After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 273 Do You Dare To Recognize It?

Chapter 273 Do You Dare To Recognize It?

"Yaoyao, I want that." The man eagerly looked at the Rubik's Cube not far away.

Shu Yao knew that he liked that thing, she just nodded, she wanted to get it back for him, but the man took a step ahead.

He came to Shen Yue's side.

Qin Jiuxiao stretched out his hand to pick up the Rubik's Cube that fell on the ground, his eyes were pure and innocent, and the deep red on his body gradually faded.

Where is Shen Yue's look just now, as if he was under the effect of medicine?

And Shen Yue was stunned and slumped on the ground, not daring to move, she didn't recover from the whole incident at all.

Seeing this, Sister Mo frowned, and looked at Shen Yue with disgust, "Get up, don't look so ugly on the ground."

"Sister Mo, believe me, everyone is a woman, how could I, how could I do such a shameless thing."

Seeing that Sister Mo still cared about her, Shen Yue thought it was Sister Mo who was speaking for her.

Sister Mo took a step back and distanced herself from Shen Yue, "Okay, what does it look like."

In fact, Sister Mo just disliked Shen Yue for losing the face of the whole crew. After all, Shen Yue is also a member of this drama.

It's a joke for people to make a fuss like this.

"That's right." Shu Yao's eyes fixed on an object.

Sister Mo also looked over after hearing the words, wondering what Shu Yao was going to do, and other onlookers also watched the excitement.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao walking over, Shu Yao's eyes flashed with thought, and she stepped forward quickly——

Shu Yao went in the direction where Qin Jiuxiao's thermos was kept.

Shen Yue suddenly realized something was wrong, is there any medicine left in the thermos?

If there are any leftovers, it must be easy to detect the drug in it. Isn't this leaving evidence.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yue immediately stood up from the ground.

"Shu, Shu Yao." Shen Yue reached out and wanted to knock over the thermos cup in Shu Yao's hand.

Shu Yao's eyes froze, and she simply obeyed her will, with a light turn of her hand, the water in the thermos was poured out in an instant!


The hot water was still warm, even if it wasn't too hot, so Shen Yue screamed out in surprise when it was splashed all over her face.

However, Shu Yao withdrew her hand, lowered her head and glanced, there was still some water in the cup.

It doesn't matter, the strength is just right.

"What are you doing! You lunatic!" Shen Yue couldn't stand it anymore, and said sharply.

Shu Yao just looked at her with a sneer, and raised her chin, "Didn't you bump into it yourself? Blame me."

"You did it on purpose—!"

Shen Yue didn't dare to go forward because she was frightened by Shu Yao's fierce appearance before.

Fighting is impossible, Shen Yue only dares to speak quickly.

"Shen Yue's impotent and furious look is so funny."

"That's right, it's obviously sister Yao who bumped into it by myself."

"People like Shen Yue don't suppress and suppress, they really think of themselves as one thing!"

There were more fragmented discussions, Shen Yue blushed and trembled all over when she heard it.

Shu Yao, Shu Yao.

Another embarrassment by Shu Yao!

"Okay, stop making trouble, I have already asked Xiao Xu to adjust the monitoring!" Sister Mo couldn't stand it anymore, and opened her mouth to smooth things over.

But the stimulated Shen Yue is not willing to let it go, she can't listen to these people's words.

Even if this is the case, no one has ever dared to point fingers at her face!
All this changed after Shu Yao came.

"Do you think Shu Yao is such a nice person? You said that I was indiscreet, and it was Shu Yao who cheated on me and climbed into Master Jiu's bed!"

Anyway, once the surveillance was called out, Shen Yue would definitely not be able to escape, so she simply did nothing and kept going.

Could it be that Shu Yao is clean and innocent?
As soon as these words came out, another wave of climax was set off in the arena, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

They have never heard of this wave of gossip, but they only vaguely know that Shu Yao and Shu Murou are sisters.

