Chapter 274 Can't Bully Him

The soft voice of the people around him brought back the man's mind, and he suddenly realized that Shu Yao belonged to the past tense.

Those who should not think about it are all in the past.

"Huh?" Fu Jingzhen turned his face slightly, bowed his head to listen for her.

Feeling the man's considerate care for her, Shu Murou raised a smug smile on her lips and looked at Shu Yao.

She thought she could see something interesting on Shu Yao's face, but it's a pity that Shu Yao has no expression at all.

"It just so happens that the client is here, Murou, tell me quickly, Shu Yao and Fu Shao were clearly a couple before—"

"She mishandled the cheating Master Jiu, and that's what made your marriage possible."

"Isn't that so?"

Shen Yue grabbed Shu Murou's hand and said eagerly, impatient to prove herself.

Others were waiting to see Shen Yue's jokes, so of course she was anxious.

All these were revealed by Tang Meng to Shen Yue on the bed, and Shen Yue always took it as a handle.

"This..." Shu Murou was slightly surprised, and a trace of bewilderment flashed across her round eyes.

Such a story completely abandoned the responsibility of Shu Murou and Fu Jingzhen, and instead Shu Yao became the culprit.

really not bad.

Fu Jingzhen frowned slightly, did not speak, moved his lips, and finally said nothing.

After all, it was impossible for Fu Jingzhen to really admit that he had cheated on Shu Murou and had sex with his ex-girlfriend's sister.

"Mu Rou! You are so kind, why didn't you say it?"

Her silence was regarded by Shen Yue as her default.

Shu Murou raised her head and looked at Fu Jingzhen at a loss, grabbed a corner of Fu Jingzhen's clothes, "We..."

Fu Jingzhen didn't speak, and she also had a reason not to speak at all.

"Mu Rou, tell me quickly." Shen Yue became anxious and her voice became irritable.

No one believed Shen Yue, they just thought she jumped the wall in a hurry.

"Sister Yao is so innocent, she was splashed with dirty water for no reason."

"Isn't that what it is? She also deliberately provokes the feelings of other sisters."

"Shhhhhh, I heard that Shu Yao and Shu Murou are not on good terms, so stop talking nonsense."

"No matter what, Shen Yue is a lunatic who should have been cured by someone long ago! I don't know how many people are suppressed by such a domineering person."

Believing in Shu Yao is simply what the people want.

Shu Yao, who had been watching the show, burst out laughing, she looked at Shen Yue, with her hands clasped in front of her body, arrogant and noble.

"She won't say it, because she will be responsible for saying the wrong thing." Shu Yao's voice was clear and slow.

Just after the show, she was clearly wearing Jiang Wanqing's makeup, and her body also belonged to Jiang Wanqing's style.

Down-and-out, vulgar, pitiful, these should be the characteristics of the character.

But Shu Yao, who is standing now, has a proud demeanor and is not swayed by her image. Just standing there is enough to shock her.

On the other hand, Shen Yue's make-up is also worn out, and her wet and disheveled hair is really embarrassing.

"Shen Yue apologize to my sister, it's terrible for my sister to be angry." Shu Murou held Shen Yue and said in a low voice.

Tang Lingxi was already stupid enough to almost drag Shu Murou into the water!
Now comes Shen Yue, what Shu Murou wants is a helper, not a pig teammate, I'm afraid Shen Yue will say something again.

The exposed Shen Yue is now completely broken, "Why should I be afraid of her, I—"

Anyway, with such a situation going on, the crew definitely couldn't stay any longer, and Shen Yue wasn't afraid of anything.

"Sister Mo, I got the surveillance camera!"

A staff member hurriedly broke into the door, holding a thin and light notebook in his hand.

As soon as the play button was pressed on the notebook, Shen Yue's sneaky figure was instantly reflected on the screen from entering the door to coming out.

Then put it in the back, and the staff moved the mouse lightly to switch to the video in the lounge.

In the video, it is clearly released that Shen Yue took the initiative to seduce Qin Jiuxiao, and even tried to frame him!
Sister Mo felt relieved, and asked Shen Yue in a cold voice, "What else can you say?"

