After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 255 Young Master Shen, Learned

Chapter 255 Young Master Shen, Learned
"However, there is no rush now."

Shu Nanxun is not in a hurry, people can always meet each other when they are alive, don't be in a hurry at this moment, more than ten years have passed like that.

"Master, let me go to a private hospital first, I have to follow up on Mr. Qin's condition first."

Jiang Yunrong originally wanted Shu Nanxun to run around and work hard, even if he was on the plane, he was following up on Qin's situation.

She didn't want Shu Nanxun to be so busy for granted, she wanted Shu Nanxun to rest first.

It's just that Jiang Yunrong never thought that Qin Siwen had a brain tumor. This situation is very serious.

She moved her lips and said slowly: "Put your luggage here first, and I'll send someone to take you there."

People are selfish.

Jiang Yunrong was no exception, even if Shu Nanxun was like this, he was not in good health after running around and working hard.

She also wanted to follow up and communicate earlier whether the hope of surgery would be higher.


"Sister-in-law, don't worry." Shen Huaiyuan's casual voice came from over there.

Just listening to that far-fetched tune, Shu Yao could imagine Shen Huaiyuan's attitude.

In ancient times, Shen Huaiyuan must have been one of those dudes, and he was definitely one of the most romantic.


This is a private restaurant, people also came in, and the wind chimes jingled pleasantly when the door was pushed open.

The environment of the restaurant is very quiet, it is a small compartment separated, the quality control is elegant without losing the mood.

"It's here!" Shen Huaiyuan lifted the lit phone screen.

As he approached, Aisa couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, obviously surprised by Shen Huaiyuan.

It's no wonder that Aisa behaved like that, Shen Huaiyuan's face was like a peach blossom, and his pair of fox eyes were very unique.

It looks like the ghost in the storybook transformed.

Unlike Qin Jiuxiao's sternness, his good looks are different, extremely aggressive, and hit people's hearts.

"Shu Yao, no wonder your boss is in the entertainment industry." Aisa nudged Shu Yao with his elbow.

The most basic thing in the entertainment industry is not just a face.

No wonder Shu Yao had introduced before coming that Shen Huaiyuan was in the entertainment industry, and he also started a company.

Aisa is still wondering, why do you want to be obvious when you become the boss?

Being rich and beautiful is self-willed.

Shu Yao cast a teasing glance at Aisa, and whispered, "He has a girlfriend."

"This is your friend?" Shen Huaiyuan sat across from her, narrowing his fox eyes with a smile.

Looking at it this way, it looks more like a fox, and it looks even more outstanding against the silver hair that the man just dyed.

Just like the Lord Fox God in the story, Shen Huaiyuan became more and more handsome, his eyes filled with amorous light.

Aisa stretched out her hand generously, and introduced briskly, "Hello, Aisa."

"Hello." Shen Huaiyuan raised his hand and shook it quickly.

Seeing Aisa's green eyes, Shen Huaiyuan's pupils flashed a hint of surprise.

This exotic beauty is not bad.

Before Shu Yao could speak, Shen Huaiyuan took a step ahead, "What's the matter with Ninth Brother?"

Although Qin Jiuxiao's situation was not widely circulated in country S, people in the upper circles had heard of it.

The news that spread the most was not in Yecheng, nor in Country S, but in Anhe.

The news network of the dark river, from Qin Jiuxiao's accident to the current situation, has been collected almost clearly.

The source of this material must be someone insider related to this matter.

"The mind has degenerated into a teenager, but he is not a fool."

"He seems to have forgotten a lot of things, and only remembers things when he was a teenager."

Shu Yao was hesitant about how to speak to stop Qin Jiuxiao's current situation, and after hesitating for a while, she chose to make a long story and a short one.

As soon as Aisa heard it, he immediately added, "It's much more annoying than before!"

"Oh?" Shen Huaiyuan became interested. He had rarely seen Qin Jiuxiao look unsteady.

Suddenly being said by Aisa, I was a little curious.

But now that Qin Jiuxiao has suffered such a catastrophe, the Qin family is in turmoil, and now Yecheng has long been in chaos.

Shen Huaiyuan knocked on the table, motioned them to come closer, and lowered his voice to speak.

"The news is really similar to that on the dark river. I suspect that the person who sells the news on the dark web is behind the scenes."

As soon as he heard the familiar words, Aisa became excited and grabbed Shen Huaiyuan's hand, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"Dark River, do you know how to buy and sell news on Dark River!"

Shen Huaiyuan gestured for the waiter to come over, and ordered a glass of special wine.

Then he said lazily, very casually, "It's a forum, and it's also a secret place."

"What do you mean, stop showing off." Shu Yao thought it was boring for such a person to show off, so she interrupted him.

Shen Huaiyuan glanced at Shu Yao up and down, and said softly: "You have been there, but you haven't understood it deeply."



Shu Yao herself has been to the dark river, why didn't she know such a thing.

But this also confirmed what Shen Huaiyuan said from the side, she didn't understand it in depth.

"Blues, you haven't forgotten, have you?"

How could it be forgotten.

It was because the crew went to the bar after the meeting and was drugged by Fu Jingzhen.

Shu Yao remembers that the first time she saw Shen Huaiyuan was in that damned place, she encountered such a thing not long after her first rebirth.

Just thinking about it makes me feel scared. If I miss a game, my life will be ruined.

"Blues is an underground bar. You go to the first floor. Blues has three floors."

"The second floor is the member area."

"The third floor is the exclusive area of ​​the dark river."

Aisa couldn't understand it at all, and she, who was far away in country S, didn't even know where it was.

Aisa was born in the Ross family. The family used to be the royal family of country S, with noble blood, and never went to bars.

A bar doesn't know anything, let alone a bar with an underground undercurrent.

"But you know what these are for?" Shen Huaiyuan suddenly suppressed the smile on his lips.

He was very serious when he was not smiling, as cold as Qin Jiuxiao, the kind of bone-chilling coldness.

Shu Yao glanced at Aisa, "That's why we are looking for you, we want to know about Li Qingya."

Li Qingya.

For this familiar word, Shen Huaiyuan's fox eyes moved slightly, and his gaze flashed across.

Speaking of this person, Shen Huaiyuan stopped laughing, "Aunt Qingya? What's wrong with her."

"She is Shu Murou's mother." Shu Yao sensed Shen Huaiyuan's defense.

Shen Huaiyuan seems to be very familiar with Li Qingya, even the address is very intimate, with a nostalgic tone.

Talking about Li Qingya, there is a kind of meaning that others should not be blasphemed.

Putting away even his usual carelessness, Shen Huaiyuan asked back, "I know, but so what?"

Aisa saw that the situation was wrong, and her first reaction was to protect Shu Yao.

"Don't be like this, I want to investigate Li Qingya."

Shu Yao was the first friend that Aisa met. It was Shu Yao who taught her that family members are not the only ones around who love you.

Shen Huaiyuan's eyes became colder, and his tone became unhappy, "Everyone is dead, so there is nothing else to say."

Speaking of this, Shen Huaiyuan's voice was very low, and those fox eyes were stained with a thin layer of anger.

"Auntie Qingya is a very good person. Her life is already pitiful enough, and she will be criticized after her death?"

"Just because she gave birth to Shu Murou, because Shu Murou stole your boyfriend—"

The words are not over yet.

Shu Yao closed her eyes, couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the cup directly in front of her, and splashed it on his face.

Her eyes also gradually became cold.

"Young Master Shen, so I am such a person in your eyes."


(End of this chapter)

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