Chapter 269 Do You Remember Me?

Hearing the 'da' sound of the car body, Ari pressed the lock and unlocked it.

Shu Yao opened the door from the left first, walked around to the front of the car and saw the man clearly.

It's the old lady who was helped by the staff before.

"Miss, please help me out, this child is dying and she has a fever..."

Shu Yao stepped forward quickly, and saw that the old woman was carrying a half-sized child on her back, which was bent to a bulge.

The child was probably about the same age as Qin Shiya, his face was flushed with fever, and his brows were tightly wrinkled in pain.

The child's hand was pressed tightly on the old woman's crumpled clothes, Shu Yao couldn't bear to see it.

"Get in the car first." Shu Yao took the child who had a high fever from behind her and hugged her.

She opened the co-pilot's door, and as soon as she sat in the co-pilot, the grandmother put on her seat belt very familiarly.

Shu Yao took this action into consideration calmly, and she got into the back seat with the child in her arms.

Ari glanced at his watch, and was about to be late in 10 minutes, "Sister Yao, why don't you go to the studio first?"

"Go to the hospital first."


Country S, Central Hospital.

The old lady sat on the chair helplessly, looking around with her eyes raised, counting the wrinkled money in her hand.

Shu Yao went to register for a doctor with her child in her arms, but because she was in a hurry, the old grandma couldn't move easily, so she just sat down and didn't go with her.

After all, the money is definitely not enough to go to such a high-end hospital.

"Grandma, don't worry, if you don't have enough money, Sister Yao will pay in advance. Sister Yao is a very nice person."

With such a shabby attitude, even Ahri could see that the old lady was struggling.

"I know, your eldest lady is really a good person." The old lady nodded.

Speaking of it, the old lady felt ashamed of herself. She treated others like that before, but now she asks for others.

Shu Yao didn't care about the past.

And Qin Jiuxiao just sat, watching the people coming and going in a daze, turning a deaf ear to what happened around him.

Apart from Shu Yao, nothing could arouse his interest.

"Grandma, is that child your granddaughter?" Ah Li squatted in front of the old man and asked.

The old grandma shook her head, and there was a wry smile on her lips, "It's not my granddaughter, she is the poor baby I picked up."

The children were picked up by the old grandmother on the side of the road when she was picking up waste, and the frail and sick children were thrown away by their parents.

Hearing Ah Li's question, the old grandma didn't know what to think of, her eyes were red.

"If my granddaughter is alive, she should be as old as your young lady, and she is also beautiful."

The old lady murmured, her voice lowered.

"It's a really beautiful girl."

At the end, the old man's voice was trembling, as if recalling some unbearable past events.

Ah Li stopped quickly, and looked at Qin Jiuxiao for help, "Master Jiu."

Before Ari can say the signal for help, the cell phone in Ari's hand rang, and it was from the crew.

It has been more than 10 minutes now, and the crew must be waiting.

Ari had no choice but to stand up and walk to a quieter place to answer the phone, leaving the old man and Qin Jiuxiao behind.

"You, do you remember me?"

Seeing Ari leave, the old grandma squeezed the crumpled pen and paper, and looked at Qin Jiuxiao hesitantly.

Qin Jiuxiao looked sideways slightly when he heard the words, his eyes were innocent and simple, "I don't remember."

What he said was serious, and it didn't seem to be a lie.

"Yes, yes, it's been so many years." The old woman shook her head regretfully.

After so many years, who still remembers those years, those past events are almost forgotten in her old woman's mind.

The two sat silently, and the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

The man took it out of his pocket and imitated it, his fingers were nimble and light, and it changed in a few clicks.

The old grandma's eyes straightened, and she even couldn't believe it, "This..."

It seems that this kid is still as powerful as before.


Shu Yao came back with the child in her arms. When she came back, the child's brows were relaxed, and she nestled safely on Shu Yao's body.

She smacked her lips and opened her eyes to see that she fell asleep again, the crimson on her face was much less than when she came.

"Yaoyao." Qin Jiuxiao clung to her, wanting to get close to her like an older child.

The woman raised her eyes, glanced at the old woman, and whispered: "Don't make trouble, someone is here."

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, when the old grandma was startled, she quickly looked at Qin Jiuxiao and then at Shu Yao.

Her old lady never thought that Qin Jiuxiao would actually have a woman.

Shu Yao bent down and returned the child to her, "Grandma, she's fine, as soon as the fever subsides."

The child's problem is not serious, but he is aggressive for a while and looks serious.

But children should pay more attention. Some children will burn their brains if they don't pay attention to fever when they are young.

"Okay, okay." The grandma looked at the baby with tears in her eyes, and nodded repeatedly.

But how could she give away the dirty money in her hand, which was only a few hundred yuan? The old lady lowered her head and dared not speak.

The consumption of this kind of hospital can range from a few hundred to as many as possible.

Just looking at Shu Yao still holding a big pack of medicine, it should be a lot of money.

"Ms. Shu, is that Miss Shu?" The old lady called her last name according to her memory, "How much is it, I, I—"

"Small things, if you're in short supply, keep them first, don't pay me back." Shu Yao shook her head and said empathetically.

I didn't say to give it to the old man directly, but I just understand the situation of the old man first.

Shu Yao's kindness made the grandmother's heart ache, if she didn't lure wolves into the house at the beginning, why did she come to this.

"Yaoyao, can we go?" Qin Jiuxiao quietly stretched out his hand to hook Shu Yao's little finger.

The man's movements were cautious and careful, he got very close, and the heat sprayed on the side of Shu Yao's face, making it itchy.

She flinched and turned her face to the side, almost wanting to kiss someone.


The person passing by didn't know who it was, and let out a low voice.

She exclaimed because Shu Yao almost kissed her just now, Shu Yao pushed the person in front of her before realizing that someone was watching.

"Grandma, I still have work to do, so I have to rush back to the set."

Seeing Ali talking on the phone not far away, Shu Yao realized that she was running out of time.

"By the way, these are medicines for children. Can you understand these medicines?" She opened the bag and planned to explain in detail.

The old lady stared at Shu Yao with kindness and comfort, her stern and eroded face gradually softened.

She raised her hand, subconsciously wanting to pat Shu Yao, but felt that she was dirtying her by picking up rags.

Shu Yao was taken aback when she saw the old man's actions, "Grandma?"

"I, I can understand. If you have nothing to do, go ahead." The old lady said repeatedly.

Shu Yao was not very relieved, medicines were not to be taken carelessly, so she tentatively gave a box of medicines.

Facing the instructions above, the grandmother can clearly and accurately tell the dosage.

Even some uncommon words, the old man said very accurately, it seems that the level of education is not low.

"Miss Shu, please leave a phone number. I will pay you back when I save enough money."

Before leaving, the old lady summoned up her courage and grabbed Shu Yao with her tanned hand.

She was very afraid of being thrown away for a moment, she was old and dirty, and she was so rude to Shu Yao before.

The old man thought to himself, will she be despised by others?

If it was placed in the early years, it would not have happened in the early years, and she could still find ways to repay others.

(End of this chapter)

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