Chapter 254 It's time to meet

That's all, the old grandma got up from the ground in a jerk, not forgetting to hold the sack against the wall and walked away quickly.

And Shu Yao didn't deliberately stop him, she knew that the old man lived nearby.

If what Xiao Xu said is correct, then the old man is nearby, and it would be easy to find, so there is no need to scare him.

"Shu Yao, she's so strange, I think she's just..." Aisa approached and said.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were clear, and she said in a deep voice, "Don't startle the snake."

At first Shu Yao thought that this old man was some kind of old friend of Qin Jiuxiao, but now it seemed that he was actually an old friend of Li Qingya.

Aisa was thinking about it, puzzled.

"But it's not right, why does Country S have an old friend of Li Qingya?"

"By the way, I always hear you talking about Li Qingya, what kind of person is Li Qingya?"

In Shu Yao's memory, Li Qingya was very beautiful and clean, a beautiful and pure woman like a lily.

But no one who has met Li Qingya will say that she is not beautiful or perfect, she is too perfect.

Some people even said that Shu Boyan was not good enough for Li Qingya.

"I won't say anymore, I'm not sure about people." Shu Yao laughed lowly, mocking herself.

Shu Murou, Shu Yawen, Fu Jingzhen, the people she treated with sincerity in the previous life, were nothing but jokes in the end.

Speaking of which, it is indeed time for Shu Yao to settle the account of the past, and she was busy dealing with the Tang family before, so she put it on hold.

Now that Aisa mentioned her, it's time to figure out what happened between Li Qingya and her father Shu Boyan.

Suddenly, Shu Yao remembered something, and her eyes lit up as soon as she clapped her hands.

"I thought about it. I have a friend who is from Yancheng. Maybe he will know."


"My boss, Shen Huaiyuan."

When we first met, the guy introduced himself, Yancheng, Shen's Shen Huaiyuan.

How could she have forgotten?


"Nan Xun, this room is a bit more simple, you just make do with it."

"If you need to tell me anything, I'll send someone to buy some."

Considering that Shu Nanxun flew all the way from Yecheng to Country S, and Shu Nanxun's physical fitness was not very good.

Jiang Yunrong sent someone to pick him up and go back to the manor to stay.

The manor is big, so it's not a problem to live in one more person, but the facilities in this room may not satisfy Shu Nanxun.

"I'll write to you later." Shu Nanxun was not polite, he raised his glasses frame.

At first, Shu Nanxun subconsciously took in the layout and furnishings of the house, predicting everything without a trace.

He walked to the seat by the window, pulled the window, not very happy.

"Nan Xun, what is your relationship with Shu Yao?" People are curious, and Jiang Yunrong is not immune.

On closer inspection, they do look alike.

Male and female are indistinguishable in a man's life, and there is both a man's heroism and a woman's softness in his eyebrows and eyes.

With a pair of eyes hidden under the gold-rimmed glasses, it is impossible to distinguish emotions, and the body exudes a sense of alienation and coldness from the inside out.

The beauty is like a banished fairy, not eating fireworks in the world.

The movements of Shu Nanxun's hands paused, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, "Shu Yao is my sister."

The girl in memory.

Now she is slim and graceful, so beautiful when she was born, as bright as the sun.

"Shu Yao is your younger sister, so you are Shu Nanxun, the long-lost eldest grandson of the Shu family in Yecheng."


Jiang Yunrong was speechless for a moment, she raised her hand to cover her lips, covering the words that were about to exclaim.

It turns out that the person who picked it up unintentionally back then was Shu Nanxun of the Shu family in Yecheng.

Now, Shu Yao is about to become her daughter-in-law, and she had a fate with her Xiaojiu when she was young.

Fate almost bound their two families together.

"Then the Shu family didn't know what happened to you back then?" Jiang Yunrong frowned, remembering what happened back then.

Jiang Yunrong still remembers the tragic situation of Shunan Xun back then.

Shu Nanxun raised his lips indifferently, unconsciously venting his madness, "I don't know."

If he knew, Shu Nanxun would have a few more years to live to this day.

But Shu Nanxun didn't care about this, he walked to the table and opened the laptop, calling up the screen.

It's a CT scan of the brain.

"This was privately sent to me by Mr. Qin's attending physician."

"I think you have a right to know."

Jiang Yunrong is also a doctor, so Shu Nanxun doesn't need to mention it, of course she can understand it.

Taking a closer look, there is a black light and shadow partly caged in the corner of the brain.

Jiang Yunrong's hands shook, and the laptop fell to the ground with a slap. Fortunately, the cashmere blanket did not break it.

"Is this a brain tumor?" Jiang Yunrong's voice trembled slightly, but it was affirmative.

The knowledge of the familiar doctors did not make Jiang Yunrong ignore the CT photos of the brain, and she passed them one by one.

The image was reflected in the pupils, and tears filled little by little, and her ugly appearance was reflected on the screen.

Shu Nanxun just stood tall, with an indifferent expression, "Yes."

Moreover, the time for this brain tumor is almost at the limit, if there is no operation, I am afraid that something will happen.

In this case, I believe there is no need for Shu Nan Xun to explain.


"This is the case of Mr. Qin's diagnosis and treatment before. Is this surgery you or I?"

Shu Nanxun opened his mouth, and finally brought back Jiang Yunrong's dazed mind.

Jiang Yunrong's first reaction was, "If you don't do it, is there no risk of surgery?"

This kind of stupid talk can only be said by people who are deeply involved in it.

"Master, that is waiting to die." Shu Nanxun stated without any human touch.

The CT scan of the brain showed that this was not something that happened in a day or two. Qin Siwen had a backlog for a long time, and the brain tumor was oppressed elsewhere.

If there is no operation, it will be too late and we will really be left to die.

"He..." Jiang Yunrong didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, she touched the picture with trembling fingers.

Qin Siwen didn't tell her.

It turned out that he couldn't even hold the kettle steadily because he was too weak, but because he was sick.

He was sick, and was about to die, but he still entangled with her like a normal person all day long.

"Nan Xun, you can do this surgery."

Even looking at the CT scan of this man's brain, I would tremble. Such hands are not worthy of picking up a scalpel.

What's more, Shu Nanxun is simply a once-in-a-century genius who is proficient in all kinds of intractable diseases.

It's just that his temper is a little weird.

Shu Nanxun accepted the task and responded calmly, "Good master."

Immediately afterwards, Shu Nanxun's mobile phone rang, which was an alarm clock, reminding Shu Nanxun that he should take medicine regularly.

He neatly turned out a packaged box, poured out colorful medicines, and swallowed them all.

"Aren't the previous symptoms better?" Jiang Yunrong raised his hand and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

In front of his students, Jiang Yunrong suddenly felt a little gaffe and changed the subject.

Shu Nanxun pretended not to see, took off his glasses and wiped them carefully with a disinfectant towel.

He nodded, and he was not used to others caring too much, "It's better. Does Shu Yao also live here?"

"What's the matter, she is your sister..."

A thought suddenly flashed into Jiang Yunrong's mind, maybe Shu Nanxun didn't want to see Shu Yao.

"Don't you want to see her?"

For so many years, Shu Nanxun never went back to Shu's house, let alone showed up once.

The news that Shu's eldest grandson was found dead is still circulating in Yecheng.

A person who has been missing for four years can be judged dead, but Shu Nanxun has been picked up by Jiang Yunrong for more than four years.

"No, it's time to meet."

A layer of overflowing light glides under Shu Nanxun's lens, making it difficult for people to see his emotions clearly.

His voice was very soft, empty and ethereal, thinking of someone, and then a faint doting as an elder brother appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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