After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 256 Don't you know if you try it?

Chapter 256 Don't you know if you try it?
It is she, Shu Yao, who is selfish and considers the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and secretly speculates about others!
Shen Huaiyuan's words immediately stimulated Shu Yao, it wasn't that Shu Yao didn't understand, it wasn't that she was glass-hearted.

Shu Yao in her previous life knew how difficult it is to trust someone wholeheartedly.

Her sincerity was given to Shu Murou, Shu Yawen, and Fu Jingzhen, all of which were trampled and crushed.

Until Qin Jiuxiao taught her to trust and love again.


"I..." Shen Huaiyuan was not angry, because he also realized that he had said something wrong.

Shu Yao looked at him fixedly, and said coldly: "There's no need to say any more."

Now, it turns out that this is how her good friend sees her.

That's all, Shu Yao was sitting on the outside, she couldn't tell what it was like, so she just left the seat with her hands.

She walked in a hurry, and even bumped into the table and chairs outside the cubicle.

The friction between the tables and chairs and the floor made a screeching sound, and the eardrums of people who scratched could not bear it.

"Aren't you friends?" Aisa looked at Shu Yao, then at Shen Huaiyuan, and frowned.

How can a friend say such exaggerated words.

Knowing that Fu Jingzhen was Shu Yao's untouchable wound, Shen Huaiyuan actually opened her wound.

What's more, you have to stir it with a knife.

Aisa stood up and said reproachfully, "How can you say that about Shu Yao!"

"Because the person you mentioned, her status is comparable to my mother."

Shen Huaiyuan turned his face away, his fox eyes dimmed a little, as if he was avoiding something, he spoke in a very soft voice.

And Aisa shook her head, she couldn't understand Shen Huaiyuan.

"But Shu Yao didn't say anything, she just asked you, but you have to reopen the scar—"

"You are very unreasonable, you should apologize to her."

According to the etiquette of the Ross family, Shen Huaiyuan's behavior was disrespectful, a very serious gaffe.


Shu Yao didn't know how she got back to the hospital, she was in a daze after rushing out, and her things were also left there.

Fortunately, I have a mobile phone with me, otherwise I would not even be able to take a taxi.

When she returned to the hospital, the sky had also been dark for a long time, gray and it looked like it was going to rain again.

Shu Yao walked quickly, not because it was about to rain, but because she suddenly missed Qin Jiuxiao very much.


Hearing the very faint sound of the shutter, Shu Yao pressed the hand of the elevator, her long-standing intuition made her very sensitive.

For this sound, Shu Yao, an artist, immediately realized that someone was secretly filming it.

At first Shu Yao was just skeptical, but remembered that Shen Huaiyuan said that the news from the dark web was timely and true.

Isn't it true?
Everyone took pictures of them directly in the hospital, and sold them on the dark river for profit, but it hurt Qin Jiuxiao.

How could Shu Yao tolerate such a thing.

Shu Yao went back and forth, "Hello."

The corridor is very empty, only the medical staff in front of the counter who are sorting out the materials, no one else.

"Hi, what's the matter?" Shu Yao approached, and the medical staff in front of the counter asked kindly.

That sound seemed to be just Shu Yao's illusion.

The medical staff met Shu Yao's gaze, calmly and directly, without any guilt.

He still has a work card on his body, which has his name and his name and work number on it.

0729, Hu Zheng.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes froze, then she raised her lips, put her hands on the table and was very close to the person.

"It's okay." The woman tilted her head.

She slid her slender white fingertips across the table, raised her eyes to look at Hu Zheng inadvertently, and then parted her red lips lightly.

"Please give me Qin Jiuxiao's medical record, I want to take it to have a look."

Dazed by Shu Yao's sudden movement, Hu Zheng swallowed, "Okay, okay."

This woman is really different from the one on TV. Shu Yao can't be seen on TV.

While thinking wildly, Hu Zheng handed out what he was already holding.

Shu Yao stretched out her hand to take the document, but Hu Zheng's hand pretended to caress the back of her hand casually.

"Oh?" Shu Yao flipped through a few pages, showing a sneer.

Her smile changed obviously, just like the face changing in Beijing opera.

Hu Zheng asked strangely, "What's wrong? Isn't it?"

Just now Hu Zheng remembered that he was taking Qin Jiuxiao's case, which was the one who took the photo!

Suddenly, Hu Zheng realized something was wrong.

"You are deceiving me on purpose." Hu Zheng reacted and said sharply.

In the sneak shot just now, in fact, Shu Yao already suspected him, but there was no evidence.

And he had just hurriedly used the camera to secretly take pictures of Qin Jiuxiao's medical records, and before he could put them back, it was in his hand.

As soon as Shu Yao said it, he took it out, didn't he just call himself out!
Shu Yao wasn't afraid at all, she stretched out her hand, "Take out the camera."

"I'll give it to you if you say it? Damn it." Hu Zheng cursed, turned over and was about to leave.

Shu Yao blocked the exit of the counter, he turned over and jumped across the table, and ran away with the camera in his hand.

Running with Hu Zheng in front of him was still a little awkward, the ground on this floor was relatively smooth, and he couldn't run easily.

Where are the thieves, this is really hitting the gun.

Shu Yao watched the man get out of the fire escape with great interest, and she followed suit.

"Eh, Miss Shu?"

The other medical staff who just passed by saw Shu Yao's shadow, and her shadow disappeared at the exit of the fire exit.

"What's wrong?" Shu Nanxun, who followed the medical staff and stopped, followed her gaze.

The female medical staff wondered, "Miss Shu ran down there just now, she seems to be chasing someone."


"Fuck! What the hell are you chasing so fast?"

Hu Zheng was panting as he ran on the fire escape floor, with one hand on the handrail and the other on his waist.

He still had a camera on his body, his face was flushed from running, and sweat was dripping down his forehead crazily.

After just panting for a few seconds, Hu Zheng didn't dare to stop anymore, and immediately ran down again.

The floor is high, and it takes some time to reach the ground floor from the fire escape.

"If you don't hurry up, I'm going to catch up." Shu Yao's voice on the upper floor came from behind.

Her voice was neither fast nor slow, not as anxious as Hu Zheng's panting, and even very loose and lazy.

As if playing a game of cat and mouse, Shu Yao was able to handle it with ease.

There was a dark mark behind Hu Zheng, and the more he ran, the more frightened he became.

Shu Yao's voice was getting closer, "Is it just physical strength?"

He really couldn't run anymore, Hu Zheng gritted his teeth, anyway, no one can help Shu Yao in this kind of place.

Shu Yao is just a young lady from an aristocratic family, a weak woman, what is he afraid of as a big man?
Thinking about it this way, Hu Zheng was suddenly not afraid.

When he turned around, he saw Shu Yao slowly going up and down the handrail.

Such an appearance, noble and arrogant, with a smile in her phoenix eyes, and a careless smile on her lips.

Like a high-ranking queen, she walks down the stairs gracefully and calmly, not at all looking like she is chasing each other.

Up to now, Hu Zheng still finds it unbelievable, "How can you keep up?"

"Isn't it filmed on TV?" Shu Yao chuckled and didn't mind letting him know.

Having said that, Hu Zheng remembered some pictures.

Shu Yao started making some idol dramas when she first debuted, but later she got involved in everything.

An important proportion is actually an action-adventure film.

Hu Zheng frowned, and wondered: "TV? Don't all your actors use doubles?"

Shu Yao gradually approached, and the shadows in front of her became thicker the closer she got, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.

"You can try it now, whether the scene I filmed is a substitute or the real thing."

"Can you fight? You'll know if you try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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