Chapter 250 Eat Your Own Vinegar

Tang Lingxi in the previous life was able to serve Qin Jiuxiao in the Qin family.

At that time, Tang Lingxi's status should be extraordinary, he could be regarded as a friend.

Even so, she was still afraid of Shu Yao's existence.

Otherwise, why would Tang Lingxi be so scared and reject her on the new year's eve.

Qin Jiuxiao's deep voice suddenly raised his voice, and looked at Shu Yao helplessly, feeling very wronged, "Yaoyao, I don't have one."

"Isn't it? Even if you lose your memory, you still remember her.

"Shu Yao looked at him and said all her complaints.

Anyway, Qin Jiuxiao is young and naive now, so Shu Yao felt that the two were equal, so she let go.

In the past, Shu Yao was always afraid of causing trouble to men, afraid that men would think that she was too little girl.

But now it's different.

"Yaoyao, I—" Qin Jiuxiao was at a loss for words for a moment.

But there is indeed such a person in memory, just a name on the family network.

Seeing the man really flustered, Shu Yao said, "Say you like me."

Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback at first, but the roots of his ears gradually turned red, looking innocent.

"I like you." He said as Shu Yao wished.

Shu Yao shook her head and continued to guide, "I only like me."

"I only like you." Qin Jiuxiao's ears were flushed, and his voice was low and hoarse, inexplicably provocative.

Listening to the blunt words of the once mature and coquettish man, Shu Yao only felt that her heart was filled.

The indescribable affection filled her dry heart.

"It's almost the same, so forget it, it's even."

Shu Yao held back the smile on her lips, turned around and snickered, playing with Qin Jiuxiao's cell phone.

The man's mobile phone communication information was still a few days ago, and she followed the memory to find the call records of those days.

After pondering for a while, Shu Yao pressed the dialed phone to her ear.

"Master Jiu, are you alright?"

As soon as Shu Yao connected, she heard a concerned voice from the other end, just when Shu Yao was still thinking about how to explain.

Sensing Shu Yao's silence over there, he asked again, "Is it Miss Shu?"

"It's me." Shu Yao was taken aback, she didn't expect the other party to know.

The other party was obviously relieved, and the tone of his speech was much more relaxed.

"Master Jiu gave you an order before he left. You want to come over and ask for someone, right? The address will be sent to you."

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes moved slightly, and she couldn't help but look sideways at the blushing Jiu Ye who was still being molested from the corner of her eyes.

As expected of Master Qin Jiu, did he even foresee that something would happen to him from that day on?

But all of this, temporarily Shu Yao has no way to prove it.


After hanging up the phone, Shu Yao's cell phone vibrated again.

At first, Shu Yao thought it was an address message from the other party, so her phone vibrated.

Looking at it again, it turned out to be an unfamiliar call, without a note.

"Hello, how are you?" Shu Yao answered the phone.

The other party's even breathing sound changed obviously the moment she heard Shu Yao's opening, it was suddenly heavy.

But there was no sound for a long time, as if waiting for Shu Yao to speak again.

Just when Shu Yao was about to speak again, a man's clear and clear voice rang out quickly on the phone.

"Sorry, wrong number."

It was a very familiar voice, before Shu Yao could react, the other party had already hung up.

Shu Yao looked at the phone inexplicably, feeling that this strange number was a bit strange, "Who is it?"

Unfamiliar number.

There are only two possibilities, one is too familiar with no need to endorse, and the other is indeed a stranger.

"Brother Jiu." Shu Yao turned around and grabbed Qin Jiuxiao's hand.

Qin Jiuxiao pampered her, and took a few steps forward with her strength. When he came to her, he couldn't speak easily.

"What, what's wrong."

Shu Yao raised her phone and showed Qin Jiuxiao the strange number, "Whose number is this?"

Even though he knew that Qin Jiuxiao had lost his memory and his mind had deteriorated, his memory was only at the stage of his childhood.

Then it means that he probably doesn't know, but Shu Yao still wants to ask, even if there is only a slight possibility.

