Chapter 263
Hearing Aisa's excited and impolite appearance, Cofilo took a step forward and slightly stood in front of Aisa.

She said softly, "Okay, Aisa, we shouldn't ask others to help us with everything."

This is not Shu Yao's job, Shu Yao doesn't have to do everything for them.

"But Auntie..." Aisa opened her mouth and pursed her lips unwillingly.

Maybe Cofilo didn't know about the relationship between Shu Yao and Qin Jiuxiao. With Shu Yao, things would be much easier.

Cofilo has always suffered from childbirth. When she was young, she had many miscarriages and now it is difficult to conceive.

Although Patriarch Ross himself didn't care very much, Cofilo always wanted a child that belonged only to the two of them.

Before Shu Yao opened her mouth, she had an answer in her heart, "What's the name of the doctor from Yecheng?"

"Shu, Shu Nanxun."

Even though she was prepared in her heart, Shu Yao was still a little surprised when she heard Aisa's quick answer.

How far Shu Nanxun has reached in a place that Shu Yao doesn't know.

"The doctor has a very weird temper, and he sees very few patients, so he is very casual."

"I heard that he is a divine doctor who can't be hired even with money."

Aisa is saying miraculously that this is not just one side of the story she listened to the rumors.

Mainly Jiang Yunrong, who is the head designer of Los Patriarch, also recommended it, so they had to believe it this time.

Cofilo pressed Aisa's hand and shook his head lovingly, "Aisa, you shouldn't ask Miss Shu like that."

"It's okay." Shu Yao stopped her.

Cofilo looked at Shu Yao in surprise, "Miss Shu?"

The good upbringing made Cofilo feel that Aisa's saying so much was tantamount to asking Shu Yao, and she felt embarrassed.

But surprisingly, Shu Yao didn't mind.

Shu Yao thought for a while, "I should be able to find that doctor for you, but you have to wait."

"I knew you had a way!"

Aisa's excited eyes lit up, happily looking at Cofilo beside him.

What the doctor said was so magical, it was just a mentality of trying to see if I could see it.

With Shu Yao, there is a high probability that we will be able to see each other.


In the consulting room, the man took off his white coat, revealing his tall and slender figure wrapped in it.

His temperament is as bright as the moon, and light and dust float around his body, like a fairy in a painting.

The lined white shirt reveals a thin layer of sweat, revealing a little flesh color, exposing the graceful shoulder blades, making the body look like a jade tree.

"I have something to say." Shu Nanxun took out his handkerchief and wiped the thin sweat on his neck, then turned to face her.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes blinked, "Do you know that I have something to say?"

"You are my sister."

If she still can't understand or understand this point, Shu Nanxun will be her brother for nothing.

"Well, it's like this. My friends are outside, and they want to invite you..." Shu Yao thought about her words.

Shu Nan Xun stretched his eyebrows, and said lightly, "Just come here, please."

He thought it was a big deal, but it was such a small thing, Shu Yao still faltered.

Sure enough, not being by Shu Yao's side all these years still has some influence on their brother and sister's relationship.

Shu Yao forgot herself, jumped up and hugged Shu Nanxun who was in front of her, and then quickly let go of her hands and left the consulting room.

Shu Nanxun was left behind shaking his head, "This girl..."

With a slight sigh, he raised his gold-rimmed glasses that had been crooked, and sat down in front of the stage instead.


A head protruded from the door of the consulting room, followed by a low cry.

"Wow, hey!" Aisa shrank, just bumping into Shu Yao who was following behind.

Cofilo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pressed Aisa, "Why are you so reckless?"

Shu Yao rubbed the bumped shoulder, with a helpless expression on her face, "What's wrong?"

"You make friends based on your face, don't you?" Aisa exclaimed, the light in her eyes became even brighter.

Before that, Shen Huaiyuan was good-looking, he was from the entertainment circle, and he was a friend of Shu Yao's entertainment circle.

But this is someone outside the entertainment circle, a doctor.

She looks so good-looking, Aisa even suspects that Shu Yao made friends because of her looks!
"Patients come in, and the rest go out."

Shu Nanxun's plain voice came from inside the room, and Shu Yao made way for Cofilo.

Cofilo nodded slightly, nodded to Shu Yao and walked sideways.

Not long after Cofilo walked in, only Shu Yao and Aisa were left in the corridor.

The hospital is sealed off, and the inside is usually filled with insiders, and there are no outsiders. It is very deserted, which is inexplicably weird.

"Thank you, Shu Yao, it's really a treasure to know you." Aisa grabbed Shu Yao's hand.

Now that Cofilo is not here, no one can control Isa's presumptuousness.

Shu Yao raised her hand and pinched Aisa's nose, and said with a smile, "Now that you know thank me, why don't you thank Master Jiu."

"Why should I thank him? It wasn't because of you that he wouldn't talk to me." Aisa was very self-aware.

the end.

Aisa said sincerely, "This is very important to Aunt Cofilo, thank you very much."

"It's Patriarch Rose..."

"No, do you still remember what I told you before that the Patriarch pays special attention to his sister's orphan?"

When Aisa said this, Shu Yao remembered.

Patriarch Rose paid special attention to his sister's orphan, and almost regarded that orphan as his own child.

He hardly cared about his wife, and he didn't care about multiple miscarriages.

But as a woman, especially since she still loves Patriarch Los so deeply, she really wants a child belonging to them.

"My aunt had a lot of miscarriages when she was young, but now that she is older, it is even more difficult to get pregnant, and she has seen many doctors."

Speaking of this, Aisa's tone was full of regret inside and out.

Shu Yao tightened Aisa's hand, not knowing how to comfort Aisa.

Brother he—

Not a gynecologist.

"Excuse me." Suddenly, Aisa saw a man with a scarred face approaching behind Shu Yao.

She was taken aback. It turned out that Shu Yao was surrounded by not only good-looking people, but also ugly guys.

Shu Yao was patted on the shoulder, she turned around and saw the person and called out, "Uncle Ling."

The scarred face here is not someone else, but Ling Yang.

"Mr. Qin told you to go." Ling Yang said in a low voice.

Shu Yao nodded, and then wanted to explain to Aisa before leaving, but Aisa waved her hand quickly before she could speak.

"Go ahead, don't worry about me, I'll wait for Aunt Cofilo here."



The door of the ward was gently opened, Shu Yao walked in and saw the man leaning on the soft pillow with his eyes closed.

His face is handsome and heroic, just like Shu Yao's when she saw Qin Siwen back then.

Young, beautiful and powerful.

It's just that the current Qin Siwen is less lingering and more indescribably decadent, far worse than before.

"Lin Lang, come here." Knowing that she was coming, Qin Siwen said softly, and patted the chair beside the bed.

The name Shu Yao has not been called by anyone for many years.

Shu Yao walked to the bed and sat down as she said. She looked Qin Siwen up and down, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Siwen was already so thin and weak, almost covered with skin and bones, and the blue blood vessels protruding from the back of his hands were obvious.

This is due to the injection of too many needles and it floated out.

Qin Siwen raised his eyelids, tilted his head, and said lazily, "I'm old."

"Uncle Ling said that you have something to look for me." Shu Yao was a little uneasy, and curled up slightly with her hands on her knees.

Qin Siwen seemed to be struggling to speak, and spoke very slowly, but he looked at Shu Yao unexpectedly powerfully and transparently.

"Lin Lang, do you still remember what you promised me back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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