"Yes! So what if it's me!" Shen Yue said loudly as she couldn't bear it anymore.

Instead of being told no by Sister Mo, a middle-aged woman, or being looked down upon by the crew, Shen Yue would not bother to stay any longer.

But it's a big deal to pay a few million liquidated damages.


Qin Jiuxiao looked at Shu Yao uneasily, and he innocently clenched Shu Yao's hand, as if he was at a loss about what happened.

He held the Rubik's Cube and remained silent.

Shu Yao thought he was thinking too much, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid if you're fine."

"..." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes flashed a strange look, which quickly disappeared, and he raised his eyes to meet the person opposite.

Feeling the coldness of Dao, Fu Jingzhen raised his eyes and happened to meet Qin Jiuxiao.

But this kind of staring was quickly interrupted by Shen Yue's hysteria.

"It's a big deal, I won't act, you can find someone else to act, I see what you do if you change the second girl temporarily!"

"It's just a few million liquidated damages, I, Shen Yue, can still afford it."

How could Sister Mo make this person so arrogant, and reminded: "Actors like you are a disgrace to the entire industry."

"I'm not a professional actor. I don't have to be an actor. What can you do to me?"

No matter how powerful and experienced Sister Mo is in the entertainment industry in country S, she is still only from the entertainment industry.

That's all for Shen Yue, she just pushed away the crowd blocking the door and was about to leave.

Shu Murou was pushed and staggered, and fell into the man's arms with a soft cry, helpless and pitiful.

"and many more."

Shu Yao's voice sounded lukewarm behind Shen Yue.

Just when everyone thought that Shen Yue would leave regardless, Shen Yue stopped.

Shen Yue didn't know why she stopped, it was just because she was instinctively afraid of Shu Yao.

She stopped and turned around stiffly, "What are you doing?"

Shu Yao smiled lowly, she leaned on the edge of the table with one hand, standing very casually, she could clearly see her temperament superior to ordinary people.

Her figure is very elegant, straight, so superior that she is the existence of God rushing to feed her.


"Do you think you can go back this way?"

What Shu Yao said was not very serious, even very light, but it was inexplicably deterrent.

Shen Yue's heart shuddered when she heard that, she looked at Shu Yao's beauty, and faintly realized something, but she didn't want to admit it.

However, someone will remind Shen Yue of the things she no longer wants to admit.

"Did she forget Shu Yao's identity?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so arrogant, and you also said that your job is not an actor, but a model."

"Did she forget that Shu Yao is not just an actress, she is—"

"International top model, Lin Lang."

The circle that Sister Mo couldn't reach, Shen Yue's proud profession.

But it's something within reach, Shu Yao has long been at the top of that circle, a leader in the industry.

Shen Yue froze completely, she couldn't move anymore, but her mouth was still stubborn.

"I, of course I can!"

The last time Shen Yue had seen Shu Yao in the crowd, how did Shu Yao, who was so radiant, be surrounded by her.

Every step she takes is soul-stirring, as if stepping on everyone's heart, Shen Yue has to admit that she is excellent.

Shu Yao is worthy of her name of White Moonlight.

"Okay, you can go back and be your model, and I can let you go every way..."

"Every road is difficult."

What Shu Yao said didn't bite too hard, it was the lukewarm words that gave off a different aura.

Shocking everyone present, no one dared to speak out, and the venue was very quiet.

Only Shu Yao and Shen Yue are facing each other far away.

"You can provoke me, but it's your fault if you touch me."

Shen Yue didn't expect Shu Yao to be so angry, as if to force her to death!

Just touched Qin Jiuxiao——

They did nothing!

"You will regret it, Shu Yao, you will definitely regret it." Shen Yue fought back with the last courage.

With so many people watching, Shen Yue didn't want to show weakness.

At some point, Shu Yao had come to Shen Yue, she raised her hand and patted Shen Yue's face.

Her phoenix eyes were stained with hidden anger, like the darkness before a storm.

"Shen Yue, I'm not even afraid of Tang Meng, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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