Chapter 275 Hurry up and coax him
Shen Yue's red lips trembled slightly, and she couldn't say another word.

She just stared blankly at Shu Yao in front of her, some hot liquid slipped from the corner of her eyes, Shen Yue felt scared.

It was the deep cold that came from the bottom of my heart, Shen Yue's feet were so weak that she would have almost fallen if she hadn't held on to the door.

Shu Yao didn't mean to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, she calmly said two words, "Apologize."


Shen Yue looked at so many indifferent eyes around her in panic, and those eyes were all contemptuous.

With no one on her side, she became the target of public criticism.

"Yes, sorry."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I did something wrong, I'm sorry!"

In fact, Shen Yue also knew who she had offended. When Shu Yao apologized, she didn't know who she was addressing.

Simply Shen Yue bent down deeply, and bowed to the people around her one by one, fearful and timid.

She apologized to everyone, "I'm sorry, I did something wrong, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"Shen—" Shu Murou couldn't bear to see that Shu Yao had succeeded in intimidating her, and wanted to step forward.

She stepped forward but was fixed by Shu Yao's cold gaze, Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were slightly cold and indifferent.

Her eyes seemed to be saying to Shu Murou, you will be next.

Fu Jingzhen held Shu Murou back, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't go, you will cause trouble to your upper body."

"Brother Jing Zhen, sister is going too far." Shu Murou looked at Shen Yue frequently, feeling very unbearable.

Fu Jingzhen didn't speak, in fact he didn't like Shen Yue's one very much either.

Meng Lang is dissolute and doesn't know how to behave.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that no one here likes Shen Yue, and even wants to applaud Shu Yao!
Shen Yue has been domineering in the crew for a long time, and she used to rely on the lawlessness of the Tang family's prince who had already invested in the list.

Now that the Tang Corporation has withdrawn its capital, the Global Newspaper is deeply under the pressure of public opinion. The Tang Corporation cannot protect itself, and its daughter is imprisoned.

Even Tang Meng and Shu Yao dared to confront each other openly and uproot them.

Not to mention a mere Shen Yue?

"I, can I go?" Shen Yue suppressed the panic in her heart and forced herself to look up at Shu Yao.

I don't know what day it started.

She has a deep sense of fear towards Shu Yao, which is engraved in her bones.

Shu Yao nodded slightly, pulled the corners of her lips and said, "Yes."

After receiving these words, Shen Yue seemed to be pardoned, pushed away the crowd, and hurriedly left without even taking her satchel.

Looking at Shen Yue's fleeing figure, I don't know who applauded first.

Immediately afterwards, from small to large, applause rang out, all applauding Shen Yue's tragic situation.

"That's how it should be." Sister Mo didn't speak out to control the scene, but walked to Shu Yao's side and patted her.

That's right.

As Cheng Lao's adoptive daughter, how could she be so meek and weak to be bullied for no reason.

The chill in Shu Yao's eyes gradually faded, and she whispered, "Thank you, Sister Mo."

"What's the matter, you are indeed selected by me from ten thousand people, if you are not my treasure, who is my treasure?"

Seeing that Shu Yao was so polite, Sister Mo couldn't help but joked a few words with her.

Immediately, Shu Yao quickly walked back to the side of the tall man, she grabbed the man's hand and looked carefully.

That's Qin Jiuye, how could Shu Yao be so precious to such a trivial matter.

Seeing this appearance, Sister Mo couldn't help shaking her head.

"Hey, this girl."

"Okay, I've seen enough excitement, everyone is gone, let's go."

Seeing Shu Yao's nervous look, Sister Mo wisely started to get everyone out, and quickly left space for him.

The others gradually dispersed obediently, and even looked at Qin Jiuxiao frequently before leaving.

The whole atmosphere was like newlyweds being teased, and the most important thing was that the two of them didn't mind being teased.

"Let's go." Shu Murou pushed Fu Jingzhen who was still dazed beside him.

