao opened the door of the glass bathroom and shouted outside, "I wet my new clothes."

Soon, he heard footsteps approaching.

It was Shu Yao who walked in, and she saw the slender and tall figure in the steaming glass bathroom.

There were a few water marks looming on the glass, revealing the mermaid line on the man's waist and his distinct abdominal muscles.

With the man's movements, the lower abdomen also rises and falls, outlining a perfect curve.

"Ninth brother, open the door."

For a moment, Shu Yao couldn't tell whether it was the steaming heat, or because of this man, she was about to burn.

There was no response, and she moved a little closer.

"Knock, knock, knock!" Shu Yao knocked on the glass door.

Qin Jiuxiao opened the door from the glass room, and the foggy room leaked a little heat from the gap.

She hesitated and stretched out her hand, and the man's big hand grabbed her.

"You—" Shu Yao raised her eyes in panic, looking at this man.

The man let go, then took the clothes from her, and slammed the glass door shut.

Shu Yao's eyes widened, "..."

He clearly did it on purpose!
If the normal Qin Jiuxiao is calm, introverted and powerful.

Then Qin Jiuxiao now has a kind of naive cruelty and fearless evil.

Shu Yao, who was left outside the glass door, blushed unbelievably, her whole body was so hot that she was sweating from the heat of the bathroom.


The next morning, Shu Yao left the hospital before dawn.

After signing that drama, no matter what, Shu Yao would have to finish filming before leaving, not to mention that she was only a female third and didn't have many roles.

Shu Murou is the heroine of this drama.

Before leaving, he specially asked Ling Yang to take care of Qin Jiuxiao, and send her a message if something happened.

Upon arriving at the set, the producer, Sister Mo, approached familiarly and embraced Shu Yao like a big sister.

She patted Shu Yao's back hard, "Shu Yao, you're here."

"Sister Mo." Shu Yao rested her chin on Sister Mo's shoulder reassuringly, and responded softly.

Sister Mo let go of her, placed Shu Yao with both hands, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the bracelet on her wrist.

"This thing is really pretty." Sister Mo grabbed her wrist and looked at it carefully.

She remembered that Shu Yao seldom wears accessories, Shu Yao has always been low-key and restrained, this thing must be good.

Sister Mo looked at Shu Yao teasingly, "Is it a gift from your boyfriend?"

Before Shu Yao could open her mouth, she heard the voice of the assistant director in a panic, not far away, as if she was arguing with someone.

"What?! It's not convenient to come today, she is the heroine—"

"Is she going to get married today? It's inconvenient. Don't tell me about this kind of thing in advance. When the day comes, tell me that I don't have time."

"Is it plausible? Well, who does she think she is? Do you think the people who are investing in this show are still relying on Fu?"

"What a big shelf."

The assistant director's voice came intermittently from not far away, and he couldn't tell who he was talking to, but he was so angry.

After hanging up the phone, the assistant director came angrily towards this side.

"Today's scene can't be filmed, the heroine didn't come, so I have to shoot with a straight face, and no one can come."

When Sister Mo heard this, she frowned and said in wonder, "Why didn't you come?"

It was the first time Sister Mo saw such an unprofessional Shu Murou. Although Shu Murou brought money into the group before, she was capable.

Now act like this-

"How do I know? It's about recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors!" the assistant director said angrily.

Obviously, this absence has directly affected many people, and the set shooting and so on are already in place.

Shu Muroufang, as the heroine, actually refused to come if she couldn't say it, and even asked for leave that day.

"Recognize the ancestors and return to the clan...?" Shu Yao frowned slightly.

I remembered that Patriarch Rose and Shu Murou appeared at the banquet together that day, and that protective gesture was obviously wrong.

There is an idea in Shu Yao's guess, but she is not sure yet.

Sister Mo frowned, her confused eyes lit up suddenly, "Could it be what I heard?"

"What?" The assistant director hurriedly asked.

Sister Mo clicked her tongue and signaled them to come closer, "I heard Patriarch Rose is looking for his sister's orphan."

The assistant director trembled, and the fat on his body also trembled, "This—!"

Thinking of the tone of his conversation with Assistant Shu Murou just now, if he really recognized each other, wouldn't he be fatal.

The Ross family is extremely wealthy in country S, not to mention their status, even the dignitaries in country S have to be courteous.

This news had been rumored a few days ago, and Sister Mo was able to confirm the authenticity only after hearing it from the assistant director.

"I heard it in the circle a few days ago. I don't know who spread the word first, saying that Shu Murou is an orphan."

The assistant director panicked, "Really?"

"How would I know this?" Sister Mo snorted coldly.

So what, an actor can't even do basic dedication, so what if he is the orphan of the Ross family.

In the eyes of the chief producer, Sister Mo, Shu Murou must be an actor first, and then who she is.

"Shu Yao, tell me, is this true?" The assistant director looked at Shu Yao.

He remembered that Shu Yao and Shu Murou were half-sisters, as Shu Yao's elder sister, she should be clear about it.

Shu Yao raised her lips, shook her head and said, "I don't know."

The sub-director was at odds with Shu Yao, and Shu Yao was always trying to overwhelm him.

Now it seems that the tree wants to say that, and he immediately grasped the handle.

"Isn't she your sister? Even a sister has never cared about her. No wonder the relationship between sisters is bad."

"Those rumors are true, right? About you snatching a man from your sister?"

When Sister Mo heard this, she frowned and sneered, "Assistant Director, you don't even have a doorknob in your mouth, so you know nonsense."

Thinking that Shu Yao wouldn't open her mouth to refute, Sister Mo couldn't listen anymore, and spoke for Shu Yao.

"Stealing a man? I still don't like her man." Shu Yao sneered.

Sister Mo was stunned, as if she didn't expect Shu Yao to say that, she was relieved and happy.

If Shu Yao hadn't kept a low profile, Sister Mo really wanted to ask the assistant director to look around, this is Mr. Cheng's adopted daughter!

With the status of Mr. Cheng, what kind of man does his adopted daughter want?

The assistant director didn't want to suffer any more from Shu Yao, so he said in a loud voice, "How can you say that Young Master Fu is also the son of a famous nobleman, and you are the only one who is picking and choosing!"

Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, she was suddenly stopped by a hand behind her, and she went straight to the back.

She was caught off guard and ran into a warm embrace.

"Yaoyao, I've caught you." The man hugged Shu Yao tightly as if he had found a treasure, his voice was bright and cheerful.

Qin Jiuxiao buried half of her face in her curly hair, and raised her eyes to look at the assistant director.

The pure and clear eyes when looking at the assistant director were instantly coated with a black luster, cold and cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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