After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 257 Brother Where Have You Been?

Chapter 257 Brother Where Have You Been?

Screaming all over, Hu Zheng felt the feeling of his shoulder blade being snapped, so he had to scream out in pain.

He was stepped on the ground in embarrassment, while Shu Yao stood coldly, stepped on him, and held his hand with one hand.

Shu Yao let go again, and the man's hands softened and fell to the ground.

"You, how could you..." Hu Zheng swallowed.

This is completely different from what the customer said, who said that Shu Yao is a lady from a family, a little white rabbit.

She is simply a wolf that eats meat but does not spit out bones!
Shu Yao bent down and tugged at the camera that was originally slung on Hu Zheng's body, her eyes changed and she pulled it hard.

With a click, the camera was directly pulled off by Shu Yao with her bare hands, along with her work permit.

While checking the camera in her hand, Shu Yao asked coldly, "How could I? What would I do?"

The camera took a lot of pictures about Qin Jiuxiao and Qin Siwen's case.

One of the medical records was very special. She zoomed in on it, her eyes widened slightly, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Qin Si smelled a brain tumor.

"You, how can you, a woman, do this!" Hu Zheng said tremblingly.

Shu Yao's agility is definitely not fake, it's real and can't be more real, it's comparable to a real thug.

It's just that most of Shu Yao's body is the old stereotype, weak, docile, virtuous and dignified.

Shu Yao broke off the memory card and threw the camera in front of Hu Zheng.

When it fell, the lens instantly shattered.

"Want to know? Then you can go to the dark river and ask." Shu Yao sneered, and retracted her feet.

If there is a mirror, Shu Yao will find how frightening she is in this state.

At this time.

There was another person's hurried footsteps coming from the corridor, Shu Yao raised her eyes and froze in place for a moment.

And the people upstairs were also silent for a moment, he looked at Shu Yao in the corridor from a distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hu Zheng got up tremblingly, and instantly rolled away from Shu Yao's feet.

"Shu Yao."

The man's voice is clear and clear, which can be called gentle, and it soothes Shu Yao's dry heart little by little.

She couldn't move, she was completely nailed in place.

The phoenix eyes that were still cold and threatening just now were instantly stained with a layer of water, and stared at the person in a daze.

"Brother, brother, is that you?" Shu Yao said, her voice trembling obviously.

She took a few steps forward, put her hand on the armrest, her eyes turned red instantly, and she almost couldn't even stand still.

past life.

Shu Nanxun fell to his death from before his eyes. Before he died, he raised his hand to touch Shu Yao for the last time, but he was in vain.

This kind of feeling is hard to appease, one can imagine the shock that the meeting in this life will bring to Shu Yao.

"It's me." The man walked down the stairs and came to her.

Male and female are indistinguishable, gold-rimmed glasses appear refined and ascetic, and a professional white coat is worn on the body.

She exudes a professional temperament all over her body, her life is as bright as the moon, and she is as cold and dusty as Shu Yao.

As beautiful as a fairy in the sky, with a strong character, Zhilan Yushu.

He is alive and well.

Shu Yao stepped forward suddenly, plunged into Shu Nanxun's arms, and shouted hoarsely, "Brother!"

It doesn't matter if you lose face or not, and it doesn't matter if you are not a little girl now, or how old you are.

She hugged Shu Nanxun tightly, so hard that she grabbed the folds of the white coat.

"Yes." His eyes were hidden behind the glasses, but it was not difficult to see his love and concern for Shu Yao.

Shu Nanxun could feel the warm wet seeping into his heart through the thin shirt.

Wetter and bigger, but his grown-up sister still relies on and loves him like the little girl back then.

"elder brother……"

"Woo, brother."

Shu Yao opened her mouth, and found that she suddenly couldn't speak, and could only say those two words.

She thought of so many things, her throat seemed to be stuck and she couldn't speak.

Shu Nanxun raised his hand and patted her back, helping her to calm down, "Who bullied you?"

A declarative sentence is used.

Although she has not been by Shu Yao's side these years, Shu Yao is his sister after all, so he still knows a little bit about it.

Shu Yao was so sad suddenly, it couldn't be for no reason, her tears were not just joy.

Her tears, and grievances.

"Brother, where have you been?" Shu Yao didn't answer, but raised her eyes to look at him.

My brother looks so good-looking.

Shu Yao unconsciously sighed, she looked like a fairy in a storybook.


"I've been by your side watching you grow up, in places you can't see."

Tears wet Shu Yao's slightly long black hair, and he smoothed out the black hair sticking to his face and lifted it up.

The man is calm and stable, and Shu Yao is inexplicably familiar with him.

After listening to Shu Nanxun's words, Shu Yao realized something even more.

In her previous life, Shu Yao listened to the slander and thought that Qin Jiuxiao was the murderer who killed her brother, and hated Qin Jiuxiao even more.

The reason is because the last person Shu Nanxun saw before his death was Qin Jiuxiao.


The water came out.

"Are you working by Qin Jiuye's side?" Shu Yao asked suddenly.

Shu Nanxun smiled softly, and he nodded lightly, "Yes. Yaoyao is taught very well by Qin Siwen now."

If he pointed it out.

Looking at the things scattered on the ground, the broken camera, and the little thief who had already escaped and disappeared.

Shu Yao's ability is far stronger than Shu Nanxun thought, although he knew it, he didn't go into it.

Shu Yao was stunned for a moment, thinking that Shu Nanxun seemed to have supernatural powers. "Brother, do you know that I was taught by Mr. Qin?"

"Not surprising."

"Qin Siwen is Qin Jiuxiao's father, and I have heard of Qin Jiuxiao's cooperation with him."

Shu Nanxun didn't care about Qin Jiuxiao's status and name, he called Qin Jiuxiao's full name directly.

In Shu Nanxun's eyes, except for Shu Yao, no one can stand in the same position as him.

Shu Yao has so many things to say, "Brother, I..."

"This is not a good place to talk, let's go up and talk."

Shu Nanxun put his arms around Shu Yao's shoulders, took out the handkerchief and gently wiped away all the tears for her.

Seeing Shu Yao's crying eyes were red, Shu Nan's Xun's eyes were so soft that he didn't realize it.

This is his sister, the baby he once held in his hands, a living little life.


"Great! Is it true?"

Mother Fu almost jumped up from the sofa when she heard the news, her joy was beyond words.

Just say that her son is so good, he must be matched with a good girl who is knowledgeable and sensible.

It should be stronger than Shu Yao!

On the other end of the phone, Fu Jingzhen was also somewhat suppressed in joy, "Mu Rou said it herself."

"That's great, it's really great, bring someone back for dinner some other day." Mother Fu said repeatedly.

He was also afraid that the phone call would be too long now, which would affect the progress of the young couple, so he quickly hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Mother Fu patted her heart quickly, saying "Oh bless you, thank you."

Father Fu, who was reading the newspaper beside him, frowned and said in a deep voice, "What makes you so happy?"

Fu's mother now has enough confidence, she stood up and came to Fu's side to show her courtesy, with a complacent look.

"Old Fu, Shu Murou is really the orphan of the Ross family."

"The identification results are out!"

Hearing Fu's father didn't make too much noise, but there was a flash of surprise at first, and then the reaction was no more than a nod.

Mother Fu didn't like this reaction.

"Why, you're still thinking about Shu Yao? That kind of woman can't even serve her parents-in-law."

"What's so good about her, even the mother is something of unknown origin."

"Look at Mu Rou, Mu Rou's family background is clean, her mother is the daughter of the Li family, and her mother's family is the Luosi family!"

(End of this chapter)

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