After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 253 I Didn't Want to Overhear

Chapter 253 I Didn't Want to Overhear


What's his full name?

"Shu Nan Xun."

Jiang Yunrong leaned against the wall and murmured softly, her phoenix eyes slightly opened, and her eyes were full of astonishment.

She didn't even hear the nurse on the side calling her, she was completely immersed in the explosive news just now.

The man on the other end of the phone spoke again, and the man's voice was clear and pleasant.

He said, "I am Shu Yao's elder brother, Shu Nanxun."


Ling Yang on the side hung up the phone, walked to Qin Jiuxiao's side in silence.

"Young master, the young master wants you to go back." He whispered.


Qin Jiuxiao looked a little worried, but didn't say much, he just looked at Shu Yao, "Where's Yaoyao?"


Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, the phone in her pocket vibrated first, she took out the phone with a guilty conscience and took a look.

Caller ID, Isa.

"Shu Yao, you have answered the phone, where are you?"

Aisa's voice was anxious and her words were panting, it didn't look like she was joking.

Shu Yao remembered that Qin Jiuxiao had almost lost her before, which made their party not very happy.

With all these things, Shu Yao couldn't bear to reject Aisa.

She glanced at Qin Jiuxiao and said in a low voice, "I'm on the set."

"Send me your location. I'll be there right away. I have something urgent to do." Aisa spoke in a flash.

Now Shu Yao couldn't leave at all, but she managed to coax this man well.

For the first time, she felt so guilty that she didn't dare to go to see Qin Jiuxiao.


"Go ahead."

Before the words were fully spoken, Qin Jiuxiao seemed to understand it clearly, and said it before Shu Yao spoke.

Surprised, Shu Yao poked her head out to look at his expression, "Really?"

"Hmm." Qin Jiuxiao responded in a low voice, his pure eyes were a little uncomfortable when Shu Yao suddenly approached.

It seems that the method just now is very effective, and the man has not recovered from this.

Ling Yang nodded slightly, "Miss Shu, let's go first, if you have something to do, just tell me."

Although Ling Yang made the final farewell, Qin Jiuxiao was still like a child, turning around every step he took.

Looking at it is really like seeing a beloved toy in the window, a child who can't buy it, and is reluctant to part with it.

Shu Yao watched their figures gradually fade out of sight, and the smile on her lips faded little by little.

She touched the bracelet subconsciously, and felt inexplicably uneasy after hearing Aisa's words.


Aisa came in a hurry, she came in a hurry, her short hair fluttered in a mess, and she almost staggered and fell after taking two steps.

But she didn't care so much, she ran like a gust of wind, and plunged directly into Shu Yao's arms.

"Shu Yao." Aisa hugged her, and quickly backed away from her arms, "Shu Yao, let me tell you."

Shu Yao was dragged to the side, but in fact, the crew had already finished work.

Everyone is not active after get off work, and there are brain problems. There are not many people left on the set, but Aisa looks very vigilant.

They walked to an empty corner, and Aisa spoke.

"Shu Yao, do you know Shu Murou?" Aisa seized the time to ask.

Shu Yao's eyes moved, and she noticed something, "Understood, she used to be the person I knew best."

How could you not understand it.

In her previous life, Shu Yao foolishly thought that her aunt brought home a poor little girl.

She thought that sincerity could be exchanged for sincerity, she pitied the younger sister in the orphanage, but instead hated her father for being irresponsible.

But the truth gave Shu Yao a slap in the face and woke her up.

"My uncle, the head of Patriarch Rose, actually said that Shu Murou is his sister's orphan."

"How is this possible? How could that adult's daughter be such a person!"

Aisa was more excited than Shu Yao when talking about it, because Aisa was also deeply inherited from Patriarch Los, and she valued blood.

I can't accept that a dirty person like Shu Murou actually calls himself family.

This is unacceptable to Aisa. She knows that outsiders may not understand, but the Ross family has always been crazy about blood.

"Of course not true." Shu Yao stated the fact calmly.

Shu Yao is more sure of this point than anyone else.

Shu Murou's mother in black and white is Li Qingya, the eldest lady of the Li family in Yancheng.

The most important point is that Shu Yawen and Li Qingya are good girlfriends and good friends. They have known each other since childhood.

Otherwise, Li Qingya would not have known her father, Shu Boyan, because of Shu Yawen's connection.

"But my uncle got the DNA report, it clearly stated that Shu Murou is indeed!"

Aisa couldn't believe it either, but she couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Before Shu Yao could speak again, Aisa immediately grabbed Shu Yao's arm, "Do you know about the dark river?"

underground river.

In his previous life, Qin Jiuxiao would fall into a trap, and could not do without the existence of the 'underground river'.

These two sensitive words captured Shu Yao, her eyes slightly widened.

Seeing Shu Yao's reaction, Aisa thought she knew.

"You know that, don't you? Aunt says you can buy information there."

Shu Yao shook her head, trying to calm Aisa down, and said softly, "Don't worry."

"Shu Yao! I don't want such a person to be my family, let alone—"

Aisa couldn't say those words, but in fact they would definitely become reality.

Patriarch Rose has a deep obsession with his sister's orphan. After his sister died, his mind was on finding the orphan.

Even in order to find this so-called orphan, Patriarch Los didn't even want his own children.

Aunt Cofilo has had multiple miscarriages and is having a hard time getting pregnant now.

In other words, Patriarch Los has already regarded his sister's child as his child.

Aisa felt that he couldn't explain clearly, and his emotions became more and more agitated, "In short, I don't want to get along with people like that!"

Shu Murou treats Shu Yao as an elder sister like this, if she becomes the daughter of Patriarch Rose.

Isn't that going to turn the world upside down!

"That's right, Shu Yao, do you know?"

"Actually, Li Qingya is not the real daughter of the Li family, she is just the adopted daughter of the Li family!"

The voice just fell.

Shu Yao was keenly aware of a flashing shadow in the corner not far away, and she immediately turned around and chased after it.

Aisa stomped her feet, she didn't want others to hear her, but her voice became louder when she got emotional.

They chased for a short distance, and there were speeding cars on the road.

The shadow couldn't run far, and fell to the ground with a bang, and the rickety body that couldn't get up for a long time fell to the ground paralyzed.

"No, no, I didn't mean to listen." The man tremblingly raised his dry hand and said.

Taking a closer look, Shu Yao took a step back.

She felt very strange.

Aisa, who followed behind, took a closer look and found that this was just an old man picking up rags, "I was scared to death."

"I, I just came back to get these things, I didn't, I didn't want to eavesdrop."

The old man tremblingly lifted the sack beside him, and as soon as it was dragged inside, there was the sound of bottles and cans colliding.

It turned out to be picking up trash.

But Shu Yao felt that something was wrong with the old man, she squatted down, and the old woman shrank her neck while avoiding her eyes.

"If you didn't eavesdrop on purpose, why did you run away?" Shu Yao asked softly, with a very soft voice.

There was no oppression or questioning, just pure confusion.

The old grandma hesitated for a moment, she opened her mouth dumbly, digging her fingers on the ground, unable to speak.

"You know Qin Jiuxiao?" Shu Yao said abruptly, remembering her attitude towards Qin Jiuxiao.

The old lady responded quickly, she shook her head, "I don't know."


"Do you know Li Qingya?"

When the old lady heard this name, she was obviously stunned for a moment, as if time had been suspended.

The face that had experienced the vicissitudes of time moved, and the wrinkles were drawn up, and the sunken eyes widened.

The old lady reacted suddenly, and still bit her to death, "I don't know, I don't know!"

(End of this chapter)

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