After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 276 You Are Softhearted, I Don’t

Chapter 276 You Are Softhearted, I Don’t
Shu Yao was shoved and took two steps forward, almost hitting the man directly, and the people beside her were making noise.

"Sister Yao, I'm sorry, this is it!"

"It was so sassy just now, why is Master Jiu, Sister Yao, so shy?"

"Woohoo! Let's go!"

Those people were noisy, you pushed each other out of the lounge, and they still didn't forget the jokes you came and went before they left.

Shu Yao was inexplicably embarrassed when she heard it, she blushed slowly when she was teased for nothing.

"You're really amazing." Seeing that everyone was almost gone, Shu Yao's phoenix eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment.

He clearly did it on purpose!

Even the grievances are intentional——

This guy is used to using his own advantages to win people's hearts. The man is only mentally degraded, he is not stupid at all.

However, he knew it was an act, a trap.

Shu Yao is still willing to die.

After the spectators gradually dispersed, the number of people in the lounge gradually decreased.

Shu Yao was holding the man's hand and applying the medicine with a cotton swab. She was silent from the beginning to the end without saying a word.

"Yaoyao, are you angry?" Qin Jiuxiao retracted his hands, seeming to feel some pain.

The fingernails scratched a little bit of flesh, Qin Jiuxiao, the young master, was supposed to be delicate and pampered.

Qin Jiuxiao originally wanted to shrink back, but was pulled tightly by Shu Yao. He had no choice but to look at Shu Yao eagerly.

He called softly, "Yaoyao."

Shu Yao put down the cotton swab in her hand, and put a band-aid on him carefully.

"Now you know you are afraid of pain?"

Qin Jiuxiao blinked ignorantly, he pursed his lips, and muttered stubbornly, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know why you didn't push her away in the first place." Shu Yao became serious, pursing her lips.

Judging from Qin Jiuxiao's calm appearance, he was completely lying to Shen Yue before.

She took out the disinfectant towel in her bag and wiped it repeatedly on Qin Jiuxiao's arm, wishing to rub off a layer of skin.

In the past, Qin Jiuye was unfathomable, and she couldn't understand it.

Now Qin Jiuxiao is as innocent as a child, and she can't understand his inner thoughts.

Qin Jiuxiao whispered, eyes deep, "If you don't give her a chance, how can she be ruined."

"You—" Shu Yao was surprised.

Although he knew that Qin Jiuxiao would definitely not let others bully him, he did not expect Qin Jiuxiao to have such a plan now.

But think about what is impossible.

Yecheng Qin Jiuye, Shu Yao also heard about Qin Jiuxiao's deeds at that time.

At a young age, he took over the Qin family from the old Qin, and pulled the Qin family back with his own strength, changing the sky in Yecheng.

"She bullies you and thinks I'm such a fool."

"Did I do something wrong with her?"

What Qin Jiuxiao said was so rigid that Shu Yao couldn't find a reason to refute him.

The man's words were sincere and frank, and he clearly dissected his thoughts to Shu Yao, and he did not hide anything.

"You are soft-hearted, I don't." Qin Jiuxiao withdrew his hand angrily, not letting Shu Yao do it.

If you don't stimulate Shu Yao like this, how could Shu Yao really be cruel to Shen Yue?

Now being lectured like this, he felt that Shu Yao was blaming him.

Shu Yao was both angry and funny, grabbed his hand and said in a warm voice, "Brother Jiu, do you think I'll just let this go?"


This is really a high opinion of Shu Yao, Shu Yao is not as tolerant as Qin Jiuxiao imagined.

Qin Jiuxiao curled his lips, but his tone relaxed after hearing that, "Don't you? You let her go."

"I won't let her go, just wait and see, okay?"

After touching Qin Jiuxiao, Shen Yue really stomped on Shu Yao's bottom line.

"Ninth brother."

As soon as he was called out like that, the man softened his heart, and the displeasure on his lips obviously relaxed a lot.

