Chapter 249 I Shut Up Someone
Aisa, who left in a hurry, even accidentally knocked over the coffee that the waiter was going to give to the owner, but she didn't care.

That vicious and domineering Shu Murou, Aisa will never allow such a person to become his family.

There are no such villains in their family.

The waiter squatted on the ground to clean up the overturned things, while Aisa was still immersed in his emotions.

"What happened to Aisa? Uncle bullied you." The appearance of a beautiful woman interrupted her.

Seeing her, Aisa rushed up and hugged the beautiful woman in a panic, "Auntie."

This beautiful woman is none other than Cofilo, the wife of Patriarch Ross.

He was of mixed race, half foreign and half native.

Dignified and elegant, she is a flawless woman like a sculpture, and she is as ageless as Patriarch Rose.

The years only gave this beautiful woman a mature charm, but did not take away her charm.

"Good boy." Cofilo let Aisa hug him firmly, and raised his hand to pat Aisa's back.

As delicate and gentle as a child's mother coaxing her child to sleep.

"Auntie, do you know what Uncle said about finding that adult's orphan?" Aisa said loudly.

Aisa has always been straightforward, not so much hiding, not afraid of who knows, carefree.

Cofilo nodded, and said softly, "I know, this matter is beyond our control."

"But auntie, you don't know what this man did to my friend!" Aisa withdrew from Cofilo's arms.

Aisa has a loud voice, wishing everyone around her knew about it.

Cofilo was slightly surprised. Aisa has always been well-behaved and obedient, but he is relatively strong and domineering to the outside world, which is rarely the case.

Thinking back to the girl I met for the first time, there were only a few short meetings, and Cofilo couldn't judge anything.

Cofilo still spoke softly to appease, "There is no inevitable conflict with her becoming our family."

Aisa became anxious, she clasped Cofilo's arms tightly with both hands, and begged Cofilo to advise her.


"Such a person can't be that adult's child. Auntie must have a solution, right?"

Cofilo looked at Aisa's dazzling emerald eyes and smiled helplessly.

this kid.

She raised her hand and pinched Aisa's ear, which was the connivance and joke of the elders to the younger ones.

"Under River is a secret information network, you can go there to find information." Cofilo reminded.

Having said that, it is up to Aisa to find her.

Patriarch Rose was dazzled by being lost and recovered for a while, and Cofilo couldn't persuade him.

After all, the DNA test report is indeed solid evidence.


"I had a car accident not long ago."

Qin Jiuxiao had just recovered from Ling Yang's narration, but a long time had passed unknowingly.

He realized that Shu Yao had already left the scene.

It's such a long story.

"You said I imprisoned someone?" Qin Jiuxiao grasped an important point.

But for this person, Qin Jiuxiao, who had lost his memory, didn't have any impression, and Ling Yang didn't know either.

If Ling Yang doesn't know, there is no way to provide him with information.

It just so happened that Shu Yao walked over from a short distance after the scene, and as soon as she approached, she saw Ling Yang's dodging eyes.

Ling Yang is not an all-rounder like Ling Heng, Ling Yang is probably a full-time protection, and he is not good at covering up.

Shu Yao approached, she tilted her head to look at Qin Jiuxiao, "What's wrong?"

"..." Qin Jiuxiao licked his back teeth, and asked hesitantly, "Yaoyao, do you know someone named Chen Teng?"

Chen Teng.

Hearing this word, Shu Yao's eyes lit up.

Before Qin Jiuxiao said that he stopped the person, something happened not long after, and the matter was stranded.

Shu Yao didn't shy away, "I know."

A flash of understanding flashed across Qin Jiuxiao's pure eyes, and then he spoke with some regret.

"Uncle Ling, I locked him up, but I don't remember where I was locked up."

"A big living person."

The last sentence was Qin Jiuxiao's broken thoughts, and since his mind deteriorated, he even talked more.

Shu Yao grabbed Qin Jiuxiao's hand and turned him to face her, "Brother Jiu, do you believe me?"

"..." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed and he didn't speak.

Such silence will inevitably hurt.

Just when Shu Yao felt a little embarrassed and ashamed, the man cupped her face.

Qin Jiuxiao was a little hurt, his eyes were dim, and his voice was very low, "Does Yaoyao think I don't believe you?"

"No, no—"

"Is it because I didn't protect you, so you don't trust me anymore?"

According to what Ling Yang said, Shu Yao has suffered a lot these years, and was even cheated by a bad guy.

Qin Jiuxiao couldn't imagine why he didn't bring people back after he took power, so that Shu Yao could be wronged for nothing.

What do you think of yourself as an adult?

His eyes were full of injuries, and his obsidian pupils were stained with a layer of melancholy.

"Forget it." Qin Jiuxiao said in a deep voice.

He is just dissatisfied with himself.

But Shu Yao didn't let him have the opportunity to complain about herself, so her heart became ruthless, she stood on tiptoe and directly hooked the man's neck and kissed him.

The woman's lips are very tender and smooth, she just gave a very light kiss.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes enlarged for a moment, filled with undisguised joy and pure happiness.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes shone with emotion, she said softly, "Don't be angry."

Didn't it mean that all the actors in the movie were fake, but Qin Jiuxiao felt the dissipation of that unhappiness from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes moved slightly, and he licked his lower lip reminiscently, like a seductive fairy.

His cold and ascetic demeanor added a bit of inexplicable lust to the simplicity of ignorance of the world.

"Okay." Qin Jiuxiao replied in a deep voice.

the end.

He knew what Shu Yao wanted, and he was not stingy in giving what Shu Yao wanted.

"I don't know where Chen Teng is locked up. I heard Uncle Ling said that I had an accident. I don't have that part of the memory in my mind."

Qin Jiuxiao said it in a normal way, as if he was not the one who had the accident, and he was analyzing it extremely calmly.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again.

"Before I left, I should have given you a reminder. I never do anything unprepared."

Shu Yao frowned slightly, thought for a moment, remembered something, her eyes lit up, "Give me your phone."

Qin Jiuxiao's cell phone.

This is what she can unlock, and there must be relevant information on the recent contacts.

"Who is Chen Teng?" Seeing Shu Yao's excitement, Qin Jiuxiao couldn't help being curious.

With that said, Qin Jiuxiao handed out his mobile phone without the slightest hesitation.


Ling Yang, who was watching this, opened his mouth in surprise, after all, things like mobile phones are quite private items.

And Qin Jiuxiao didn't have the slightest defense, as long as he hesitated for a moment, it was obvious that Qin Jiuxiao didn't.

He has no reservations.

"It's a senior member of the Globe Newspaper. He has some secrets of the Tang family. Many people are looking for him."

"Tang Lingxi?" Qin Jiuxiao had such a title in his memory.

When thinking of the Tang family, Tang Lingxi naturally comes to mind. It's not surprising that Shu Yao's eyes flicked fiercely.

Shu Yao will never forget the hatred in her previous life until her death.

"You still remember." As soon as Shu Yao opened her mouth, Ling Yang knew what was going to happen, and this lady was not easy to mess with.

I don't know if it's Qin Jiuxiao's love for her that made Shu Yao too unscrupulous and arrogant.

She even started to tease Qin Jiuxiao, anyway, this Jiu Ye is easy to bully.

Avoiding Qin Jiuxiao's probing gaze, Shu Yao pretended to be unhappy and said, "It's your little lover, of course I remember."

(End of this chapter)

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