"No way?"

"Is what Shen Yue said true?"

"Who knows, I don't think sister Yao is such a person."

Shen Yue's words successfully attracted the firepower.

Hearing that Qin Jiuxiao subconsciously took a step forward, the people around him stretched out their hands to block him.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were clear and clean, filled with innocent mist, like the brightest one in the sea of ​​stars.

She didn't dare to look any further, for fear of being attracted to it.

"No." Shu Yao firmly shook her head.

If she wanted to see what else Shen Yue could come up with, to bully Wen Wan and drug Qin Jiuxiao——

This has touched Shu Yao's bottom line.

Tang Lingxi has one, and Shen Yue has one too. If she comes, she will get one, and if she comes two, she will get a pair!
Sister Mo came to her senses and snapped, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Why am I talking nonsense? Shu Murou is also there, you can ask me if you don't believe me." Shen Yue said unwillingly.

Now that the assistant director is no longer on the scene, Tang Corporation is in crisis, how could they just bully Shen Yue like that.

Do you really think she, Shen Yue, is easy to bully?

"Aren't you partial to Shu Yao? Just because you chose Shu Yao, you favor her."

Sister Mo smiled slightly, and said slowly, "Oh? Yes, because Shu Yao is my choice."

Hearing this, Sister Mo looked at Shu Yao tenderly, and Shu Yao could feel the comfort of being an elder in a daze.

After getting along for a long time, Sister Mo has long regarded Shu Yao as her younger sister.

Immediately, Sister Mo regained her serious face and walked up to Shen Yue step by step.

Shen Yue laughed out loud, and said angrily: "Look, you admit it!"

If she had known that the chief producer, Sister Mo, could not understand her for a long time, Shen Yue didn't tear herself apart from the same crew.

Now that Sister Mo is so blatantly partial to Shu Yao, she dares to admit it herself.

Well, it's really good.

"Why can't I admit it?"

"Because Shu Yao was selected through a fair and fair audition."

"Shu Yao, I selected the character from hundreds, no, thousands or even ten thousand people."

"Why can't I admit it!"

"And you, you came in from the backstage, you brought funds into the group, everyone knows."

Every word and every word was stabbed in Shen Yue's heart, echoing in the whole room, echoing over and over again.

Shen Yue didn't dare to move, watching Sister Mo approaching her.

"Do you dare to admit it, Shen Yue, Miss Shen?" Sister Mo was brought up by Mr. Cheng, and she is not a good person.

In the past, she was concerned about the face of the crew, but now that Shen Yue has shamed herself, don't blame her for being rude.

Shen Yue faltered, her face turned pale, "I, I..."

Those people's naked gazes fell on Shen Yue's body, most of them were mocking and sneering, almost drowning Shen Yue.

Shen Yue didn't expect that she would lift a rock to shoot herself in the foot!
At this time, the door became lively again.

People in the room looked towards the position by the door. It turned out that the hostess Shu Murou and her fiancé had come.

Now there are a few more people in the spotlight, making it even more lively.

As soon as Shu Murou came, Shen Yue seemed to have found a savior, her eyes suddenly brightened and she quickly walked to Shu Murou's side.

Shu Yao smiled, turned around and looked at the two people by the door, her eyes gradually became cold and hard.

Almost the moment she looked over, she met Fu Jingzhen's eyes.

Fu Jingzhen looked deeply at Shu Yao, and finally looked away silently, complex emotions were revealed on his handsome face.

They used to be side by side, but now they are facing each other.


When Fu Jingzhen looked over, Shu Yao almost subconsciously leaned towards the man behind her.

She was protecting Qin Jiuxiao.

Once upon a time, Shu Yao defended him like this.

Noticing the strangeness of the people around her, Shu Murou's heart tightened, and she raised her small face to look at the handsome man beside her.

"Brother Jing Zhen?"

(End of this chapter)

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