Chapter 285 Want Brother Nine!
"No, no need." Shu Yao recovered from her complicated thoughts, she shook her head.

The old woman approached, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at the little girl carefully.

She also took out a clean handkerchief from her hand, and wiped the sweat from the little girl's forehead carefully and carefully.

Shu Yao pursed her lips, thinking that she should explain her appearance.

She quickly explained, "Zhaoran woke up just now, but I didn't see you and couldn't find the parents."

"Ah, that's right. I-I'm in trouble. You have to make another trip." The old lady suddenly realized.

Before leaving, she just wanted to go and come back. She never thought that many shops are closed in the early morning, and her legs and feet are not good.

People don't make any electronic products when they are old, so it's not a worry that the nurses can't find them.

"She cried when she didn't see you just now." Shu Yao said again when she saw how precious this child was to the old man.

Not only the old lady liked the child very much, but the child also liked the old man very much.

No matter what kind of love, it goes both ways.

"This child was picked up by me, and she was thrown away because she was sick since she was a child."

"It's only that big when I picked it up."

The old grandma looked at the sleeping Li Zhaoran with a loving look on her brows, and she touched it with a hand as dry as old tree bark.

The old man's eyes were full of pity for the child, and she sighed while touching it.

"I can't give her anything better, my old lady has made her suffer." The old lady frowned and sighed.

Shu Yao looked at the child, smiled slightly and said, "But you gave her a home, this is the best."

Hearing this, the old man looked at Shu Yao with light in his eyes, and her dry lips moved.

In the end, he didn't say anything, but shrank back.

"We've met so many times, can I call you Grandma Li?" Shu Yao tentatively asked.

After so many times, she still doesn't know how to address him.

Li Zhaoran's surname is Li, and he is an orphan who was picked up again. Presumably, a large part of it is from the old grandmother's surname.

Grandma Li nodded kindly, "Of course."

Compared with Grandma Li's extremely repulsive attitude at that time, the relationship with Shu Yao has eased a lot after several visits.

They accompanied her for a while, but Grandma Li was extremely tired and had no place to sleep, so it was very difficult to sit on a chair and lean on the table.

When people are old, it must be uncomfortable to sleep like this.

"Grandma, you can sleep with Zhaoran." Shu Yao stood up from the side, persuading her.

Li Zhaoran is still young, and the position on the bed is quite wide.

Grandma Li shook her head and waved her hands again and again, "The old woman is dirty, so don't let the hospital get dirty."

For a moment, Shu Yao didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, there was a screeching sound of chairs rubbing against the floor.


Grandma Li stood up awkwardly, before Shu Yao could ask anything, Grandma Li stood up in a panic.

"Miss Shu, please take care of me. I'll be back when I go." Grandma Li stood up holding the table.

Her legs and feet were obviously not good, and she was struggling to walk, but she still left in a hurry.

Following the direction where Grandma Li left, Shu Yao looked over, and vaguely saw a shadow hovering by the door.

A few big men with big five and three thick, with big flower tattoos on their arms, have a strong social atmosphere, which is incompatible with the hospital.

She stood up unconsciously, wanting to follow out.

"elder sister……"

Li Zhaoran's extremely faint shout came from behind, and Shu Yao had to stand still.

She returned to the edge of the hospital bed, knelt down and raised her hand to touch Li Zhaoran's forehead, "It's not hot anymore."

"Sister, is grandma back yet?" Li Zhaoran asked pitifully, resisting the urge to cry.

Afraid to hear the news that grandma hadn't come back, Li Zhaoran's breathing became heavier and heavier, and he was about to cry again.

"I've been back." Shu Yao raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Li Zhaoran's sobbing gradually became louder, and she asked weakly, "Did sister lie to me?"

Li Zhaoran is an orphan who was picked up from the garbage dump.

This kind of misery made Li Zhaoran very insecure, fearing that he would be abandoned again because of frequent illnesses.

She looked distressed, as if the softest self in her previous life had been forced out again.

The reason Shu Yao could understand was that Li Zhaoran reminded her of that broken memory.


A few years ago, on a rainy night.

"Ninth brother, woo woo woo..."

She fell into the puddle, her beautiful pink princess dress was splashed and dirty, and she was not beautiful anymore.

"Miss, Eldest Miss, I told you not to chase her." The housekeeper and grandpa chased after her, wanting to hug her.

After squatting down, the butler grandpa realized that Shu Yao's knee was broken, and a large piece of skin was rubbed off, exposing the flesh.

The bright red blood mixed with rainwater looked scary.

The housekeeper's grandfather was also stunned, "Oh!"

The young lady of their family looks the most like his wife, she is the most beloved child of the young master, and has not suffered any injuries since she was a child.

The grandpa housekeeper who fell so badly was heartbroken.

"Guan, the butler, grandpa." Xiaotuanzi choked up from crying, and couldn't finish what he was sobbing.

Her little hand was on the housekeeper's grandfather's neck, and she couldn't help but look at that dark place frequently.

Seeing the red lights of the headlights completely disappearing from his sight, Xiao Tuanzi finally couldn't help crying.

"I don't want it, I don't want it! I don't want it! I want brother Jiu!"

For some reason, Xiaotuanzi always felt that if she left like this, she would never see her beautiful brother again.

The inexplicable feeling of losing her heart invaded Xiaotuanzi in an instant, and she was out of breath from crying and hiccupped.

"Miss, you are obedient, look at you now, you will be scolded when you go home!" The housekeeper's grandfather felt distressed and angry.

I just lost a playmate, so why cry so sadly?

Seeing the chubby and white Xiaotuanzi on weekdays, the housekeeper's grandfather forcefully carried him away.

"Wow—! No, I don't want to go home, I want Brother Jiu—!"

Xiaotuanzi was making a fuss, and the grandpa housekeeper didn't know what to say. How could she understand at such a young age.

But the grandpa housekeeper couldn't help but said, "Don't cry, he won't come back."

"No, not coming back?"

"Like mom, never come back?"

Hearing Xiaotuanzi's innocent words, the butler grandpa didn't know how to answer them.

In return for his silence, Xiaotuanzi gradually lowered his cries, as if he had compromised, as if he was so sad that he was numb.


Thinking back to the present, suddenly, a small hand touched Shu Yao's face.

"Sister, don't cry." Li Zhaoran comforted Shu Yao with her immature voice, she smiled, "I believe in my sister."

Ignorant and innocent, isn't this just a child.

Shu Yao regained her composure and wiped her tears indiscriminately, "I didn't lie to you."

She took the small steamed bun that was still warm on the side of the hospital bed, inserted one with a toothpick and handed it to Li Zhaoran.

Li Zhaoran took a small bite, and his eyes lit up, "It's my favorite restaurant, it was bought by grandma."

"That's right, I didn't lie to you." She raised her hand and rubbed the little girl's head.

Li Zhaoran responded happily, making sure that he was not abandoned again, and ate the steamed bun happily.

After almost finishing the meal, Li Zhaoran still did not see grandma.

It's been so long, why hasn't grandma come back?
(End of this chapter)

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