"do not know."

Qin Jiuxiao shook his head blankly and innocently, and he took the initiative to change the subject.

"Yaoyao, do you know that person?"

Shu Yao raised her lips and laughed, shaking the mobile phone in her hand, "Of course, as you guessed, you are right."

It seemed that the previous self had indeed made arrangements in advance.

Qin Jiuxiao was not surprised at all, after all, scientifically speaking, that person was himself.

It's just that I have lived a little longer, so it is the self of more than ten years, and I am still the same person in essence.

"You are awesome." Shu Yao raised her hand to pat him.

Qin Jiuxiao nimbly turned his head away, and his thin lips pursed slightly, "You like the me before?"

She actually praised that person.


Shu Yao was startled, and then realized what Qin Jiuxiao said.

This guy ate his own vinegar!

Qin Jiuxiao seemed to feel that he had said the most ridiculous thing in his life, so he frowned and turned to leave.

They are all the same people indeed.

It's just that he is too paranoid and likes Shu Yao too much, wishing that this person's thoughts are all on his heart.

Just watching her act is enough to be jealous.

"Hey, nine..."

Behind him, Shu Yao hurriedly grabbed Qin Jiuxiao. Qin Jiuxiao walked so fast that she couldn't even grab a corner of her clothes.

Ling Yang swayed from side to side, not knowing whether to leave with Qin Jiuxiao immediately, or to stay by Shu Yao's side, "This, this."

Instinctively, he wanted to follow Qin Jiuxiao.

But the bracelet warns Ling Yang that he should follow Shu Yao.

"Ninth brother!" Shu Yao was helpless, this man really made her more and more confused.

There are advantages and disadvantages for Qin Jiuxiao to become like this.

When she yelled like this, Qin Jiuxiao walked faster, seeing that people were almost out of his sight.

"Wait for me."

Shu Yao chased after her, and suddenly she fell to the ground with a bang, subconsciously wanting to grab something.

Raising his hand and pulling it, the shed that was covered with things was torn down.


The whole shed was not strong at all, but Shu Yao collapsed on her body with such a tumble, and Shu Yao hadn't gotten up yet.

She only saw a shadow flashing in front of her, her body was tightly hugged, and the familiar cold fragrance filled her nostrils.

"I knew you would turn around." Shu Yao successfully lifted her head from his arms and smiled.

The shed that fell on me was for artificial snow, and it didn't weigh much on me if it collapsed.

It's just that their hair and body are dyed a layer of snow white.

Qin Jiuxiao's tense expression was slightly relaxed, but he was fine, but when he realized it, he felt wronged and sad, "You pretended?"

When it is pretend.

She is familiar with the crew and the prop placement, so she did it on purpose.

"That's right, you forgot that I'm an actor." Shu Yao rubbed his chin, acting like a good boy.

This man still wants to coax!

Qin Jiuxiao's jaw itched as his slightly curly hair rubbed against her. She was as clingy and mischievous as a cat.

Her eyes were shining with success, and she didn't realize the situation at all, "Whoever tells me to call you will not look back."

"If I really don't look back, who gave you the courage?" Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, disapproving of her actions.

Shu Yao also pushed forward, holding her head high, like a childish contest between children, "You gave me the courage."

Because Qin Jiuxiao loves her, this is the confidence Qin Jiuxiao gave her.

Qin Jiuxiao couldn't refute, "..."

Wen Xiangnunyu was in her arms, and the softness in front of her was clinging closer, Qin Jiuxiao unconsciously wanted to back away a little.

too hot.

Shu Yao is like a fire, which can easily ignite him.

"Yaoyao, you are simply..."


Qin Jiuxiao commented objectively, and he felt that the staff of the crew gathered around and began to lift the curtain.

She also slightly realized what was wrong, she backed away slightly, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Qin Jiuxiao.

The man was all white, even his black hair was dyed white, and white fell from his shoulders.

"Tell me, does this count as whiteheads?" She took off a touch of white between the man's eyebrows and asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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