Fu Jingzhen's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his hand to hold Shu Murou's shoulder, exerting a little force.

"Go." He seemed to be saying to himself, but also to Shu Murou.

Even if he was leaving, Fu Jingzhen couldn't help but use the corner of his eye to spy on the beautiful figure behind him when he came to the door.

Just now Shu Yao was cold and dignified, her arrogant and indifferent appearance was deeply engraved in Fu Jingzhen's mind.

It's really easy to arouse men's desire to conquer, making people...

"Yaoyao, why is he still looking at you?"

Suddenly, Qin Jiuxiao spoke innocently and bluntly, pointing the finger at Fu Jingzhen who was still by the door.

His words were direct and simple, just to pierce Fu Jingzhen's fig leaf for peeping.

Everyone was about to leave, but after being told that, all eyes were on Fu Jingzhen.

Shu Murou spoke quickly, grasped the hand of the man beside him, and said as if asking for credit, "Brother Jing Zhen doesn't have it."

"The eyes don't grow on you, you know it very well?" Shu Yao sneered, looking at Fu Jingzhen behind her.

The moment Shu Yao saw it, Fu Jingzhen was guilty and dodged.

But when he meets Shu Yao, Fu Jingzhen can look at Shu Yao clearly.

"Brother Jing Zhen?" Shu Murou frowned.

There was no expression on Fu Jingzhen's handsome face, he just responded lightly.

"It's just that everyone has a love of beauty." He admitted it openly and frankly.

After all, Fu Jingzhen looked at Qin Jiuxiao almost provocatively, and he had nothing to dare to admit.

Shu Yao used to be his property too, no man would suffer such provocation in vain.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were slightly cold, and she sneered, "Young Master Fu, respect yourself."

Seeing the two going back and forth, Shu Murou's body trembled slightly, and she looked up at the person in front of her in disbelief, hurt and sad.

Didn't he admit in disguise that he was looking at Shu Yao?

Shu Murou held back, but still didn't hold back.

Her eyes were instantly covered with a thin layer of water mist, she looked extremely pitiful, her shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Brother Jing Zhen is really going too far!" Shu Murou said hoarsely, pushing away the people around him.

Only then did Fu Jingzhen react to the emotions of the people around him, and it was too late when he wanted to speak again.

Shu Murou brushed away the hand on her shoulder, knocked away the crowd around her, raised her hand to cover her eyes, and rushed straight out.

Fu Jingzhen hesitated for a moment, he turned his head and glanced at Shu Yao hesitantly.

It was like this scene many times in the past.

Fu Jingzhen chased after Shu Murou without hesitation, leaving Shu Yao behind.

But this time, Shu Yao didn't look at him again, her gaze was on another person.

The two of them left, leaving only the crowd of onlookers talking.

"Wow, so powerful."

"Isn't Young Master Fu Shu Murou's fiancé? What are you talking about?"

"It's kind of weird, tsk tsk."

While others were discussing, Shu Yao noticed that Qin Jiuxiao's mood was wrong.

She turned her face slightly to look at the man, there was no trace of coldness in her eyes, but only concern and tenderness.

"Brother Jiu, you?" Shu Yao felt that Qin Jiuxiao was clearly provocative just now.

There was light in Qin Jiuxiao's gilt eyes, but he just tilted his head and smiled lightly, still looking innocent.

He parted his thin lips lightly, and his tone was aggrieved.

"how do I?"

"He's obviously looking at you, and I'm not wrong."

The man stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, he touched his hand which was scratched by Shen Yue's nails, and he lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Does Shu Yao still want to kill him?
He looked pitiful and aggrieved, not to mention Shu Yao, even Sister Mo who was watching from the side couldn't help but help.

"Shu Yao, let's deal with Master Jiu first, ah."

"Go, what are you doing, hurry up!"

Sister Mo motioned her to hurry up and coax her, and see how wronged she was.

(End of this chapter)

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