Chapter 252 What is my surname?
"Of course, do you have any difficulties?" Shu Yao wanted to walk over and get closer.

But the old grandma took a step back immediately, and she rubbed the floral shirt on her body that was about to fade.

The old lady forced a hard smile, "Miss, don't get so close, old lady, I'm dirty, I'm afraid I'll dirty you."

She immediately reached out to grab the boxed lunch on the table, like something very precious.

"You can take these too. These are overbooked, and it's a waste to leave them alone."

The staff hurriedly pushed out some unopened snacks, afternoon tea, and lunch boxes on the table.

Grabbing a handful in one hand, the old lady murmured, "Thank you, thank you, you are all good people."

She couldn't hold it back with one hand, and she wanted to try her best to get more.

Seeing this, Shu Yao took the bags on the side and packed the old grandma one by one.

"You don't need to come here! How embarrassing it is." The old lady was very moved and asked Shu Yao to stop.

Shu Yao shook her head and laughed, "What is this?"

Seeing Shu Yao's appearance, the grandma was filled with emotions for a moment, and her hands stopped unconsciously.

"Thank you, Miss, you are so pretty. If my granddaughter can grow up safely, she should be just like you."

It sounds like the old man's granddaughter had an accident.

The old lady reacted quickly and quickly took the drink on the table, which was in a can, and prepared to put it in her pocket as a treasure.

"Yaoyao, you are..."


When the grandma saw Qin Jiuxiao, she let go of the canned drink, and it fell to the ground with a bang and bounced.

It hit another place and made a loud noise.

However, the old lady just stared at Qin Jiuxiao in rapt attention, raising and lowering her hands tremblingly.

"Who is this?" Qin Jiuxiao noticed that the old man was looking at him.

The old woman shook her head, and hurriedly lowered her head to pick up the drink she dropped just now.

"Thank you, thank you, you are a good person." The old woman picked it up and bowed her head to thank you.

As soon as Shu Yao handed the bag away, the old lady took it and ran as fast as she could, and left in a hurry.

The old grandma turned around in a hurry, and almost tripped herself.

Even though she was inconvenient in shape, seeing Qin Jiuxiao's great reaction, the grandmother even changed her face.

Shu Yao, who had a big reaction, had to notice.

"Xiao Xu, do you know this old man?" Shu Yao asked the staff just now.

The staff nodded and shook their heads because they didn't know the details.

"I'm not very familiar with it, it's an old man nearby."

"It seems that there is someone else in the family. These things are all taken back to her family."

At such an old age, he is still begging for food outside, no wonder even a box of lunch is so precious.

"She often picks up things in this area, and she can't do any work when she is too old, so she just picks up garbage for a living."

That's right.

Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, she was forcefully pulled by the man and turned around, "What's wrong?"

"Yaoyao doesn't talk to me." Qin Jiuxiao didn't care that there were other people present, and started acting like a baby without any scruples.

The staff packed up their things wisely, and immediately slipped away, leaving only the two of them.

Only at this time did Shu Yao speak, "I wonder why that person reacted so strongly to you just now."

Originally, it was just a normal thing, Qin Jiuxiao's appearance, why would that old man——

Shu Yao couldn't figure it out.

"Do you know her?" Shu Yao asked tentatively.

Qin Jiuxiao's pure eyes dimmed, the stars in his eyes went out, and his handsome face collapsed.

He pursed his lips, and said in a stubborn tone, "I don't know."

"If you don't know him, you don't know him. What's the matter?" Shu Yao could see that something was wrong with him.

The man didn't speak, but turned his head to avoid Shu Yao's scrutiny, he was aggrieved like a child who had no one to pick him up after school.

Seeing that Shu Yao was pitiful and angry, she took a few steps forward, and the man took a few steps back.

Until Shu Yao forced him into the corner, she stepped forward and the man didn't dare to push him hard, so she was forced to block him in the corner.

Shu Yao pressed the man tightly, and raised his chin with one hand, "Say, what's the matter to be so angry?"

"Stop playing, you, why are you—"

Qin Jiuxiao felt that this posture was wrong, and his good upbringing made him feel very embarrassed.

Shu Yao was too close.

He knew that this person would not give up if he didn't say anything, so after rational analysis, he chose to explain.

"You ignored me just now, do you think I'm ashamed of you now?"

Shu Yao was taken aback, apparently she didn't expect this guy to be so sensitive.

Moreover, Qin Jiuxiao had always been calm and introverted before, and could even be said to be indifferent.

If it wasn't for Qin Jiuxiao from the previous life, who made Shu Yao believe that he loved her, Shu Yao wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous.

And now Qin Jiuxiao——

Frankly, it's a bit embarrassing.

"Ninth brother, you are really getting more and more—"

Shu Yao stood on tiptoe, held the back of the man's head, and opened her lips to offer herself up, without even waiting for the man to react.

He let out a contented sigh from his lips, unconsciously raised his hand and pressed it on the woman's waist, rubbing it.

"It's getting cuter and cuter." Shu Yao said in a hoarse voice with a touch of emotion in her phoenix eyes.

People are greedy for beauty.

Shu Yao was not immune either, at first she couldn't bear to do it, but men always approached her inadvertently and teased her.

Moreover, the current Qin Jiuxiao is really easy to bully.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, and issued the same warning as Shu Yao's impression, "Yaoyao."

This is exactly the same as Qin Jiuxiao's reaction when Xiaotuanzi called "Beautiful Brother" for the first time in his memory, exactly the same.

Shu Yao stuck out her tongue and licked her lower lip, her eyes sparkled, "Do you still dare to say that I find you ashamed?"

This threatening tone, if you dare to say it again, I will kiss you in front of everyone.

How could he think that he didn't love him.

Shu Yao lowered her head and leaned her head against the man's solid chest, her eyes drooped slightly, and her lips showed a little relief.

I have to give him a lot, and I have to pay back all the debts from the past and present life.


"Master, I'm at the airport." The man held up an umbrella and wrapped himself tightly.

His attire caused passers-by to stare at him frequently, thinking he was a vampire who couldn't see the light, with only his eyes covered.

But the man didn't care about the eyes of others, he found a place with a little shelter from the eaves and stood still.

"I sent you the location."

Soon, a familiar voice came from the other end, it was Jiang Yunrong.

There were obvious ups and downs in Jiang Yunrong's Qingwan voice, "Alright, alright, I'll send someone to pick you up right away."

"Good master."

The man looked up at the white and flawless sky, as if he was thinking about something, and then lowered his head after a long time without words.

He asked softly, "Master, is Shu Yao in the hospital?"

"Do you know Miss Shu?" The person on the phone paused, obviously surprised by the man's question.

The man laughed a few times, then sighed softly, "Master, have you forgotten my last name?"

"Your name is..."

It's not that Jiang Yunrong doesn't know, it's just that she never thought about this possibility, and she didn't even know about it after leaving Yecheng for a long time.

She didn't connect her apprentice with the eldest grandson of the Shu family who had been missing for a long time in Yecheng and even applied for a death certificate.

"Your last name is Shu."

(End of this chapter)

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