Chapter 248 DNA Test Report

Unless Qin Siwen wanted to get another injection, it would be difficult for him to drink a sip of hot water when he was so weak.

"Isn't there cold water, let's do it." Jiang Yunrong just stood and didn't move.


Those people told her to abort the child in her stomach, but Qin Siwen also stood by and did not stop them.

Jiang Yunrong also wanted Qin Siwen to experience this feeling of being alone, helpless, pitiful and sad.

"Alright." Qin Siwen said inexplicably.

He raised the blue hand that had just pulled out the needle to move the cold water in the glass jug.

The glass jug is full of water and has a certain weight. Qin Siwen didn't think about the weight at all when he took it.

What's more, he is very weak now.


As soon as Qin Siwen picked it up, his hand trembled, as if he couldn't bear the weight and slipped from his hand.

The glass bottle hit the ground and shattered all over the floor, water splashed everywhere, and Qin Siwen's trousers were soaked when it was sprinkled.

"..." Qin Siwen quietly looked at the broken glass on the ground.

Jiang Yunrong's heart felt sour, and she was about to drown.

She had never seen Qin Siwen like this before.

Qin Siwen spoke pointedly, and laughed at himself, "I can't do anything well, can I?"

Jiang Yunrong's eye sockets were slightly hot, and she kept looking up with her eyes, hoping that the water in the eye sockets would not fall down.

After taking a few breaths, Jiang Yunrong still didn't respond to Qin Siwen, she just stood by and watched.

This place is as messy as their broken marriage.


Country S, the main estate of the Ross family.

Patriarch Rose got the DNA test report, which showed that Shu Murou was indeed from a biological point of view.

She is the daughter of his sister, the orphan of the Ross family.

"Aisa, you came just in time, and I was just about to tell you the good news." Patriarch Rose seemed very excited.

Long ago, Patriarch Rose felt that Shu Murou's background fit him well.

And Aisa, who was called to his home, was completely stunned.

She repeated dumbly, "Patriarch, what did you say?"

"I said, Miss Shu, Shu Murou is exactly the person I'm looking for." Patriarch Rose repeated.

The news shocked Aisa for a moment, she opened her mouth and didn't say a word.

No, it's impossible!
Aisa once heard Shu Yao talk about Shu Murou's life experience. Her mother was the mistress who got involved in her parents' marriage back then.

Listening to the story of the elder sister told by Patriarch Rose, Aisa always felt that she should be an independent and self-reliant woman.

How could such a person be willing to be someone's mistress.

Aisa frowned, shook her head and said, "Patriarch, did you make a mistake?"

"I can't make a mistake, can the DNA data be falsified, let alone the doctor is ours."

Patriarch Ross is very sure of the authenticity of this report, because the identification is completely done by his own people.

But Aisa didn't believe it, she believed that Shu Yao would not lie to herself.

"How could someone like Shu Murou be that lord's daughter?!"

"Her character is so bad, Patriarch, you don't know, Shu Yao said that Shu Murou robbed her—"

Before Aisa finished speaking, he noticed that Patriarch Los's face became very cold.

Those eyes were cold, even if he didn't open his mouth, Aisa could feel the invisible oppression.

Aisa blushed and shouted anxiously, "Uncle!"

This uncle's shout softened Patriarch Los's heart. He has always been a person who pays great attention to blood.

Aisa was raised by the Patriarch of Los, and some of his heart for his sister's orphan was placed on Aisa.

Now that he is really back, it doesn't mean that Patriarch Losa doesn't love Aisa anymore.

"Aisa, you can't listen to other people's one-sided words." Patriarch Rose eased his tone.

There was a bit of pampering from the elders on that ageless face, and he approached Aisa.

Aisa shook her head, but she still wanted to say, "I don't accept such people as my family!"

Patriarch Rose stretched out his hand and cut Aisa's hair as he did when he was a child.

"Aisa, you were very obedient when you were young."

Aisa raised his hand to grab the hand of Patriarch Los, and said seriously: "Uncle, DNA may be forged."

"You tell me how to fake it?"


For a while, Aisa really couldn't think of anything, but Patriarch Ross directly pulled his hand away, which represented his attitude.

Patriarch Rose turned his back and walked to the huge portrait.

"At that time, I will hold a family banquet and announce Mu Rou's identity."

Aisa's eyes widened. She couldn't believe Patriarch Rose's decision, but she also knew that it was Patriarch Rose's heart disease.

The Patriarch of Rose has searched for his sister's orphan for many years, but even though he is powerful, he is still looking for a needle in a haystack.

Until the Shu sisters appeared.

"Uncle, listen to me and check Shu Murou's background, okay?" Aisa begged.

Patriarch Rose still didn't turn around, "I checked."

Aisa felt even more strange, if Patriarch Rose knew, why was he still so sure about Shu Murou.

"Then you should know that Shu Murou's mother is the eldest lady of the Li family in Yancheng, not your sister."

"Shu Murou's mother has a formal background, how could she be your sister who escaped from the family?"

Patriarch Rose smiled slightly, feeling that Aisa's question was ignorant.

"It is indeed the young lady of the Li family in Yancheng, but Li Qingya is an adopted daughter, not the real young lady."

The real Miss Li family is young and sick.

My family believes in feng shui a lot, and most of the calculated fates are short-lived and cannot live long, unless——

Unless someone came to stop the disaster, then there would be Li Qingya who was later adopted.

To be precise, Li Qingya was inherited by the real daughter of the Li family after her death, and the older generation became the default after passing.

Few people know that the real Miss Li is not Li Qingya.

Aisa was confused, how could this be different from what Shu Yao said, "Then who is it?"

The head of the Ross family was actually very curious at the time, and the story of the Li family seemed very bizarre.

"I don't know. The real young lady of the Li family passed away early, and later it was agreed that there was only one young lady."

"That one is Li Qingya, so outsiders will misunderstand."

"Actually, Li Qingya is also a person of unknown origin, the adopted daughter of the Li family."

But most of the older generation who knew the truth are no longer there, or have disappeared, and very few know the truth.

This is also the little bit of information that Patriarch Ross sent people to spy on for a long time.

A lot of information was bought by Patriarch Ross on the 'Dark River' with a lot of money.

"Aisa, you are still too simple." Patriarch Rose sighed sincerely.

Aisa pursed her lips, full of disbelief, "Impossible, Shu Yao won't lie to me."

Even so, it still can't change the fact that Li Qingya's conduct is bad and she meddled in Shu Yao's parents' marriage.

"Aisa, what are friends?"

"Only family members, family members will not lie to you, will accompany you, and will always be with you."

Patriarch Rose tried to narrow the distance between him and Aisa, he approached, but Aisa shook his head and stepped back step by step.

Isa clenched her hand into a fist and said firmly, "I will prove you wrong."

After all, Aisa slammed the door and walked out without looking back, not even reacting to his rudeness.

This is the first time that Aisa has lost such a temper with Patriarch Los.

And Patriarch Rose didn't mind, his eyes were a little hesitant, looking at the direction in which Aisa left.

Patriarch Rose's eyes were deep, like a pool of deep water, unfathomable.

"I also hope the answer is that I'm wrong."

It is true that Shu Murou's DNA pairing was successful.

It is true that Shu Yao is too much like her sister in terms of appearance and temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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