Chapter 251 The Unfamiliar Old Man

A total of whiteheads.

This can be regarded as an unfinished regret in the previous life, and it is bound to achieve consummation in this life.

"Are you okay?"

"Jiuye, Jiuye, are you okay?"

"Shu Yao, get up quickly! God, I'm going to be scared to death."

Covered by a curtain, the gradually louder discussions can be heard.

Just as Qin Jiuxiao was about to speak again, the curtain on his body was lifted, and the staff surrounded them one after another to pull them up.

Taking advantage of the fact that Shu Yao almost slipped out of the man's embrace, she got up by herself numbly.

"Are you all right?" Sister Mo also surrounded her and pulled Shu Yao past her, almost terrified.

"It's okay, Miss Mo."

Shu Yao shook her head, turned around and stretched out her hand to pull Qin Jiuxiao, Qin Jiuxiao saw Shu Yao stretched out her hand before holding it.

Qin Jiuxiao still resisted other people's hands, he has a cleanliness habit.

Seeing that Shu Yao and the others were fine, the staff also gradually dispersed.

Shu Yao was about to go back to Qin Jiuxiao, so don't let the chief producer, Sister Mo, hold her hand.

"Shu Yao, come here."

Sister Mo's gesture was obvious, and she obviously implied that Shu Yao followed Qin Jiuxiao while Qin Jiuxiao was not paying attention.

Hesitating again and again, Shu Yao still kept up with Sister Mo.

They came to the inner part of the studio, which was already cleared up, and there were no people around.

Everyone was off work, busy cleaning up, only the two of them were left together.

"Shu Yao, does Jiuye not support your acting?" Ms. Mo asked in a low voice.

Shu Yao was taken aback by the question, she subconsciously shook her head, "How could that be?"

Men have always respected her choices, and even this third woman was recommended by his adoptive father Cheng Lao.

This invitation was also sent to her by Qin Jiuxiao himself.

Sister Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if you don't have one, but when I saw him waiting for you just now, he was very depressed."

After all, Sister Mo has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, so she has a somewhat stereotyped impression of these powerful people.

High-ranking dignitaries like Qin Jiuxiao never liked their women showing their faces.

Shu Yao is a good seedling and can have a better development.

"Sister Mo, I understand what you mean, but it's not like this." Shu Yao smiled lightly.

Sister Mo read it right.

But the man is different before and after amnesia, maybe it's the difference between Qin Jiuye and Brother Jiu.

Sister Mo couldn't say much when she saw her like this, so she patted her on the shoulder like a big sister.

"You're a smart woman and a good actor."

"I'm sure you'll be sensible."


"Master Jiu, are you okay?" Ling Yang's first reaction was Qin Jiuxiao's safety.

The man patted the debris on his body, frowned, feeling that his body was not clean, and suddenly released an unpleasant breath from his body.

Compared with before, the man's emotional reaction is obvious.

Just thinking of the mind of the perpetrator, Qin Jiuxiao couldn't blame Shu Yao.

Qin Jiuxiao thought of the fleeting thoughts just now, and felt unreasonable, "Absurd, really absurd."

Whether it was before amnesia or after amnesia, it was clearly the same person.

He actually cared which of himself Shu Yao liked more, and even felt that filming took up Shu Yao's time with him.

Is this possessiveness too much?
"It's just that you feed this beggar woman every time, don't you, eat free food every day!"

A sharp shout attracted Qin Jiuxiao's attention, and he took a closer look to see that it was the fat pig.

Originally, just being close to such a person made Qin Jiuxiao feel sick and dirty.

But Shu Yao went there.

"I, I—" The staff who had been scolded shy away from opening their mouths.

Standing next to the staff was a stooped old woman holding a lunch box, her eyes were bewildered and embarrassed.

The staff buttoned the seams of their trousers in embarrassment, but they were caught by the assistant director this time.

"The assistant director orders too much lunch every time and gives it to the old grandma. She is quite pitiful."

The old woman picked up the lunch box and put it back in place tremblingly.

Or the old grandma's hands are a bit dirty, leaving dark handprints on the white foam cover where she took the lunch box.

"Can you still eat this when you put it back? Who will eat your food." The assistant director's eyes widened when he saw it.

This beggar dared to put it back.

Looking at the dark hands of the old beggar, the assistant director felt disgusted.

The staff caught a glimpse of the person behind the assistant director, as if seeing a savior, "Sister Yao!"

The assistant director thought it was Shu Yao who got off work early, but the staff knew that she was afraid and deliberately used Shu Yao to pressure him.

He pretended not to know, and even raised his voice even higher.

"What are you yelling about? Even if Shu Yao comes, she won't be able to keep you."

"Do you know what you are doing? We are not a charity."

The staff members were so disgraced by the scolding that they could only lower their heads, "Yes, yes."

"You don't know how many times you've done this, sneaking around, it's bad!" The assistant director just looked for a punching bag.

Sometimes there are too many lunch boxes, and it’s okay to leave them for others.

Even if the assistant director finds someone to vent his anger on, he can't get used to this old beggar who always walks to the set and eats for nothing.

"Assistant director!" The staff was terrified.

Could it be that he was fired from his job because of his momentary kindness?

The old lady also became nervous, and said hesitantly, "Sir, please do me a favor."

"Sister Yao, sister Yao, you're here, me, the assistant director—" The staff panicked.

He quickly ran behind the assistant director, the assistant director's chubby body moved, and the fat on his body trembled.

Turning around, the assistant director swallowed.

"Shu Yao, you, why haven't you left yet?"

Shu Yao twitched the corner of her mouth, looked at the assistant director and said coldly, "Of course I didn't leave, how could it be as you wished."

"What are you talking about, hahaha." The assistant director rubbed his nose feeling guilty.

Shu Yao belongs to Qin Jiuye, so she cannot be offended.

In fact, the assistant director was clear in his heart, even if Shu Yao wasn't from Qin Jiuxiao, he wouldn't dare to offend him easily.

This girl is very wild.

The staff took this opportunity to explain, "This is the overbooked sister Yao, and it's thrown away if left alone. I think she gave it to her because of her pity."

"Yes, yes, this young man is kind-hearted, but I can't afford food as an old woman." The old lady quickly agreed.

The assistant director swallowed, and seeing Shu Yao's voice became much softer, "We're not from a charity organization."

"Not next time, not next time."

The old lady spoke up quickly, for fear that she would cause others to lose their jobs because of herself.

"If you lose it, you lose it. Is it wrong to give it to those in need while it's fresh?" Shu Yao asked without answering.

The assistant director didn't speak, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Jiuxiao coming towards him, and immediately waved his hand, "No, no."

That's all, the assistant director hurriedly grabbed the box of lunch and stuffed it into the grandmother's hands, then turned around and hurried away.

As if being pardoned, the staff repeatedly said: "Thank you sister Yao."

This assistant director is bullying and afraid of toughness, only when someone like Shu Yao suffers for the assistant director will he know how powerful he is!

"Small things." Shu Yao lifted her broken hair and smiled very lightly.

The beauty is like jade, the smile is like a flower, and every frown and smile is full of style.

She wore plain and simple ponytails tied up high, and her face was beautiful and moving, just like the white moonlight in the campus stories.

The staff looked absentminded for a moment, their face was stained with a layer of red, and they scratched their hair and laughed.

The old lady on the side said hesitantly, "Then, can I still ask for this meal?"

Obviously, this meal is not light for her.

(End of this chapter)

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