Chapter 268


Her words stuck in her throat, and her eyes were straightened.

Before Shu Yao could react, the man took off his clothes neatly in front of her.

It is completely topless, without any cover.

The man was bare-chested, and the warm light fell on the man's body, exposing his body like a marble slab.

Strong, white and clear, it hides a power that cannot be underestimated.

The elegant and delicate figure like a leopard made Shu Yao feel dazed for a while, and always felt that she shouldn't be watching.

With this in mind, she subconsciously stepped back.

"Teach me." The man reached out and grabbed her.

He pulled it together and half put on the clothes, with two leather like chains hanging on both sides.

Abstinence and inexplicable lust.

Shu Yao felt the heat spread from Qin Jiuxiao's palm to her body, almost burning.

She dared not look at the man's body.

The man's voice was deep and hoarse, with a unique magnetism, "How do you do it?"

Shu Yao didn't dare to look, Qin Jiuxiao acted as if she didn't know, grabbed her hand and pressed it on the half-dressed clothes.

Warm, with a little dampness.

His chest muscles are distinct, and there is an obvious gully in front of him, Shu Yao suddenly remembered the feeling of that day.

Shu Yao forced herself to calm down, and threw out the mess, "Turn around."

The man obeyed and turned his back obediently.

Shu Yao saw the protruding shoulder blades behind the man, her eyes fell on the deep waist, and her hands paused.

She slowed down and immediately put on the man's clothes, tidying them up.

"Okay, it's up to you to do it yourself." Shu Yao quickly shrank back as if the buttons were hot.

The current appearance, if Shu Yao can see it, she must be the kind of elementary school student who cheated and got caught.

Seeing that she was leaving, the man tried to catch her, "Yaoyao, it's not done yet."

"Don't, don't touch me." Shu Yao waved her hands.

This flick took a little force, Shu Yao's feet went limp, and her hand subconsciously wanted to grab something in mid-air.

She grabbed a hard thing with her hand, and then violently broke it according to the speed of the fall.


Shu Yao directly turned on the shower, and the water from the shower sprayed down like artificial rain made by the crew.

It wet Shu Yao instantly, and also wet the man's clothes.

Fortunately, it was Qin Jiuxiao who quickly hugged Shu Yao's waist and moved forward, so she didn't fall down in embarrassment.

The villain Shu Yao complained first, her phoenix eyes flashed a hint of cunning, "I told you to stop playing, look!"

Anyway, Qin Jiuxiao doesn't understand anything now, so she can blame the man for all her sins.

She, she didn't want to like the face and figure of a man.

"I'm sorry." The man didn't refute, and took the charge obediently.

His eyes fell on Shu Yao's wet body.

The drenched long skirt was thinly stained, outlining a bumpy figure.

Along with the soft white in front of her body, the water drops passed through her collarbone and fell secretly in the gully.

"I'm sorry I still don't let go, what are you doing..."

She opened her mouth, and the man suddenly leaned over to kiss her, unable to distinguish the cool water droplets that slipped onto her lips.

The normally cold and peaceful phoenix eyes were also coated with a thin layer of lust, and a weak panting sound unconsciously leaked out.

It's just very faint and small, like a kitten's sound, sticky and vague, easily overwhelmed by the splashing water.

After recovering, Shu Yao suddenly realized what she was doing, and pushed the person in front of her away.

With a whistling sound, she ran away from the man without a trace like flying through the fog.


Shu Yao ran away and went to another guest room to take care of herself.


The continuous vibration of the phone brought Shu Yao back to her senses, and she fumbled for the phone in a panic.

"Shu Yao?" On the other side of the phone was the Chief Producer, Sister Mo.

Shu Yao became more awake immediately, she gathered the bathrobe on her body, "I'm here, what's the matter, Sister Mo."

"I'm really sorry, but the production team has to catch up with the progress. Last time, Shu Murou slowed down the progress a lot."

"If you delay, you won't be able to meet the schedule. Now that Shu Murou is on the set, it's convenient for you..."

Before she finished speaking, Shu Yao already knew what Sister Mo meant.

Now that Shu Murou has arrived on the set, it is best to catch up with the re-shooting scenes that they missed last time.

"I'm sorry, Shu Yao, there's really nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry, sister." Sister Mo was also very helpless.

This kind of thing is related to the entire crew, and it is not something that the chief producer can decide.

Shu Yao rubbed her wet hair while nodding, and replied, "No problem, I'll go there now."

After putting down the phone, Shu Yao sat there for a moment, she touched her face, it was still hot.

It's really beautiful!
Qin Jiuxiao is not Qin Jiuye, how dare she think about those messy things while Qin Jiuxiao is in this state.

It's an offense to Lord Jiu.

After calming down, Shu Yao called Ari to pick her up, and then quickly changed her clothes.

"Da da da—!" Shu Yao's hurried footsteps were heard in the corridor.

At this time, Shu Yao had just changed into a new outfit, and hurried out with her things, while looking at the watch in her hand.

Just as she passed the man's ward, hesitating whether to say a word, the door was opened.

Shu Yao saw the man with wet hair, like a child who has done something wrong, cautious and restless.

"Is Yaoyao going out?" Qin Jiuxiao pursed his lips and asked her carefully.

Shu Yao frowned, feeling extremely distressed, she raised her hand and pinched the man's hair, "Why don't you blow your hair?"

He lowered his eyes slightly, not daring to look into Shu Yao's eyes.

"I, I heard you were leaving." Then I chased him out.

Shu Yao's heart softened and she didn't know how to respond. It was clear that she wet each other just now but let the man take the blame for no reason.

The point is, he believed it!

"You've finished playing, do you want to go out with me?" Shu Yao couldn't bear to be watched by those eyes.

Now Qin Jiuxiao is like a child, very clingy, and can't leave her at all.

The man was tall and straight, with wet hair sticking to his forehead, looking innocent and simple.

His eyes are like stars, and his smile is bright and bright, "Yaoyao is so kind to me."

Hearing Shu Yao's words, the corners of his lips curled up in joy, and his emotions were plainly and simply written on his face.


They set off from the hospital and headed straight to the set.

In order to take care of Qin Jiuxiao's hair, he dawdled for a while, and time passed.

For acting, Shu Yao is the most punctual and dedicated, afraid of being late, Ari drove very fast along the way.

"Sister Yao, we're here."

As soon as Ah Li finished speaking, Shu Yao broke the door handle and wanted to get out of the car, but the car couldn't get out until the lock was unlocked.

"Sister Yao, don't..." Seeing that Shu Yao was in a hurry, Ah Li quickly took out the key to open it.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at a shadow following in the rearview mirror, his eyes moved slightly, and he seemed very silent in the dark car.



"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the car door was slapped quickly by a withered hand, and it could be seen that the owner of the hand was very anxious.

Ari was taken aback, terrified by reflex, and quickly locked the car door again, "Who is it!"

"Help, help us."

A hoarse voice came from outside the window, and the man spoke with difficulty.

Shu Yao was not as flustered as Ah Li, she focused her phoenix eyes and looked in the rearview mirror calmly.

Through the rearview mirror, she saw the man's appearance clearly, "Open the door."

(End of this chapter)

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