"Are you really not drugged?" Shu Yao asked, remembering that there was something wrong with the cup.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled slightly, and pulled off the handkerchief thrown aside, like a big kid who got full marks to show off.

"I vomited it all up, what's the matter?"

Shu Yao was surprised that Qin Jiuxiao still had such a scheming trick, so she was relieved, and it would not be a problem if she wanted to come to this banquet.

No one can bully him, no one deserves to bully him.

"Why do they always like to target me? I don't even know them." Speaking of which, Qin Jiuxiao was a little dissatisfied.

Those people are so strange, he doesn't know these people.

Whether Shen Yue, Qin Wenyu, or Fu Jingzhen——

Who do they think they are, why do these people have to target him, and they all think that he is really a fool.

Shu Yao pondered for a moment and began to ask questions. She just wanted to know Qin Jiuxiao's emotions, "Are you afraid?"

Qin Jiuxiao tilted his head, as if he was thinking about this question seriously.


Thinking of something, he laughed softly, as if hearing some big joke.

"They should be afraid of me."



There was a voice calling behind her, but Shu Murou had no intention of stopping.

She just rushed forward recklessly, but a hand grabbed her arm, and she couldn't shake it off.

Shu Murou bit her lower lip and was about to bleed, "What are you doing, don't you like your sister?"

"I didn't mean that."

Fu Jingzhen froze, but still held Shu Murou like pliers.

Shu Murou didn't shake off again, she knew that there was a limit, and looked straight at Fu Jingzhen.

Her voice was hoarse and trembling.

"No, everything has changed since here, since my sister announced that she is going to separate from you—"

That's right, everything has changed since Shu Yao failed to commit suicide and held a press conference.

Shu Murou originally thought that all the development trajectories had been envisioned, but Shu Yao completely reversed them!
"Your heart is always on your sister. If you really like your sister so much, why do you still want to be with me?"

Fu Jingzhen looked at the girl who was in tears, and felt inexplicable emotions in her heart.

However, he raised his hand and pulled him into his arms again, but instead of the previous enthusiasm, there was only silence.

"No, don't!" Shu Murou refused, not wanting him to hug her.

Fu Jingzhen pressed the whole body tightly, and a trace of impatience flashed across his handsome face, "Mu Rou, listen to my explanation."

Shu Murou has always been well-behaved and sensible, and there have been troubles in the catwalk competition more than once.

This time it was so noisy again, Fu Jingzhen got a little bored after repeating it several times.

Didn't Shu Murou see that it was Qin Jiuxiao who provoked him first?
Why is she so ignorant.

"If you like sister, so can I, I can quit!"

After saying these words, Shu Murou seemed to lose all her strength, and she fell limply in the man's arms.

She was sobbing, weak and pitiful, clinging softly to Fu Jingzhen's arms, crying out of breath.

Seeing this, Fu Jingzhen softened his tone a little and explained.

"Mu Rou, it was Qin Jiuxiao who provoked first."

"But, but you said that my sister is beautiful, so I am not as good as her, isn't it?"

She couldn't bear to speak anymore, her voice was completely hoarse.

Fu Jingzhen tightened his grip on the person in his arms, and comforted him in a low voice, "No, Mu Rou, you misunderstood me."

"Isn't it? I..." She didn't dare to speak, her small hands tightly grabbed the man's clothes, feeling very insecure.

Fu Jingzhen's eyes changed slightly, he raised his hand and kissed the girl's black hair.

"I just want to express, Qin Jiuxiao has nothing to be proud of, the people around him are just..."

"It's just something I played with. It's just picking up broken shoes." The man's self-esteem doesn't allow him to say anything else.

But when he thought of Shu Yao's cold and out-of-this-world appearance, the scenes in front of him were all the characters played by Shu Yao.

Cool, charming, pure and sweet, lively——

Shu Yao's appearance seemed to be more and more deeply embedded in the man's mind. I don't know when she became so attractive.

Fu Jingzhen regretted it more than once. Why didn't he really touch Shu Yao at that time, and Qin Jiuxiao picked it up for nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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