Chapter 264 Share Transfer Letter!
"I remember, Mr. Qin."

"I would lose everything without you."


Shu Yao loves Fu Jingzhen so much that she loses her mind, regardless, abandons everything, even herself.

Fu's was in an economic crisis at the time, and the entire Fu's group was in danger of being hollowed out.

At that time, after several fundraising efforts, Fu was still missing a few million dollars.

"I have borrowed everything that should be borrowed, and I have exchanged everything that can be sold and directly exchanged for money. There is really no other way."

"I'm really useless and can't help, I even need their money to pave the way for me to make my debut in the entertainment industry."

Fu Jingzhen felt sorry for himself. He had just debuted in the entertainment industry at that time, so he had no money but needed to pay back.

He called Shu Yao every day and night to complain, hating himself for being incompetent.

"Shu Yao, do you have any money? If you go abroad, your grandfather will definitely give you some..."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you."

Faced with Fu Jingzhen's hesitation to speak, Shu Yao immediately agreed to Fu Jingzhen that she would find a way.

However, going abroad requires a lot of money, not to mention that Shu Yao studied a lot at that time, so she needed money for everything.

A few million is not a big sum, but Shu Yao can't spend a few million alone in a foreign country.

The only way she can do it is to pay all the expenses that her grandfather gave her for living and studying in the next semester.

Shu Yao didn't have much, she gave it all to Fu Jingzhen.

She was so poor that she even sold her house, was almost penniless, and almost lived on the streets.

Shu Yao still remembered the hardships back then, and raised her head when she was so miserable, just like the poor third girl in a drama now.

That down and out daughter, Jiang Wanqing.

Thinking about it now, drama is like life, and life is like drama.


Think back to the present.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes moved slightly, and she lowered her voice very softly, fearing to disturb Qin Siwen.

"Fortunately, I met you later, it was you who redeemed me."

This is why Shu Yao is willing to respectfully call Qin Siwen 'Mr. Qin'.

Qin Siwen was the only bright color in her dark time, and she should repay her kindness.

"If you think it's redemption, then take it as it is." Qin Siwen was noncommittal, with a trace of deepness in his eyes.

Qin Siwen didn't feel that he had treated Shu Yao so well, he was indeed the one who gave Shu Yao a glimmer of hope.

But Qin Siwen has a personal taste, he likes to watch killings.


Shu Yao, who had nowhere to go, met Qin Siwen, who told her a way to get quick money, black boxing.

That kind of thing signed a life-and-death certificate, and it might be beaten to death.

Thinking back, Shu Yao felt overwhelmed and thankful, "Why not? You taught me a lot."

Now more than half of Shu Yao's skills are practiced from the underground boxing ring.

Qin Siwen sent someone to teach her that if she learned well, she would live, and if she didn't learn well, she would be beaten.

This was taught by Qin Siwen to Shu Yao at that time. It's a pity that Shu Yao was in love at that time, so how could she cherish these things.

She abandoned Lin Lang's identity, and only wanted to marry Fu Jingzhen as Shu Yao, the eldest lady of the family.

Qin Siwen didn't take it seriously, he raised his hand and coughed a few times, "You say yes, I'm happy to pick up a bargain."

It was just a light cough that touched other parts of Qin Siwen's body, and he frowned in pain.

"Mr. Qin?" Shu Yao was a little nervous about Qin Siwen's condition.

The man who was invincible back then has become so sick and weak.

Qin Siwen made a gesture and said in a deep voice, "I didn't call you here to reminisce about the old days."

He took out a stack of thick documents from his hand and handed them to Shu Yao, and he didn't let go until Shu Yao took him over.

Shu Yao didn't speak, and followed the way she used to get along with Qin Siwen.

She naturally pulled out the file, opened it, and looked through it carefully.

This is actually the Qin Group's share transfer agreement!

Country S, private apartment.

Shu Murou stood by the window, grasping the curtain cloth uneasily and rubbing it.

Even though they didn't meet each other, just listening to the loving and caring voice on the phone, Shu Murou couldn't suppress herself.

"Patriarch, I don't think there is any need for a banquet." Shu Murou tried to be as decent as possible.

When I received a call just now, Patriarch Rose actually said that he would hold a family banquet for her to officially announce her identity.

Announce her status as a member of the main line of the Ross family!

Patriarch Rose's voice is very gentle, which is different from other people's delicate and soft voice.

"How can this be, how can you announce your identity otherwise?"

Shu Murou held back the corners of her lips that kept rising, and restrained her excitement in silence, for fear of being heard.

She whispered again, "I, I don't think the ceremony is important, the important thing is that I finally have relatives."

When talking, Shu Murou was thinking about what the teacher taught in the acting class, and she carefully reproduced the cute and pitiful appearance.

You must know that Shu Murou's job is an actor.

"..." Patriarch Ross was silent.

Shu Murou's heart arose again, thinking that she had said something wrong and made the other party suspicious.

"Family, Patriarch, I——I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

The opportunity she finally got, unexpectedly turned her into an identity that she couldn't even imagine.

According to Patriarch Rose's attitude of valuing orphans, Shu Murou almost became the daughter of a prominent and powerful person.

"Call me uncle." The voice of Patriarch Rose came from the other end of the phone after a while.

Hearing this, Shu Murou suddenly stood up from the sofa, and she said softly, "Uncle!"

"As for the family banquet, when do you want to hold it?" Patriarch Rose tried his best to seek Shu Murou's opinion.

After all, what was lost was found again, Shu Murou's background was miserable, and she was very careful when speaking, which made Patriarch Rose feel very distressed.

The most important thing is that Shu Murou is her sister's daughter, no matter what she looks like, she can be forgiven.

For the Ross family, blood is more important than anything else.

Shu Murou liked this title very much, she yelled stickily, "Uncle, it doesn't matter when it's held."

Now Shu Murou was so overwhelmed with joy that she didn't have time to think about how the DNA was successfully matched.

In short, she used Shu Yawen's method and gave the fake DNA a successful match.

Where did Shu Yawen get this orphan DNA?
But no matter what, she is now the orphan of the elder sister of Patriarch Rose.

"Mu Rou, you don't have to be polite with me, we are family."

Listening, Shu Murou squeezed her hands even tighter, and her palms were about to sweat.

She couldn't be happier.

"For the family dinner, it's for you, you can ask for anything."

Patriarch Rose greeted him politely on the other end of the phone, his voice was clear and elegant with the pampering unique to the elders.

"I..." Shu Murou pursed her lips.

Such a time, such a moment, was something that Shu Murou never dared to think about before.

She thought that becoming the real eldest lady of the Shu family was already the pinnacle of her life.

Patriarch Ross heard something different, and said softly, "It's okay, I have something to ask you to say."

The implication is that Patriarch Rose will be satisfied.

Hearing this, Shu Murou shook her hands, pulled the curtains and swished, her eyes turned dark black.

"Uncle, at such an important moment, I, I want to invite my sister to watch the ceremony, can I?"

Patriarch Ross was stunned, "You mean Shu Yao?"

(End of this chapter)

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